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My MCG Story <3 part 1


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
k so. I've almost been here for a year. almost. but like.. I've wanted to do this for a while so #why_not.
now listen in dardy goonyins because this gets eventful. Like I haven't been here for this long but you know, it's been a eventful. cwolity ova cwontity l0l. I don't really remember how everything went. like idk but I tried.
So it all started around may. l0l it is may MAYbe I have been around for about a year.
o well yolo.
But I was with my two best friends at the time, Maddie (Lets_Dye ) and Evan (ImEvan_ ) l0l. They were my best friends but that changed lol. like all my friends but it happens. We decided that one day Minecraft was getting really boring just playing this really crap server called city prison which was more corrupt than my windows vista files which probably had more virus' than every videos of a adult nature site possible. (l3l inappropriate r3p0rt m3 idc l0l). But anyway, Evan was like "Hey, we should play hunger games l0l" so we did. Them being based in US and CA we played in US. This was when there wasn't a hub / we didn't know the hub existed so we struggled to get a game that wasn't always full and we all got in without getting kicked. But we did eventually. We were all pretty bad at PvP. Like Evan was alright but me and Maddie should've just like stopped there lol we were terrible. Maddie and Evan are both good now but I still suck more balls (than miley cyrus) at it. everytime we died we always blamed it on hackers. but anyway, because of time zones when I was on at about 3 pm they were sleeping so I thought I'd explore the servers more. Then I found out there was AU servers so I'm like l0l k. I joined one in lobby and I saw 'Join the hub at this ip lol' so I did. And then I was running around and talking to myself in chat because being like I am now I legit had no friends. I was basically that outcast kid that everyone hates and I sit in the toilets and eat my lunch there because no one lets me sit with them because they all hate me for no reason even though that never actually happens to anyone.

I joined a game and it had darkrai202 (idk if that's the right darkrai because everyone made darkrai accounts, like why? what was the purpose do you just want to be darkrai like be inside of him. ?) but like he kinda knew who I was and he was getting teamed on and I didn't want to disapoint darkrai so I kinda came out of no where with low health and he gave me a gold apple and he's like "have this" and I didn't want to disappoint lord darkrai so I tried to eat and go tkilled eating and then darkrai got killed and raged idk if it was at me but he was really scary and I was scared and I disappointed lord darkrai and I was like oh shet no wot hav i dun. I was suh scared. i was scured of him;-; I was scured of you;-; but that happened.;-;;;;;;;;;;; but then I found out who darkrai was and I was like ohmylord. he temd with me. idk why because I'm basically the let down of the team. Like a 2v2 with me is basically a 3v1 because I always hit the wrong people.

But then Weary being the seedy child he is and was looking around and saw me with a girl skin and rocking the cool AF name. He's like 'hey nyancaatt' I'm like omg someone actually talked to me, that's a guy. Let's hope they're over 9 lol. So I started talking to weary and I can't remember how it happened but I'm like you should like add me on skype. like you're adding my number but on skype. l0l. So he added me on skype and we were in a skype call and he was surprisingly not a seedy 7 year old boy which I usually find. He was a cool guy that I met on Minecraft and that wasn't seedy and didn't say they were 19 even they had a voice of a 10 year old and was 10. But that's besides the point, he's like 15 I think lol.

/new paragraph it's easier to read lol/
but we started talking on skype and then one day he asked to talk to me but he's like.. you should meet my friends. Which was apex. basically my only friends at the time. So he gave me the TS ip and I joined and I got moved somewhere and was like 'hey'. Apex actually started becoming really close friends of mine and I'm grateful that I met them becaus ethey were really nice. Even though we don't talk anymore yolo we did and it happened. I started to get to know them more and more. I started to get comfortable with them and it eventually got to the point where I started raging with them. Like I raged all the time. It's so pathetic because I still do and it's really sad. Like the saddest thing about me that I rage so much about minecaft because some doodle like kills me for no reason. Like seriously why do you have to chase me off corn it's not funny it's just annoying. But I started raging but then I stopped for like 1 hour and I started again. I tried to make it interesting. But yolo.

After talking to Apex for a while, I was just on the AU hub not in a ts or skype call for once and I met marinanycole . She was just adding people on skype and making like a 30 person group and calling it. She didn't stop until like at least 13 people answered -.- ... Then she told everyone to shutup so she could play the booty song. I was like lol k and I left the call and group. Then realising that I basically ditched people and they could've been my friend but they're not NOW BECAUSE I DITCHED THEM. But then I got over it. About a month later Marina saw me in the AU hub again and she's like "NYAN HEY REMEMBER ME I PLAYED THE BOOTY SONG FOR YOU" I was like hey yeah I do remember. because I did. And she invited me to a skype call and we started talking. It was so great. In the call was JemanaJade .. Eventually me and Marina started talking on the teamspeak all the time and then Marina got her own teamspeak. We would spend all our time talking and it was so adorable because we were like a couple except we weren't. But then one day Angelsquad who was like best friends with all the staff and sr staff and would always talk to them and got friend and everything and she joined our channel. this was before she got friend. She's like "HEY" and I'm like "hey". I thought she might be like one of those loud obnoxious people that talk to their friend that's in their house all the time but she's not and she's actually one of my good friends now but we don't ever talk which is so sad because i would like to talk with her because she's really cool. We started talking and it was so great and I forgot all about apex and that they like even existed. sorry. but yeah. We stopped talking after like 2 days (me and angel;-;) but ily.

