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My attempt to get Moderator


Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hello this isn't a thread to complain about why I was denied.
I joined the MCGamer community about 2 and a half years ago. Back then I was a total noob at everything on the server, but I still enjoyed playing. Now fast forward to today, I am decent at most things and I try to win (For my youtube, but not trying so hard as to be called a try-hard). Now that I know some things about Minecraft (I just learned what hacks were about a month ago). It is annoying to be killed by a hacker while recording or playing with friends, etc. So I applied for mod to try and stop the hackers of course. My first application was crap I as didn't know about the high standards. So I just kinda played and forgot about it for a few months, and now back to the present I reapplied with what I felt was a pretty good application. That got denied and I worked on the questions that they told me to over the next few days. After I worked on them I reapplied and was still told to work on the same few questions. I reapplied a few more times the most recent being 4 days ago and they finally told me something other than fix these questions. They told me that I wouldn't meet the high standards of a moderator and that I needed to be more active in the community (Which I understand because of the things I've said in the past). However am I scared because I heard if you apply more then 3 times and get denied all 3 times you can't reapply any more. So here I am now reporting hackers on the forums, being nicer in game and even getting a team speak to be active in the community (I'm really shy but I really want to get mod). All of this may be for naught if you cant reapply after 3 times ;-; ( I really hope thats not true). Finally I just wanted some suggestions on how to be more active in the community as I will try anything to get moderator on my favorite server of all time. Thanks for reading this lengthy thread, feedback is appreciated ( as long as its not totally mean) and I hope you all have a nice day. Peace!


Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Maxwill!
Let me assure you first off, that the rumor about getting denied 3 times is most definitely false. I can tell you from personal experience, It took me 11 applications before I finally got mod.

This being said, I recognize your frustration and know exactly how it feels. I felt like this every time my application got denied, but I pushed on and kept trying.

That is what I would recommend you do. If you really feel like you are a fit for a moderator position, by all means. KEEP TRYING! :D

Keep improving you application more and more, the better the application, the better the chance, you know?

Just to end of this post with a motivational quote that I find appropriate in these situations:

"Why do we fall?
So that We can learn to Get UP."
- Alfred Pennyworth


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hello this isn't a thread to complain about why I was denied.
I joined the MCGamer community about 2 and a half years ago. Back then I was a total noob at everything on the server, but I still enjoyed playing. Now fast forward to today, I am decent at most things and I try to win (For my youtube, but not trying so hard as to be called a try-hard). Now that I know some things about Minecraft (I just learned what hacks were about a month ago). It is annoying to be killed by a hacker while recording or playing with friends, etc. So I applied for mod to try and stop the hackers of course. My first application was crap I as didn't know about the high standards. So I just kinda played and forgot about it for a few months, and now back to the present I reapplied with what I felt was a pretty good application. That got denied and I worked on the questions that they told me to over the next few days. After I worked on them I reapplied and was still told to work on the same few questions. I reapplied a few more times the most recent being 4 days ago and they finally told me something other than fix these questions. They told me that I wouldn't meet the high standards of a moderator and that I needed to be more active in the community (Which I understand because of the things I've said in the past). However am I scared because I heard if you apply more then 3 times and get denied all 3 times you can't reapply any more. So here I am now reporting hackers on the forums, being nicer in game and even getting a team speak to be active in the community (I'm really shy but I really want to get mod). All of this may be for naught if you cant reapply after 3 times ;-; ( I really hope thats not true). Finally I just wanted some suggestions on how to be more active in the community as I will try anything to get moderator on my favorite server of all time. Thanks for reading this lengthy thread, feedback is appreciated ( as long as its not totally mean) and I hope you all have a nice day. Peace!
I think I am a perfect guy to stumble upon this thread. I applied 12 times, got to interview 4 times and on my 12th time applying I got accepted to pending. I then past my 4th interview! If you are determined to get something, don't stop. I like the fact that you are trying to become more active in the community. So to answer your question, you have no limit to the amount of applications you can post. ^_^


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
The three times only is just a myth. It more or less used to be truth back in my days, but MCGamer "encourages" people to not give up now.

I find it interesting that you're being denied because MCGamer accepts people with even less forum messages than yourself.

If you want to, send me your application via inbox and the reason you were denied too. I'll try and help you c:


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Last time I checked, the 3 strike policy on mod apps has been revoked, however I could be wrong so don't quote me on this c;

If you want to be active, I can't say much besides advising you to.. Well.. Be active! Ahaha. Simply go around the forums, post a lot of messages, get to know the community better and get familiarize yourself better with how everything works.

Keep in mind, also, that your intentions are rather important. You have to want the position, as well as wanting to help the community. Best of luck!


Jan 4, 2015
Reaction score
See I wouldn't know how to help other then saying keep trying! Try to think of it as a job more then you just moderating a minecraft server. Tell yourself you need this rather then want it, and work for it. From what i've read above it seems you have unlimited chances at this, so don't give up just yet, you've got infinite amount of opportunities to help the server. But, until you get it, help out the server the best you can would be my best suggestion and learn how to improve in what they say that you need too.

Best of luck :D


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Keep improving, and you will get there one day.

It took me 4 actual tries to get Moderator, (but 8 in total).

I know and understand it can/will be frustrating, but push through it and keep trying. You will get there one day.

It is completely worth it, in the end. :)


Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I believe in myself and I guess you guys believe in me to lol. I will keep trying and I will become your moderator :) <3


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
I believe in myself and I guess you guys believe in me to lol. I will keep trying and I will become your moderator :) <3
As long as you believe, anything can really happen.

If you set your mind to it, you can basically do anything.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score

In all seriousness, I wish you the best if luck in becoming a moderator! I was denied 5 or 6 times before receiving moderator, so I can assure you that no matter what if you keep trying you can reach your goals!

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