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My 3 Year Anniversary!/MCSG Story


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
So... I don't play MineCraft anymore, but I have kept up with the servers through the forums despite my absence. Today I wanted to commemorate a milestone reached by very few in the community (at this point) and write a little bit about my 3 years here.

First I guess it is important to go over how I got into the Survival Games in the first place: back when I only played MC survival I would watch AntVenom as he did some cool stuff with hardcore mode, etc. I had also seen the Hunger Games movie some point before joining the servers. Anyway, one day he uploaded a Survival Games event with a bunch of other cool YouTubers and at that moment I was hooked. I watched that video at least 20 times by now (it is well over an hour), but most importantly after watching that video I knew I had to find servers to play on.

After typing some stuff into Google having something to do with "Survival Games server" I found a YouTube video of someone playing (can't remember who now) the Survival Games and they put the server ip in the description of the video.

I used the ip to eventually connect to these servers (right after I figured out how multiplayer worked xD).

When I first joined the servers there was no hub, lobby, or map voting. Players simply logged on to a server (example: "us1.mcsg.in" or "us2.mcsg.in") and waited on the only map, SG1, until the player was automatically transported to their pedestal. Safe to say: I sucked. I hardly made it to deathmatch and if I did, it was only because of my superb hiding skills.

So MCSG Beta went on and I failed to get a win until the very end of Beta, but then the leaderboards reset right after Beta was over, so that 1 win left me. xD

That win didn't really count as I only got it because I was the last one to lag out of an SG2 game, I didn't actually have to do any fighting.

It was not until MCSG V1's beginning that I got my legit first win. It came on the new map Breeze Island and I basically stalked corn like I usually did before refill only to see someone else get it because I knew I couldn't kill them, but, to my surprise, the sponsors refilled the chests, but no one was getting refill. I knew that was my chance. So I jumped down into corn from that diving board thing on top of one of those mountains on Breeze Island and I got corn all to myself. It was great! I had full iron, diamond sword and was freaking out. xD I decided not to risk anything so I actually went and hid until deathmatch were I still barely won against two people with wooden axes (I was bad.).

Anyway, Beta came and went quickly, many new maps came and went, friends came and went, but I kept moving forward and kept getting better.

I was up to 30 wins when I saw 000NEONNUKEooo in a game. He was teamed with Exodus_King1 and Jackthepwnzor. They all had 50+ wins (having over 40 wins at this time is the equivalent of over 1000 today). They asked me if I wanted to team with them and I jumped at that opportunity.

I am unsure at what happened next, but that was my beginning in one of the earliest dominant clans, The Romans. (http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/the-romans-us-clan.20054/)

My time in Romans was the highlight of my pvp and MCSG career. During my time with the clan I got nearly 300 wins and was in the top 20 of the global leaderboards at the time.

But, just as Beta, MCSG v1 came and went very quickly, and the start of MCSG v2 was also the start of my pvp decline. PVP was becoming more and more specialized; the fishing rod and flint and steel totally nerfed my sword skills. I never really became a bad player again, but instead of a top 20 player I quickly became a top 400 player. However I marched on because at this point I had started talking to some of my best MCSG friends: infamouscookie, UMATTBRO, ZoppoCinema, and psyonic123.

Even though I got worse at MCSG the friends got better and the game was just as fun, so I kept going. I joined some clans here and there, but none as fun as the Romans. However, this was the start of my building career. I started out with my first map:

Then that summer my second map:

Then that same summer my third map:

Safe to say it took me a while to get good at building. However, that is a good lesson to all good map builders, its not a first try thing, it takes time and practice if you want to succeed with a map.

That same summer (summer 2013) I met some other really good MCSG friends: MorphedCaliber and LoudNinja2xx123.

So, into that fall I was really not pvping much anymore and focusing a lot on builds. After my third map failure, I decided to really go for a good map, and thus Zone 85 was born. Zone 85 took me only 2 weeks of no lyfing building and it turned out, well, you guys know..

Zone 85:

This was a huge turning point for me because everyone seemed to really like the map, but it wasn't until 6 months later (July 2014) that it was accepted.

I was getting discouraged 4-5 months after Zone 85 was released but not yet added to the servers, so I decided to join a clan led by ALL1DO1SW1N1329; Cyan Volts/Impalers. I wanted to see if I could get back into pvp because building just wasn't working out for me. Through that clan I met ALL1DO1SW1N1329 and I also met cadbane4321. cadbane4321 was working Turbulence at the time, so I helped out with that and he eventually released the map to the forums. It got immense feedback none of my maps received and got added to the servers almost immediately. Happy for cadbane4321, but even more discouraged because Zone 85 was not yet added; I was beginning to think Zone 85 was just going to be another failed project like my first 3 maps, so I decided to ask cadbane4321 a question that changed the course of our friendship and impacted the servers greatly.

I asked him if he wanted to collaborate with me on a project, and that is how the love child of Zone 85 and Turbulence was born: Shady Hollow (

After Shady Hollow was finished, we released it to the forums and the feedback was great. After people saw it, Zone 85 immediately got a boost in popularity (I guess people wanted to see my other work since they liked Shady Hollow so much.). I was also getting in closer with some Sr. Staff at this point to try to help my maps get accepted, and to my surprise, the Sr. Staff told me I was going to be the first builder to have two maps added in the same map update. I was thrilled. I later learned that the developers wouldn't add two maps from the same builder in one update, so Zone 85 was added first, followed by Shady Hollow two months later.

At this point I had accomplished everything I wanted to in MCSG. I had been top 100 at one point for pvp, and I had been successful with two maps!

I wanted more, and thus my MCSG decline began.

I started another map towards the end of the summer, Helios:http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/helios-kingdom-of-the-sky.131867/

Helios is a floating Medieval map. I turned out really great, and is of the same quality (if not better) than Zone 85 and Shady Hollow, but it just didn't receive the same hype. However, while making the map, I formed a friendship with MagicMadDawg that still lasts to this day.

Anyway, after my final SG project, and no desire to join clans, I hung up my MCSG career and I haven't done much since.

I still stay active through these forums and the servers are still as important to me as ever, but I have decided to let my MCSG legacy live through my maps and my MCSG v1 pvp.

Thanks for a good three years MCSG, sorry bad habit, MCGamer now.. xD



District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry for any grammatical errors! It is a lot to proof read. xD


Team Helix
May 27, 2013
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I was getting discouraged 4-5 months after Zone 85 was released but not yet added to the servers
This is basically me right now, except it's been almost 1 year now :/

Sad to hear you're done with minecraft, but at some point we all have to go. Thanks for everything you did for the servers and ofcourse how you helped out Helix a little bit here and there. I wish you best of luck in the future Andrew!


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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Great read! Sad to see you go though :/ You're an amazing builder and I wish you the best of luck!


Aug 20, 2012
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Hey, I had an IRL friend in Romans c:


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats on 3 years! By then way, that was a interesting story.


District 13
May 24, 2012
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I feel like I have an interesting history on here, so I want more people to see this. xD


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