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My Current Status Here


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
So I know this should be a status, it even says status in the name, but this is just too much to say in one status update.

As some of you may have noticed, my activity dropped off the table last week. I have several reasons, but none of them are lack of motivation or not caring. I just don't have a lot of spare time on my hands. I still love this server and want the best for it. Resigning is the last thing I want to do, and hopefully I can manage to get through these busy times, still working some, and come back full force as soon as I can. Here is what's been taking up all my time recently:

1. School
School. It gets in the way of everything am I right? I have 5 classes, each of which assign homework at least once a week, and 2 of those assign homework daily, so that's at least an hour of homework at night. School gets out around 3:00, so plenty of time to moderate after 4:00 right? But then comes reason #2...

2. Cross Country
Cross country practice is a daily commitment, and is one of the most important things in my life. Practice lasts anywhere from 2 to 2 1/2 hours, and that's a lot of time. Adding on to this, our team is a very close group of friends and we love to hang out together, so we'll get together every few days and play cards, go out to eat, etc. On Thursdays or Saturdays, we have our meets, and they are usually full-day commitments, and the team usually ends up eating dinner together too. So this means I'll finish my homework anywhere from 7:30 to Midnight. So, again, lots of time taken up, and lots of priorities ahead of the MCGN.

3. Clubs and Activities
I live in a small town in Kansas, so naturally, anyone who's anyone is in a lot of clubs. I am in 7 clubs, an officer in 2 of them, and am also the announcer for football and basketball games. Normally these don't get in the way, but there are times when they have some things that I need to do for them. Each club is not asking much, and neither is announcing, but it all adds up after a while.

So when will I be back?
This question is surprisingly easy to answer, but it depends on what 'back' means. If 'back' means full time hardcore moderating and helping you guys out, it's gonna have to be at the end of the school year. If 'back' means checking in every day, it will be fairly soon, likely early November. If 'back' means being here, moderating, and helping, but not every day, I am already here! I'll still be getting in a reasonable amount of moderating actions in, and I'll still have lots of time most weekends. I'll still be helping out with the Gamemode Spotlight and some other events, and

TL;DR: I'm still here, just a little less, and I still care <3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm in the same boat as you considering I have school, then marching band activities every day of the week. I probably won't be able to attend a meeting until the second week of november :p

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