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My Formal Resignation


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hello tributes.

This is sadly one of the last threads I will create because I have left the staff team. And you may be thinking a few things during this but hopefully I can explain why I am no longer a staff member.

To give a little back story...

Back in December 2014 I was so trapped with the idea of becoming a staff member I worked very hard for around two months and finally heard the rank assigned to me on teamspeak. Becoming a moderator has been one of the craziest things I have done, not only I have met my long lasting friends here, but I helped a community and myself.

After I was hired I learned so much from the staff team and progressed as a human being overall. And trust me to this day I don't regret becoming a staff member. Along side meeting people I also shared some crazy times within the staff team, I was also up late on nights just talking to my fellow moderation members just laughing so hard and I could not even talk.

The saddest part about being a staff member is not only you see others go but one day you will leave yourself and that is truly heart breaking. I have a horrible pit in my stomach about resigning but at this time it is the only option I have.

There is one main reason as to why I am no longer a staff member here on MCGamer.

I resigned.

The reason behind this is because I simply don't have the time. I have my senior year coming up in high school and moderation and school is just a little to much for me to handle. As finishing up my year in high school I will need to worry about uni and other social adventures within my life.

Starting last year my grades have dropped a little and that is all due to the fact that MCGamer has taken time away from me without me even knowing.

Keep in kind that I am leaving the team on good terms and possibly will apply in the years to come but that is simply unknown for me right now. Leaving the staff team also means leaving all my friends, and I will truly miss them.

@thecommunity - You guys have stuck with me when I made my mistakes and lifted me back up when I needed help, I thank you for that.

@thestaffteam - You guys have made my life 2x better. You have created me into the person I am today and I will miss all of you so much.

And I am going to write my last words to the love of my life.


Now you may not know this is a love story for me but it really is. Dylan the first day I met you I knew we would become amazing friends and grow as people together. We have shared so many laughs over the coarse I have been a staff member and never managed to get in a fight unless you count or little teamspeak mishaps haha.

Now as we move on as people I start to notice I want to be more than friends. Not only I love you no matter what but I care about you more than life. I value you as a beautiful human being and hope we can share more memories together each day.

And I sit here in cry a little that I am going to be leaving, I just want to let you know that you were my first real love, not someone I met for a week, you are someone more, someone I care about, someone I love to this day.

And even though this is a farewell to all of you don't worry! I will stick around. If you need anything you know where to find me.

Without further ado this is Jason signing off.
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Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
You were a great moderator and it was a shame I couldn't get to talk to you :c.

Anyway school comes first and I hope you do excellent in your senior year!


District 13
Apr 30, 2015
Reaction score
You were an amazing moderator, especially a host for the CFAC, We will truly miss you Jason <3 Thanks for all your work here :)


District 13
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
It really breaks my heart to see you leave the staff team, but it is for the greater good of your future. I hope to see you around. Good luck in school. :)


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I'm lost for words right now ;-;
You have been such a massive part in my Moderator experience. I cherish the memories we have share together and as you said 'I hope we can make more as the years go by' It's so sad to see you leave, But i will talk to everyday and when you come online i will be there to slay the hunger games with you!

Love you to the moon and back Jason <3


Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
You are an amazing person, somebody who I have known since the times before you were apart of our community here. You have made such a great difference here, and you will be sadly missed. Good luck in your future adventures, Jason.


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Jason we're all going to miss you so much here in the staff team, you were such an amazing member and I hope to still see you around <3

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