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My Final GoodByes.


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well Hello There.
I'm here annoucing my final goodbyes to the MCSG servers and community! I have thought of leaving for quite some time know, but I never had the courage to leave. I'm leaving because I think it is the healthy choice for me physcalily and mentally. I'm going to go out and what some people say "Get a life" but I already have one or you wouldn't see this thread by me. So I'm going to go improve my life. The real only time you will see me playing for known on I'll either be playing with my friends or recording for youtube :D. So I'll like to thank ChadTheDJ for being the best server owner in the world, and subv3rsion, mooman219, kpwn243, dv90, Forairan and last but not least wedtm for keeping these servers running! I'd also like to thank all the Sr. staff and Mods for keeping our community safe. But most of all I would like to thank breadman14 for showing me the amazing servers! I'll also be doing my MCSG story final, Cool facts and AMA all in one thread to commenmorate my great times at MCSG! I'll always have a special spot in my heart for this server and all the great people within it.
I hope I'm remebered in a good way. So please comment below how you will remember me. (Be 100% honest I do not care if you say terrible stuff about me it's your opinion.)
Once again thank you all.
And I'm signing out fir the very last time.
(Not counting the story ama and fun facts thread)
Peace, and may the odds ever be in your favor.

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