Then after that Marina got her own TS and we would talk. all day. erre. day. on there. It was so great and fun we would play minecraft all day and talk about really weird stuff and stuff. It was so beautiful and majestic. I trust and trusted Marina so much<3 Then one day she was talking to this guy Angryjukebox and his name is Alex and we don't talk that much anymore which is kinda my fault but yolo I have school so I can't talk to anyone but idk Alex stands out most in that section like idek why lol? But he was like my first friend that was a mod. I was like *heavy breathing initiated* "wanna go out and give me free stuff" I didn't actually say that but like I felt so honored to meet a mod omfg. But he retired </3 but she introduced me to him and we started talking like all the time. <3 But then we stopped;-; and it wa sjust me and Marina. Again. But theeeeeeeeeen. Marina introduced me to gears who I was no not fond of at first. But then after we started talking more and more.. We became really good friends.. Like whenever he joins my channel he don't give a foop hoo talkin' he'll just yell "PIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" And then I'll be like "GEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRSSSSSS" and it was so great. then he'd just be all casual like "hey" and I'll be like "...hey". But we were and are best friends and ily gears sm. (Mr_Gears ) sorry I forgot to tag l0l. But we used to talk but not a lot at that time and then he started dating marina and then we started becoming good friends and they broke up and I'm like o. k. And then they were both my friends and I love them both ily. But about a month after that that's when me and Gears started talking, we became best friends and that's when the yelling started. Like we'd actually just randomly start yelling at eachother in the channel for no reason.

After a while I stopped talking to Marina and went back to apec. I started talking to weary heaps again and we started becoming really good friends. There I met croe97 , diamondchloe , Twilight , Gwenplays , Da_Goose22 and like everyone in apex I'm not gonna name them all omg. But Weary was probably my best friend at the time for about 3 or 5 or i dunno I can't count months. but yuh. I was in the apex ts all the time.

While I was friends with apex like ultimate BESTIES I applied for mod and OH HOT DAYUM I GOT IT WHAT OF IT. then I quit and I couldn't get it back.. but I'm probably not applyinf again so I thought I might just admit this now I wasn't in the help the servers I was in to look at all the inappropriate names because they were really funny and I laughed at them a lot. They actually made my day. It was actually the first thing I did when I got mod .-. .... But then as I became mod I started seeing that it was so fun being a mod because I didn't always have to contact a mod for help. But sometimes I'd forget that and then make a report abuse and have to close my own report abuse because I forgot that I was a mod. But I was actually not a terrible mod, kinda, like when things got intense I would always yell in the apex chat because I didn't know what to do and I'd be like omg help pls I don't know what to do and then all the people that weren't mod ahd to tell me. Which was sad because I was mean't to be good at that.

we had survival and that got killed by like so satanic chicken or something idk but that happened and that survival was so fun;-; I always got lost and someone had to be like sent out to come find me everytime and it was actually so sad just because I couldn't find my way back home. I died over 50 times within 3 hours which was also sad. The person who always had to come save me was DoubleEss. Always. And then he'd laugh at me and I'd cry.;-; But when playing survival I think that's when I met blakew447 . I dunno but we started to talk. like kinda not a lot but we just became besties and we still are besties and we have the most emotional conversations like actually. #so_deep like me inside you. But we are like best friends now and ily blake and I trust you with everything like even that thing that happened at the party that only like 3 people know about. but oh well.

part 2 coming soon h4h5
and like all the stuff I missed but I'll say happened afterwards or just explain l0l #uncontrollable



Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
....Cool story, bro.

This was actually a really interesting thing to read xD Such grammar, wow, much spelling.


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
....Cool story, bro.

This was actually a really interesting thing to read xD Such grammar, wow, much spelling.
lol i didn't even read over or go back to correct anything haha


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
There's still part 2 and maybe 3 to come you know.


Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score

I joined a game and it had darkrai202 (idk if that's the right darkrai because everyone made darkrai accounts, like why? what was the purpose do you just want to be darkrai like be inside of him. ?) but like he kinda knew who I was and he was getting teamed on and I didn't want to disapoint darkrai so I kinda came out of no where with low health and he gave me a gold apple and he's like "have this" and I didn't want to disappoint lord darkrai so I tried to eat and go tkilled eating and then darkrai got killed and raged idk if it was at me but he was really scary and I was scared and I disappointed lord darkrai and I was like oh shet no wot hav i dun. I was suh scared. i was scured of him;-; I was scured of you;-; but that happened.;-;;;;;;;;;;; but then I found out who darkrai was and I was like ohmylord. he temd with me. idk why because I'm basically the let down of the team. Like a 2v2 with me is basically a 3v1 because I always hit the wrong people.

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