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My MCSG pro tips that I want to give out to the comunity

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Feb 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hey everybody, today I am going to give the community some pro tips on how to win MCSG and get up high on the leaderboards. I decided to make this thread as I have been seeing a lot of noobish newbies around, not even bothering to run away when they see my diamond sword. Their just like "Team?" And then I say "why should i?" And before he walks off he says, "So i can win the hunger games" 1) I don't like it when people are like lets win the hunger games! Its survival games! MCSG stands for something you know. Not just fancy letters. 2) You NEVER EVER EVER NEVER have to team to win. Teaming with randoms in the middle of games can cause back-stabbing. Back-stabbing is not happened as much if you form a team/truce in the lobby of a game, not in the middle of the game. And remember: YOU DON'T NEED TO TEAM TO WIN.

Now, hopefully you have all heard about tier 1 and tier 2 chests. If you don't, tier 1 chests are chests that are easily found and contain basic items to gear you up like leather armour, food, and axes and swords. (wood or stone)

Tier 2 chests are chests that are more hidden than tier 1 and contain even better loot like iron, gold and chain armour, VERY rarely a stone sword and food that heals more hunger bars and gives more saturation. Also, you can find diamond, iron and gold to make swords out of but keep this in mind: Sticks can only be found in tier 1 chests. (The corn chests are tier 2 btw)

Moving on...

Chest Routes

Nowadays, I see a lot of people walking around with nothing. This either means that they don't have a chest route or somebody else has beat them to it. So I recommend getting a side chest route to take that isn't as popular to take if something really wrong happens.

If you can't find any chest routes, I would try searching some MCSG videos on youtube OR visiting the media that our forum members post.

Moving on...

PVP skills:

In MCSG, its not all about getting full iron and a diamond sword from your route. You can't win a game without NOT killing people for their items. You need to kill people to survive. So, some basic pvp tips are:
1) - Swaying around the enemy. This is the best tactic there is as the other player needs to turn their head around to see you and in that time, you could get a good couple of hits.

2) - Sneak attacks. If you want to kill a guy with better stuff than you, you want to get quite a lot of hits on them before they hit you. Sometimes secondary weapons can be useful for doing this. e.g: You might want to use a bow and make them look around for a bit and then charge at them with the sword. You also might want to use flint and steel to set them on fire, shoot them with a bow and then go at them with the sword.

Moving on...


When you fight a team, you have to be ready for it. The swaying tactic very rarely works as there are now two people (or more) swinging around you. So what I normally do, if set one of them on fire so that they run back somewhere safe to heal, and then charge with my sword at the other team member and hopefully kill him. Before the other guy comes back, I want to make sure I am fully healed and eat a golden apple if possible, as well as putting on any extra/better armour. Then, its just as simple as a 1v1 fight.

When you team, I don't recommend following the other team mate. This is a bad idea as the one guy could be getting all the chest loots from his route and then say goodbye to the other guy in a matter of seconds later because of somebody else coming for the kill. So what you want to say to the other team mate is, "Well I am going to take my route, you go somewhere else and then meet me in the corn before refill." That's good team-work.

1) With two people going two different ways, more items will be collected.

2) Not much sharing has to go on which I hate doing.

Moving on...

Crafting tables.

Don't think crafting tables are useless. You can make iron or even diamond swords with them. Even armour if you have enough ingots. Just going to say this right now, GOLD SWORDS DO THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE AS WOOD. But wood lasts for longer. Gold > Wood > Stone > Iron > Diamond > a weapon that doesn't exist. :p.
When you find feathers and flint in a chest, NEVER EVER EVER NEVER throw them away. If you are a experienced minecrafter, you would know by now that arrows are craft-able with those items.

Moving on...

Secondary weapons:

Weapons like bows, fishing rods and F&S. Store them by the side of your sword in the hotbar.
Sword Bow F&S Fish rod G apple (food) (food) (food) arrows

And thats how I set up my hotbar.

Moving on...

So guys, thank you for reading this. I hope this helped you and if not, you are already good at MCSG :D. I think I might have missed a few things out as there are a lot of things to know when playing but that will be some editing time soon. Let me know of what you think! - Johnny



Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Dont write CAPS write líke that (there is a fad B you have to click on to write like that :) )


Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
There is already a pro tips thread, post tips in there... if no then ok....


Feb 24, 2013
Reaction score
Your not listening. I just said you can have as many pro tips threads as you want. Yours isn't the only one that exists bro. Respect me please


Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Your not listening. I just said you can have as many pro tips threads as you want. Yours isn't the only one that exists bro. Respect me please
Sorry mr. President, i will try to respect you, and your thread, I DGAF about.... so just do what you want, you could just make comment on my thread with all these tips...


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
^ I Lol at this..
There is a whole strategies section on the forums for everyone to share theirs. He spent time writing his and you say you don't give a **** about it?

Learn some manners and if you don't have anything nice to say- don't say it..

Thanks for these tips :) I found the teaming part helpful (I'm hopeless with teams)

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