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Moose & The Woods


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Dang, what a journey I have had. What an emotional roller coaster, from the screaming, the cheering, the excitement. It's all been amazing.

Here I am.

I can't believe it. 1000 posts!

Now it's time to make a life story. Here I am now. I guess I can start back when I got Minecraft.

Sit down, grab some popcorn and enjoy.

It all started back when I had a cast. If you didn't know, I got into Minecraft when I broke my wrist.

Story can be found here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/how-i-broke-my-wrist-how-i-got-into-minecraft.138493/

Sitting at home all day playing Minecraft because I had nothing else to do. When I first got into Minecraft, I logged onto MCSG right away. Something about it just made me love it right away. The thrill of killing people and winning the game. Although that never happened. I played with one arm and on a 5 fps laptop. TheSyndicateProject brought me into Minecraft. The way I found MCSG was because Syndicate played a game of SG, so I searched up SG servers and I found MCSG. I played on the PMC servers at first, and when the PMC servers ended, I thought MCSG was over. :p I soon realised it wasn't, so I was back to playing.

I remember winning my first game, it was with NuJaan on Holiday Resort. Jaan had already died, and I had a diamond sword and cleaned up in deathmatch. I remember this clearly, I started screaming and Jaan started freaking out. I almost cried but I held myself together. The next day I was with NuJaan on Breeze Island. He betrayed me in Deathmatch and I think I hated him and never talked to him for like a week straight. I soon forgave him but that was pretty memorable.

I slowly got better, I slowly started racking up more and more wins. By August, I had already bought a gaming computer and started uploading videos. I had a squeaky voice, and really didn't know what I was doing. But it was fun, so I did it anyways. I was surpassing Jaan in wins because I had a better computer and just played a ton more.

Through the next few months were pretty normal. In September, I bought Diamond Donor. And by November, I had joined my first ever clan. It was called #Subzero. It was a really nooby clan that I had made, mostly for friends, but I had made a few exceptions. I remember we had lost a clan battle, and disbanded right after because I got tired of losing. :p

I'm going to zoom ahead a few months to when I joined a clan called Haunted. This clan was the best clan I had ever been in. The people in there were amazing. I'll get to thank the people in it later. This clan disbanded maybe after a month, but recently re-banded and I occasionally join their Teamspeak to chill and hang out.

My memory is getting quite bad, but I really don't remember what happens in the next few months to be quite honest.

Through these months, I just started tryharding MCGamer as they called in then, I played 24-7, I started racking up wins, so many wins that my friends stop trying to catch up to me. I was at the peak of my PvP skills and I felt like I was one of the better PvPer's out there.

I am now at almost 900 wins.

Then comes June. This was the month where I got into the forums. I went on occasionally before, but this was where I went on ALL the time. I met some cool people, and an overall nice place to talk and learn new things. While on the forums, I also made a goal for myself. Sometime around here, I knew that I wanted to be a Moderator. I knew it would be a challenge to get, but I tried. All summer, I made it my goal to get Moderator. I applied quite a bit of times, and eventually I got Interview! It was actually on August 23rd, a few hours before I left for a shopping trip, so I had to wait a few days to actually get on Teamspeak. Somewhere when I was waiting, I actually went on a camping trip. All I wanted to do was get my interview, and I honestly couldn't wait to get home.

Then it came. September 8th, I was in a premium chat, when my friend said they were doing interviews. I joined the chat and the Sr Moderators told me they were doing my interview first. 2 minutes later they moved me up and there I was. The moment I had waited so long for.

Good news, I got Moderator! I was so thankful for the position, I was in shock and honestly it was a great feeling and a memorable moment I will never forget.

During these months, I actively participated in community events, I now have a growing passion for Open Mic Night, forums and in-game.

I believe this deserves a paragraph on it's own.

Some people wonder why I do Open Mic Night. Well, I've always been the type of person who likes to entertain people and make them laugh. I have no problems singing in front of large crowds, and Open Mic Night for me is a great place to do that. I am not a good singer, I do it for fun and love to entertain. I have a great passion for it. It's amazing.

