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My 1 Year Anniversary!


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
So basically, I'm just gonna write my random story. All the thanks I have to say will be at the bottom :)

It all started back in August 2012. I wanted to buy a Minecraft account, but didn't know what to name it. After a lot of thought and effort, I decided to name my account kingusa12. I got this name from the 2012 US Men's Olympic Basketball Team. Since they got the gold medal in Basketball, they were like the kings of basketball. That's where I got king. Then usa, cause they're the US team. And finally 12 because they won in 2012.

I played on a really crappy server with the normal hunger games plugin and I rekt everyone on that server. It soon became extremely boring so I looked for another server to play on. I was a big fan of BajanCanadian so I found about MCSG, and this is where I got my new home.

For the first 2 months I played MCSG, I was so so bad. I screamed like I had won a million dollars when I got my first iron sword (I died like a minute later). I played lots and lots of games, but I could never even make it to deathmatch. I finally got tired and went back to the old server, but then came rushing back to MCSG :p

So, a few months later, MCSG V2 came. I hadn't won a single game in V1, but I felt more determined than ever, because all the stats were wiped when V2 came out and I had a clean slate. The AS servers were released, and I decided that I was going to start my own little team with a couple of other irl friends. We were our own little team, unbeatable, wrecking everyone in our way. I found myself winning more and more games. I also noticed, the more wins I got, the harder I raged whenever I died. I remember the first time I ever got a diamond sword, I got killed and I raged so hard I bit the side of my Macbook, and you can still see the mark where my teeth sunk into the metal. I'm glad it's there, because it acts like a mental reminder that in the end, this is all just a game.

So, after a couple of months, I could tell our little group of three was drifting apart, all because of my raging. Then my two friends decided to ditch Minecraft altogether, and they are now hardcore League of Legends players :) I wasn't satisfied playing alone, so I decided to get into clans. And that's how I ended up applying for my very first clan (Besides The Raccoons, which was my two friends and I's little team).

The clan was called The Resistance, an AU clan. Back then, I didn't realise the difference between regions when applying for clans, so AU and AS made no difference back then. The clan never talked to each other, and 2 days after I applied, the clan disbanded. I was back to being alone, until I decided to apply for BBPT.

BBPT was different. They were an AS clan and they welcomed me with loving arms. I instantly felt at home. We had a Skype chat, which helped us be connected. And we actually had some good players :) Unfortunately, there was lots of conflict and disagreements in the clan, which led to the clan being disbanded. I had left shortly before to apply for mod, but I got denied. I decided to make my own clan, and called it The Black Knights (no racism intended). Unfortunately, I couldn't get anyone to apply, I only got cheerleaders. I could see this was going nowhere, so I disbanded the clan. I played solo for the next month, but it really just wasn't the same without having people to talk to. I took a break from MCSG, and Minecraft in general.

Fast forward 3 months. I had wasted my time playing NBA 2K12 and 13. I was getting bored of that too, but then I remembered Minecraft. I decided to give it another shot, and found myself engrossed with it. It had never been more fun. I went off, and got 30 wins that month, which is crazy, considering I hadn't played for 3 months. Back in V1 and I had no wins, I was a huge fan/fanboy of The Rebels. I remember checking Skype one day and seeing my first MCSG friend had updated his Skype name to #AS Rebels. I instantly opened the forums and checked the clans and teams pages. Sure enough, there was The AS Rebels. Instantly I wanted to apply, but patience held me back. I decided to wait it out and get more wins/skill before applying.

1 month later, I found myself applying for The AS Rebels. I hit the post button, and instantly received criticism. I calmly responded and kept my head level through all of this. Eventually, Irwin put me on Pending, and I felt safe. The next day I went on The Rebels TS, and Irwin was there, along with MVPThomas. They moved me to their channel and interviewed me, right then and there. I felt prepared for anything they threw at me. Eventually, we ended up doing the trialing. I had a chance to save Thomas from a team, but I failed :p We all died. But 10 minutes later, they told me to check my TS rank. Right under my name, it had a red circle with an R on it. kingusa12: AS Rebels Member. I had never been happier. I played alot with the clan, and found that THIS, was one clan I could finally call home.

3 months later, Quackeryy came and left. With him, he brought lots of other elite, skilled players, and they left the clan too when he left. It was a tough time for the clan. I had just been promoted to Officer with Envokez. I don't know how he felt, but I felt like I was locked up, watching the world blow up from behind a cage. The clan went through a tough time, but we pulled through, and now we are back with pro skill and talent.

And so here I am today, writing my MCSG story to celebrate the one year I have been with this community. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, or ever ;) Now, to my best buds on MCSG:

Juicypika - Part of The Raccoons, you are an awesome irl friend and a pretty good PvPer too :)
FrostyzPanda - Another member of The Raccoons, my little three man skype team. I'll never forget all your little jokes and bow shots. I hope I see you more often at school!
FreddyBones - My first MCSG friend. Ily and our crazy 30 minute 1v1s. You're the only reason I ever got in The Rebels, and I can never thank you enough for that.
MVPThomas - Remember the lizard, cat, dog, and bird? ;) I'll miss you Thomas the Tank Engine D:
DavidFadzil - Fatzil! OMG your TS avatars, and I'll never forget our US sessions :)
uwcminecraft13 - Morgund! :p Another one of my best irl friends :) Your PvP skill improves everyday, keep getting better and better!
Quackeryy - Quackahacka ;) I'll miss you being crazy on TS, make sure you stop by often!
ChicoBoy - Chico!!!! You're an awesome PvPer and one of my best MCSG friends. I can see you becoming Elite ;)
CraftyKratonite - I honestly don't know why I put you here :p
YoungWolfyy_ - Wolfyy! Hehe, I hope we can keep being invisible glitch buddies ;)
bunnyhunny - My little bun bun <3
dmdPVPRetard - The leader of BBPT, my first AS clan. You were an awesome leader, and person in general :)

And finally,
NinjaIrwin - fish

If you guys actually read through all of this, thanks so much for reading, it means a lot to me <3
Last edited:


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations and nice story! Now let's go for another year! My 2 year anniversary is actually in like 4 months. So excited. c:


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Fatzil is my word! !@#$%^&
(And do you have to write something just because you've been here for 1 year? xD)

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