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Minecraft Memories


Jul 7, 2012
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Howdy folks,
I have always enjoyed hearing when people joined Minecraft and some of their first memories. In my case, I joined back in Beta 1.2, 2 years ago in February. I heard about it from my brother, and the first thing I did was insult its graphics (One of my favourite features now!). Then he showed me outside his dirt hole and looked at some of the mobs in the distance. I started to become intrigued by this game; I wanted to do whatever I wanted in a game! I bought the game and kept calling it Minesweeper to my friends over the next few days. My first memory of a Minecraft game, was spawning in a valley with dirt walls and a sand floor. I was terrified and didn't even bother to punch any trees down, so I dug a hole into a wall and stayed there for at least 2 nights. I did some searches finding out what to do on the first night, craft recipes etc. That's about all I remember of that world, other than a big cobble block I built with glass on top by the end. I stopped playing that world and joined my brother's server, constantly talking about new craft recipes and ideas to each other...
Ah, nostalgia...

If any of you guys know when you first got Minecraft and would like to share some of your first ever memories, post 'em below! (I hope this thread hasn't already been made, and I'm too stupid to have seen it.)
I would love to hear your stories, I still love thinking about those nostalgiac days!


Feb 1, 2013
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My friend bought it for my birthday last February. He set me up with a skin, made my settings optimal, and then put me on peaceful for a bit to show me the ropes. I had a much, much smoother start than most. It was fun.
I remember when I got 67 diamonds from caving with my fortune 1 pick. So lucky.
I remember first playing MCSG. I saw the youtuber thing and said, "I want to do that!" Then I found these servers.


May 29, 2012
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When world generation used to look unnaturally beautiful.

Nowadays a 'good' seed refers to if you spawn near a village, a stronghold or ravine... generally one of the reasons I tune out when Bebop gets to the seed of the week section of his shows...


District 13
Jun 25, 2012
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I was watching HatFilms make a trailer for like 1.5 or something and I thought it was pretty cool. I played the classic and then I was like "I WANT THIS GAME!" Then I got it.


Jul 13, 2012
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I first got Minecraft when my friend and i bought matching accounts around 3 years ago, ARB1T3R and M4STURCH13F.

We went on one of my friends friends servers. My friend and i made an awesome house out of wood. As we were implementing a chimney, one of the other kids poured lava on our house. All of the other members of the server (who had been given OP) joined in to destroy our house. Every time we tried to fix it they made it worse. I vowed revenge.

The one who had poured lava on our house in the first place had built a massive tree and created a home in it. I found some Fire (yes fire, not F&S) and set it alight. My friend and i laughed as they flew around spawning in water and trying to put it out.

Then i moved on to the admins house. I found a bucket and scooped up some lava from the ruins of our house. I climbed the hill to where his house was located, broke in, and placed the lava. Then i went into his bedroom, beat his dogs to death, and walked out like a bad-ass as lava flowed out of the burning house, down the hill and into their village.

The 15 (i think) year old cried at what i had done to his server, but he deserved it for treating me like garbage on my first time playing. I admit that i felt a bit bad, but i didn't regret it.

Yes, This was my FIRST experience with Minecraft. I had not played it before, nor had i watched any videos on it.
I don't usually go so low as to grief, but this occasion called for it. Don't get me wrong, this was the only time i have ever done something like this.

Thanks for reading.


Feb 1, 2013
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So basically you got wronged, got messed up in a life of crime, became homeless, but you moved to a new town and joined the 'force to start over and stay out of trouble with the law?


Jul 13, 2012
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So basically you got wronged, got messed up in a life of crime, became homeless, but you moved to a new town and joined the 'force to start over and stay out of trouble with the law?
Oh my God! you just summed up my entire Minecraft Story!


Jun 25, 2012
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I started playing MC with my friends in Beta 1.4/1.5? or earlier.

#NoOriginalAccAndMinecraftSPFTW! :D


Minecraft 1.0 I think?

My first memory is punching sheep and managing to get eighteen stacks of dirt and finding an NPC village and wiping out all the villagers for the night witg my fist :D


Jun 6, 2012
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I joined in Beta 1.6, didn't really start to play until Beta 1.8.
Here's my 1.6 story:
My memories of 1.6 are... weird. The only thing I did was create a new world and die a ton (normal mode as default :\), and after raging and some strange battles with the mobs, I decided to join a server.

Boy, did I see some strange things on my first server. I started in a town, with nothing. I never got out of the spawn town, I was so shocked at everything that was going on. Every chest and door was 'locked with a magical spell', but I eventually broke into a building that said it was a magician's house or something (May have started my infatuation of parkour) I immediately ran into his basement to avoid detection.

Now this basement, I tell you, was quite the sight. I didn't know this at the time, but it was a sugar cane farm. To me, though, it was a maze (this was when sugarcane was solid). I couldn't break any of it, so I just leapt from wall to wall, weaving and snaking through the immense magician's maze of a basement. At last, I reached my goal. There was a chest. It wasn't locked with a magical spell.

Then I heard the door open, ran upstairs, and I looked up to see the house owner in the doorway... Oops.

I ran by him through the open door and into the streets, going through alleys and such trying to outrun my pursuer, who was all the while yelling things like 'Stop theif!' and 'Give me my stuff back!', and even though I had no idea what I had, I knew that I wouldn't give it up.

I shook off my pursuer, who at this point was talking to admins (oops, again) and in the dark of the alleyway, I disconnected. Thank the lord for my extremely strange name.

Don't judge me, this was my first time playing, and I wasn't supplied with rules of any kind.

Here's my 1.8 story:
This one is a short version of a long story. My first house I made was in a lake, made out of wood, it was kind of like a dock with a little house on the end. Lets just say I didn't know what a torch was, and my house got exploded. Several times.

In despair, I moved into a nearby mountain, hoping to find peace and solitude from those strange green monsters that explode. I did, and I finally discovered the wiki, too. Torches, furnaces, all that. I even had a bed, which I didn't like using because every time I did a skeleton would appear.

So, I didn't know how to mine. That's a problem. I had a pickaxe, but what do I do with it? Obvious answer: mine straight down. This is where I found redstone. And I thought it was rarer than diamond, I was so excited.

Through my development of this house, I eventually had an underground sewer system leading my to many different places such as my actual mine and a 'safehouse' where I would store my best stuff. Heck, I even had a miniature minecart track in the end.

Then my computer crashed and I lost everything.

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