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Minecraft Lets Plays - A concept I never grasped?


May 29, 2014
Reaction score
Before we dive into this whole discussion I want to start off by saying everyone is entitled to like youtube channels and I'm not trying to target anyone here, that being said I do hope everyone can respect my opinions just as I respect yours. With that in mind, let us begin:

So recently among the Minecraft community I've been seeing armies of "Lets Players" with subscriber counts ranging from 10 to 100,000 among Minecraft and more so MCSG in specific. I've watched a great number of these channels (At least one of their latest episodes or most popular episodes fully) and I'm honestly starting to wonder: why are so many people watching these?

Now, there are two obvious reasons here:
  1. The person doing the video is funny
  2. The person doing the video has a vast knowledge of the game and is overall informative
Other than that I see no real reason to watch a video. To be honest this all reminds me of when I was a kid hanging out with friends and they were playing some kind of "singe-player" video game or a single player level of a (multiplayer) video game. While it might be interesting to see: it's a hell of a lot more interesting to play the game as you're the one in control and doing all the exploring.

Now we get down to the comedy aspect: when you're playing you don't really have some humorous comments going in the background. That being said, I think there are a dozen more ways to find comedy than from a 10-20 year old narrating a video game while he's killing people. These people aren't professional comedians, they're just people playing a video game. If you've ever seen a comedian (Let's just say Jimmy Carr for example) you probably know that they're a million times funnier than nearly any Minecraft youtuber.

And finally the informative aspect: This is the only real reason I understand, but it rarely seems the case. If you get a Minecraft youtuber who seems to have a broad understanding of the game and gives off some good chest-paths than this makes all the sense in the world as you're learning new things about the game and overall improving your ingame experience. I've yet to find a MCSG youtube that perfectly blends an informative aspect and a humorous aspect.

Anyway, I'd be curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this topic. Do you actively watch a MCSG Youtuber, and if so why? What makes it different from just watching a guy play a video game? Thanks everyone!


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
i used to watch tobuscus all the time because he was funny
then i couldn't for a while and i came back and i was like omg tobuscus love me and let me watch you play minecraft again and then there were so many videos i didn't know where i stopped and was like nooo


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I don't watch an MCSG youtuber because I'm not super interested in it. However, I do watch youtubers that play games and I watch them because I enjoy listening to them and hearing their input on things. It's like listening to radio, except pertaining to something I'm more interested in.


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Before we dive into this whole discussion I want to start off by saying everyone is entitled to like youtube channels and I'm not trying to target anyone here, that being said I do hope everyone can respect my opinions just as I respect yours. With that in mind, let us begin:

So recently among the Minecraft community I've been seeing armies of "Lets Players" with subscriber counts ranging from 10 to 100,000 among Minecraft and more so MCSG in specific. I've watched a great number of these channels (At least one of their latest episodes or most popular episodes fully) and I'm honestly starting to wonder: why are so many people watching these?

Now, there are two obvious reasons here:
  1. The person doing the video is funny
  2. The person doing the video has a vast knowledge of the game and is overall informative
Other than that I see no real reason to watch a video. To be honest this all reminds me of when I was a kid hanging out with friends and they were playing some kind of "singe-player" video game or a single player level of a (multiplayer) video game. While it might be interesting to see: it's a hell of a lot more interesting to play the game as you're the one in control and doing all the exploring.

Now we get down to the comedy aspect: when you're playing you don't really have some humorous comments going in the background. That being said, I think there are a dozen more ways to find comedy than from a 10-20 year old narrating a video game while he's killing people. These people aren't professional comedians, they're just people playing a video game. If you've ever seen a comedian (Let's just say Jimmy Carr for example) you probably know that they're a million times funnier than nearly any Minecraft youtuber.

And finally the informative aspect: This is the only real reason I understand, but it rarely seems the case. If you get a Minecraft youtuber who seems to have a broad understanding of the game and gives off some good chest-paths than this makes all the sense in the world as you're learning new things about the game and overall improving your ingame experience. I've yet to find a MCSG youtube that perfectly blends an informative aspect and a humorous aspect.

Anyway, I'd be curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this topic. Do you actively watch a MCSG Youtuber, and if so why? What makes it different from just watching a guy play a video game? Thanks everyone!
To back up your point, I only really watch "Let's Play" you-tubers when I don't have the game in question - basically just to be informed as to what to expect.

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