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Moderators and TeamSpeak


Jun 21, 2015
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Teamspeak. One of the hardest platforms to moderate for moderators. Moderators can't constantly be in channels so it's we have to notify them if there is a troller and just anyone breaking a rule so that they can investigate. There's been a great amount of moderators on teamspeak, but the times they are not on is when many rule-breakers come onto the teamspeak. After scrolling up and seeing this -

(Note: I disabled my view in those channels which is why there are none, this is just an example screenshot but there have been cases where there are no moderators in those channels.
I have no one to poke and rule-breakers will continue playing their soundboards, cursing, being racist, etc. in my channel without being punished. I come back down to my channel or even leave to find new people to talk to because of it, when I scroll down, I then see moderators in custom channels such as "Talking [DND]" or "Playing SG [DND/PIN]" Users who would like to report people tend not to scroll down as they wouldn't expect many moderators to be down there and so I've come up with a proposal to add channels under the Moderator Chat 13 and Moderator Meeting Rooms

I would like it if there was a channel where it could be as "Talking [PIN]" or "Chilling [PIN]" because when moderators make custom channels for their friends and themselves, they tend to put [DND] and to the people who don't know what it stands for, Do Not Disturb. It's a bit intimidating to poke them and when I do, I've received warnings at times that I may be banned if I do it again.

I believe that if they incorporated small channels such as lounges for staff and their friends, regular users would not be mislead by the fact that there are no moderators on and they're not all on the bottom of the teamspeak which people tend not to scroll down to.

This suggestion is very minor, but it can be done quite easily in a matter of seconds. With the addition of this, the custom channels can be more for event discussion rather than talking and playing. If a moderator does need to talk to someone and they can not be bothered, they could always move them to a Meeting Room where they would never be poked at all.


Aug 20, 2012
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Over my time here as a moderator, it has been made clear that custom channels are only appropriate for planning events or doing important DND worthy things, or recording. If they're just talking, there is no need to make a DND channel as there's no reason for them not to be disturbed. Whereas valid reasons for being "DND" are if you're discussing important or doing something like recording a video (because obviously if you're recording, it'll be kind of hard to check and respond to pokes.)

As for this I feel as if the "rule" on DND channels has become more loosely enforced, mainly because it's less of a problem now than back, say 10 months ago.

Either way, it's just an issue of making sure moderators know to be more attentive to pokes (I myself sometimes just accidentally don't realize I was poked)


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
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I don't mind the custom chats because more often than not, I find that there are staff interacting with friends who aren't staff. I have this thing I do where I look down there whenever I join the Teamspeak and find myself smiling a bit. I can't even think of a time when I saw a DND channel. That said, I see specific moderators on DND, something I disagree with. In my opinion, if you go on the Teamspeak, you should be willing to perform mod duties. That means no leave of absence, no recording, none of that. It just results in people being redirected all over the Teamspeak and getting frustrated with staff. This is how the stereotyping against staff on the ts got started.

I hope I responded to this correctly. I got a little confused while reading the thread >.<


Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
I think its a pretty good idea i dont really know what else to say about this thread

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