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My apology


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Please read<3
So I've decided to write this because I feel like I've let some people down. That's not the type of person I am, and that's not the type of person I want people to see me out to be.
So about 6 months ago, July 26th to be exact, I received moderator rank. It was defiantly an amazing journey, and I've enjoyed every minute of it.
I've been always involved in family troubles, and I've decided to put away minecraft. I've embarrassed myself by quitting and coming back a few days later, I know.
I felt horrible after this, and I promised myself id never do it again unless I absolutely had to. I stayed being a mod, happy as could be. Id like to thank Col. Star for giving me another chance,
About a month later, so more family issues came up. I've decided not to discuss them here, but if you really want to know, just ask. Anyway, after these issues came up, I thought it was time for me to go. Once again, I was wrong, and
came back again. I'd like to thank chadthedj for giving me another chance.
I stayed mod until December 19th, and then left the team once again. This time I didn't come back the next day. I joined The Forgotten, and it wasn't the clan for me. I've never really played other games on the computer or game types in minecraft. Just because they were one of, if not the best clan, it wasn't the fit for me.
At this time, I didn't know what to do. I had kinda screwed myself over, because now what do I do? I talked to a few sr mods, and they were really cool about it. I decided to re-apply. My app got pending, and then accepted for interview. I was hired again, and here I am again.
This time, I'm promising myself to stay, no matter what. If bad issues come about, I'll just take a leave. This time, I will help as much as I can. I will not leave anyone in the dust. I will be as friendly as I can, and as loyal as I can.
I will make suggestions, and give my opinions on how to make stuff better and give my opinions. If anyone ever needs assistance from me just ask.
I know some people find me as more of a comical person once you get to know me, but I also have a serious side. I do not want people thinking anything bad of me, and I want them to know the truth. I think people need to know more about me, which is why I'll be making a meet the staff about me after this.
I need to address this, and I hope you can now rely on me. I will be here now for a long time, whenever I'm forced to resign, fired, or mcsg ends. All of these i hope never happen, and I don't want anything to jeopardize my figure.
If any of you need me ever, please just ask and I'll help you. That's what I love doing. That's why I'm a staff member here. I need to show people this side of me, and I want you to see it in me.
If any of you have taken the time to read this, I thank you. I will be back on these forums every, writing more words and helping as many people as I can.
I do not want people to think bad of me, and I also want them to know the truth. I want them to know me and rely on me, trust me, and count on me. This is what I hope you see in me, and thank you for reading this.
I'd like to thank everyone's who's helped me, and has given me another chance. I'd like to say thank you, and you've made me a better person.


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
The fact that you wrote this proves to me that they made the right decision rehiring you :)


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Although I may joke and make fun of you for it sometimes, it's all in good fun. I've always known the truth and i've tried to never judge you for it. I'm glad you're back and I know it was the right decision on their part. Ily Cruel.


Your signature gifs more than make up for all the things you've done ;)


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
I'm okay with you taking the leave of absence every now and then. Real life is more important. We all know that! :)

Also, maybe you should update your signature a tad bit :p

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