I guess this leads me to here, writing this post. I have honestly forgot so much to write, I don't have the greatest memory to be quite honest. I guess, it's time to say a bunch of thank you's.

Jaan & Raymond: Honestly could not thank you 2 enough. You guys are my 2 best friends, and I could not ask for anyone better. I don't say this enough, but I'll say it here. Thanks for being there for me. <3

Fusionnuggets : Thanks for hosting Haunted, and I truly believe you are the best clan owner out there. Give me admin :p

Jodimo : We don't talk as much as we used to, but you are a great friend and honestly an amazing Sr Moderator. Congrats on the position again. You really deserved it.

ThatFuryFellow & ToastySoldier_ & mikeydrox & JulzBerry & zoplik90 : Thanks for making my time at Haunted so enjoyable. I know that most of you guys don't play MCGamer anymore, but you guys are the best. <3

duckluv321 : You have only recently became one of my better friends. You are a great person. It's really fun playing CS;GO with you and I thank you for all the GFX you have made for me. Thanks Duck for being a great friend. <3 I could probably say more, but y'know. ;)

kjh567 : I don't talk to you as much as I'd like to, but you are a really cool person and a great Moderator. I'd love to talk to you more. :)

soggypickle : You sir, are a boss. I love talking to you, I always come to you for clan help. You always know what to say, and you are a great friend as well. Thanks bro <3

HolidayResort : I consider you a close friend of mine. You are really cool and I love talking to you. Thanks bro <3

Mooclan : Dang moo. I respect you as a person, and as a forumer. Keep doing what you are doing bro. You are a role model to me and many other people. Thanks for being a great friend and a great person. <3

GetRidaHim : It amazes me how you are 13. You are a great person, really funny and fun to talk to. You do your job exceptionally well, and I consider you a pretty close friend.

Col_StaR : I am thanking you because I really enjoy your forum posts, and I admire all the work that you do for this community. Thanks Col <3

Froggytv : Probably my closest friend on the staff team. I honestly love talking to you. I can say a lot more, but keep being an amazing best friend.

TheLastGapple : You are actually a really cool dude, and I enjoy talking to you. I wish we could talk a lot more but time zones... :p

KitMencha : I forgot to add you in. Although I never talk to you as much as I'd like, You really are one of my favourite Sr Moderators. I also appreciate all the work you do for the clan community. Thanks Nick <3

Scott : I forgot you! One of the hardest working people I know! You help so many people out and I really do look up to you. Keep doing what you are doing bro. <3

violetheart17 & Zarx238 & MrCrispyPotato & Vanicle : You guys are cool and I love your taste in music Zarx ;). I also think you are an amazing artist Violet & Vanicle. Thanks for being good friends. :)

boboy1999 & Keno | TheNightRise & Spectral_Slayer & KvnPlays & NewAgeMC & Nephilim masond123 & benholl98 & MKFarrell : You guys are all great friends of mine. I enjoy talking to all of you and I love you all.
PS: Mason I miss you, please come back ;-;

The whole entire staff team: Wow. I never really realised what hard work was until I joined this team, but now I know. You guys are the hardest working people I know, and I am grateful to be apart of this team. Thanks for the opportunities you have given me. <3

I am probably forgetting a lot of people right now, I apologize. There is a lot on my mind and I can't remember everyone. :p

When I got into Minecraft, I never really expected it to leave such an impact on me, and it has been such an amazing journey. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me. I wish there was a way I could say thanks to all of you.

I love this entire community, it's like a second family to me. I hope the future has a lot more memories in store for me.

I guess there is only one way to find out.

Last edited:


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats on 1000 posts bud! I still want to see a picture of how your hand looked like after the bone came out. xD
Just also realized that you came on like 2 weeks before me when I bought SkullDiamondz.


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats on 1000 posts bud! I still want to see a picture of how your hand looked like after the bone came out. xD
Just also realized that you came on like 2 weeks before me when I bought SkullDiamondz.
Haha. The pictures on are on the thread. I linked it at the top.


Jun 30, 2013
Reaction score
Amazing read, what an undoubtedly roller coaster of a ride it has been :) Here's to another 1000 posts and many months of moderating to come :) Love you long time bb :) <333


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
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Grats mate <3

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