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My 1000th Post and Story


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I'm officially apart of the active member crew, or whatever it is now. And I'm also playing Pokemon while writing this, IV training my Gengar.

Random date 2012
I was watching AntVenom's POV of the new Minecraft minigame the Survival Games. I thought it was really cool, and I wanted to be as good as AntVenom. I looked in the comments and saw an IP to a Survival Games server. I thought it was server the Machinima people used. The IP read us17.mcsg.in. I clearly remember joining and flying around SG2. I thought it was so cool I was in the map AntVenom played on, and I really wanted to play for myself. When it reset I joined, and I had no clue how the game went.

Around this time I met some random guy I only talked to once, and I've never seen him since. His name was dragonmatt13 and he helped me a lot. He got me my first win if I'm not mistaken, and we skyped for a while.

January 21st 2o13
I continued to play MCSG a ton, new maps where added, new updated and features. Mob spawning was gone, BajanCanadian was huge, I had 10 wins, life was good. I played a ton with my friend piratesfan21 whom I don't really talk to today, but we're still in contact. He decided we should build a map, and I agreed. We started building a wild west map. We just finished the cornucopia when we started making a thread for it. You can find it here. Then Boboaluitz told us about Teweran SG2. Oh. We scrapped that then started on Candyland. My first post is also on there! We never even started building Candyland, but we where still optimistic about it. We watched loads of BajanCanadian and played a ton of MCSG. I won like once in 10000134925 years and I had 11 wins by the time my one year anniversary on MCSG was coming up.

Random date 2013
On this random date I became a veteran on MCSG. Well... one year on MCSG. I had maybe 20 wins and I stopped playing with piratesfan21. I invited my friend EpicRhubarb on and we continued to play and watch Bajan and Jerome. Then I don't even know when he got banned, but he did and V2 came out! Yay! EpicRhubarb, whom I will be referring to as Matt from now on, and I played a lot. I got to like 50 wins and he had maybe 10-20. I continued to play, but Matt decided to quit for a while. In this time I got 100 wins! Huge milestone! It took me around a year and a half, but I did it (I've only gotton 50 something wins since!). Matt came back played a bit, then quit for StarCraft. He came back again, and is still active I think?

My one year anniversary on the forums happened, and tons of other stuff did as well. Just kidding, it was a really anticlimactic year. I quit in game and on the forums for a bit, but I came back on the forums. I play every now and then in game aswell...

Best story 2015.

Honorable mentions!
piratesfan21 - You won't see this, but you're an amazing friend. We must talk again D:
EpicRhubarb - Probably my best friend. You top my IRL friends, and you're so awesome.
Sim_Man - You're my newest friend on MCSG, but you're really coo'. We're building a spooky map aswell :O
matt_hey222 - You're another one of my new friends. You invited me into da SMP, and you rock a million :D!
Everyone who I didn't tag - You're fantastic.

I DON'T HAVE VERY MANY FRIENDS! Also the spelling and grammar sucks because I don't have school thanks to the BC teacher strike.

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