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Modern Day EU MCSG - Complete Good.

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Dec 11, 2014
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Hello anyone who is reading this post, recently in the last few months; EU MCSG has gone to crap. I have only seen mods on around 5 times and that is when they are playing with there friends, there are pathetic teams of up to around 7 people and it is impossible to get anywhere in a game without coming across a team of these sizes of players who macro or using modded clients such as; Huzuni, Resilience ECT....
With the community being this bad it is nearly impossible to get a simple thing like a recording. I am suggesting that you hire new/ more mods, work on a plugin that makes it nearly impossible to use any cheats, get a team limit such as maybe 4? Also I think it is mainly EU that are having this community issue, therefore I think that you as Staff and High ranks on MCSG should focus a bit more on EU rather than on stuff like CA which only around 100 people play on.
If the community does not change I can guarantee you many players will leave, detonators will start doing this Good and the whole of the EU community will just fall. Sort this Good out or I and many other players will be leaving this crap. Thank you for reading :) I am looking forward to any sort of responses.

- Also I don't know much on plugins so don't get mad how I said the plugin thing.


Jun 27, 2012
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It would be nice if you actually did some background check before writing a thread like this. The staff team is currently working really hard on cleaning up EU. There are daily Cleansweeps ( More information about that can be found here : http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/operation-eu-cleansweep-coming-back-soon.156199/ ).

Hiring more Moderator isn't easy as well, our network has high standards on what qualities a Moderator should have. if we'd lower those, more unfair bans will happen and the overall quality of work would drop down a bit which we can't afford on a network which has millions of players.

Also, creating a new plugin isn't easy, our developers are always trying to find new ways to improve the anti-cheat. But sadly enough some some kinds of hacks are not detectable.
Sep 7, 2013
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I'm just going to answer this.
1. Team limits are NEVER, NEVER going to be implemented. They just ruin the fun of playing with friends and a lot of clans may not even be able to play, as most games are 5v5+.

2. Devs are working as hard as they can on coding and they spend almost their whole day trying to make a plugin, so please, don't start raging that no one's doing anyhthing.

3. Same thing goes with mods. They're trying their best to make this server better, but I have to agree, EU is really filled with hackers, but if you actually look at the events happening, there's an EU cleansweep where you can join so you can help the mods with the hacker problem. Also you said you can't record a game, so I guess you have a recording software, so go ahead and join the EU cleansweep. This is the link. http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...cleansweep-winter-2015-week-1-results.159103/
I don't know EXACTLY how this works, but I guess you can read it and find out more :) Also, you can actually help a lot by applying for moderator, good luck!

4. Just wanted to say that your way of talking really annoys me. You just call this server "crap" while you obviously haven't even filled 1 report for any kind of abuse.

I'm going to tag some mods so they can talk to and probably help you out.
Mooclan Zaex AnomalousDyna

Took me a while to write this, so it would be nice if you actually read something for once and not just cry about everything :)


Dec 11, 2014
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1. Teams make the game extremely unfair, especially when it gets up to 4 teams and stuff.
2. Ok I said I don't know much about plugins so yeh.
3. I will try out this clean sweep thing :)
4. You are wrong, I have and it don't make a difference with hackers. They always come back.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
1. Teams make the game extremely unfair, especially when it gets up to 4 teams and stuff.
2. Ok I said I don't know much about plugins so yeh.
3. I will try out this clean sweep thing :)
4. You are wrong, I have and it don't make a difference with hackers. They always come back.
1. Bro, ever heard of playing with friends? Like, really I used to rage because of teams but then I just realized I team with my friends to. It's all about the fun. Like really, it's only a game after all. Ignore the bad things and enjoy the good ones.

3. Nice to hear that :).


Dec 11, 2014
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Thank you, it is only a game and I should stop crying about the people that chest in a block game ;-;


Jun 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hello anyone who is reading this post, recently in the last few months; EU MCSG has gone to crap. I have only seen mods on around 5 times and that is when they are playing with there friends, there are pathetic teams of up to around 7 people and it is impossible to get anywhere in a game without coming across a team of these sizes of players who macro or using modded clients such as; Huzuni, Resilience ECT....
With the community being this bad it is nearly impossible to get a simple thing like a recording. I am suggesting that you hire new/ more mods, work on a plugin that makes it nearly impossible to use any cheats, get a team limit such as maybe 4? Also I think it is mainly EU that are having this community issue, therefore I think that you as Staff and High ranks on MCSG should focus a bit more on EU rather than on stuff like CA which only around 100 people play on.
If the community does not change I can guarantee you many players will leave, detonators will start doing this Good and the whole of the EU community will just fall. Sort this Good out or I and many other players will be leaving this crap. Thank you for reading :) I am looking forward to any sort of responses.

- Also I don't know much on plugins so don't get mad how I said the plugin thing.
Hey there,
I'm just going to give some of the my thoughts on what you've mentioned here. Firstly, here on MCGamer there are no team limits, and much to some peoples' dismay, teaming will always be a part of the game. Everyone teams occassionaly and it cannot be denied. Making a teaming limit will cause more upset than contentment. It's down to you, as the player, to deal with teams.
Secondly, the staff team are incredibly hard working. A lot of work is done behind the scenes away from the public eye in order to protect the users that we're dealing with and to make the processes involved easier. There are also a number of staff driven movements to try and stamp out hackers as well as some community initiatives, such as the EU Cleansweeps which are proving successful. At the end of the day, individuals also have to take some responsibility, and reporting users for misconduct really helps us out with dealing with rule breakers.
Also with your idea of concentrating on one region with moderation, surely that would encourage people to break the rules on the regions which aren't receiving as much attentions and therefore creating a viscous circle.
The staff team compared to the size of the overall community is pretty small, so we cannot be expected to fix this entirely by ourselves by putting a little bit of work in. This effort would require extra effort from everyone.

I don't want to come across as rude, but posting a thread like this bashing on the staff team and the conditions of some servers doesn't really help anyone or anything out. It is only highlighting issues that people are aware of. It's also good to do a bit of research before posting a thread with quite strong messages.


Dec 11, 2014
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Maybe the staff should highlight what they are doing, after all it would help everyone understand


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
4. You are wrong, I have and it don't make a difference with hackers. They always come back.
And when they come back and hack afterward, they get permabanned.

Maybe the staff should highlight what they are doing, after all it would help everyone understand
What is it we're doing wrong? I'd like to know. Our developers are working as hard as they can to push out some simple updates, under the pressure of people like you who just throw ignorant and rude insults at them. Every server has hackers, ours is no exception. Go to Mineplex, go to the Hive, you'll find the same exact thing.

Making angry posts like this solves nothing besides angers people like me who are trying to make a difference. If you truly want to help, you would file report abuses, take part in Cleansweeps, and try to work with us instead of insulting us.

Thread locked. Making posts to complain about hackers and to bash staff is a no-no suggestion, and discouraged on our forums. PM me if you have any questions or concerns.
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