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Misja's Minecraft/MCSG story.


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
My story
So some of you might know me, most of you probably don't. My name is Misja, my IGN is 'xGtZz', yes.. yes.. it's the weirdest name ever, I know.
Let's just get on with my story eh? alright.

This all started on the 2nd of March 2011, or.. yea.. that's when I bought Minecraft, not when I started playing, hehehehe >;3.
Alright, so I was inspired by a few people like The Syndicate Project and Seananners to buy this game called 'Minecraft', I obviously played the cracked version in the beginning, but it started to bore me once all the fun servers were premium only. So once again, On the 2nd of March 2011 I purchased Minecraft!

I started playing on Syndicates server, and I built an (in my opinion back then) AMAZING waterpark that cosisted completely out of cobblestone; because cobble is the bomb, right? no? oh.. well.
I loved survivalling and I enjoyed this for a very long time, and at one point I started watching some Dutch youtubers, their channel was called "Knarftretsom" and I made some friends there, these friends had friends (believe it or not) and someone (can't recall) introduced me to METII023 , Metii was a cool guy, always stoned and we became good friends. One day Metii showed me Minecraft Survival Games. I was amazed (and a noob), I played a lot with metii, metii obviously always won.
Metii and I played a lot of MCSG together, at one point I reached 100 wins, It was a big milestone for me. At this point I had gotten pretty decent and I occasionally beat Metii (he'd still always destroy me with the bow). Eventually I lost contact with Metii for a while, I think this was the period I stopped playing Minecraft, and switched to League of Legends for a period of 6 months or so.
After this 'break' I returned to playing Minecraft, once again on a Survival Server,
On this server I met tijn1 and DEsandher, we became good buds and played a lot together, We started playing MCSG together and back then tijn1 and I were both good players, we recorded together and got called out for Hacks every single game.
That's when tijn1 and I decided to do a "PVP School" video on a big channel, we submitted it and it got accepted! we were PUMPED! we got a video on a channel with 300K subscribers! and both our channels got some more attention. A lot of the viewers of this video played MCSG, chuckboy93 was one of them.

Chuck and I played a few games together and he showed me a 1v1 server (not going to say the name as it will probably be considered advertisement) but lets just call it "That one server".
I became a little obsessed with "That one server" and I played it constantly, this did make me better at PvP, I was not that well known in "That one server's" community but I was always fairly high on the Leaderboards, I always competed with @Salared and we were always very well matched. (He is currently one of my Clanmates).

I got in touch with Metii again, and together we created a clan called "Team Control", it wasn't really succesfull but I remember us being quite decent and beating other good clans.
Chuckboy joined the clan and played with us, he was nab, but we loved him okay.

Here comes my favourite part! you ready? Aiht!
I was browsing the forums and was looking around in the Clan section, then I saw this clan called "The Legends", I had heard of it and I remember that Salared and TimmaaaaH were in it (who I had met on "That one server") so I clicked it, I saw this hideous purple banner with some weird noise effect on the purple font. And I thought, this is the number 1 EU clan? they need something better.
So I made a banner for them, with all the members and staff and a nice 3d text saying "The Legends". I sent it to NoahSailer who redirected me to Fax (Faxulous) and we talked a little and the conversation ended in him asking me if I wanted to be the clan designer, he threw me in The Legends' chat and I made a lot of friends! from here on, I got an INSANE amount of requests to make banners, and I did. but I was lazy so I ignored a lot of the requests (sawwy ;-;).

Back to The Legends, I played a lot with them and spectated clanwars, sadly Elgoldo disbanded the clan later on.
Kallbergz and Phil-ly67 <--- can't say his name, well, you know him c:, Kall and Phil took the initiative to create a clan, almost all ex-Legends members joined, it was back then called "Team Metro" a name I came up with, and yes, another terrible name by Misja! ;p, I joined the clan too!
Team Metro merged into The Rebels EU, and EU division of the well known US Rebels.
We had a great time, we had fun and we were rarely lost a clanwar.
We were known as the best clan in the EU, we are now still known as one of the best clans in Europe.

This is where I am now, I made a lot of friends on my journey and I hope it will not end, I would have never been where I am now, if I hadn't made that banner for The Legends.

This is a list of people I met on my journey, thanks for everything (Not quitting if it looks like it!)

TimmaaaaH Kallbergz chuckboy93 METII023 Fisher @Salared laureypop1 chockadlad CharlieTheMelon MisoTheOne Sayf Eskild|Quadrum_ joni171090 TheRebelsEU PhiIIIy67 DracoHD NotCanziano Fax and everyone else I have met on this journey, tell me if I forgot you! (Still in france dun rage if I didn't add you yet)
Thanks for this great experience, I hope it will last a lot longer than it already has. <3
Last edited:


Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
You are wrong, Phil-ly weren't leading Team Metro together with me, Kall. c:


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
RIP phil-ly ;-;
Really interesting story though :)

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