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Meet The Community - Tyler


Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
1. Name: Tyler
2. Nickname: Tyler
3. IGN: Aupiu (changing soon)
4. Age: 14
5. Which region do you play on?: US
6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Forums / Clans
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?: I used to be a bacca from the nexus.
8. One cool fact about yourself?: Not really a cool fact but its funny. Me and my friend went to ISS because we kept laughing at a troll doll when our teacher told us to stop. Then I said it had a "weave".

9. Which are your best friends in the Community?: _Ziggurat_ ReflexeZ
10. When did you join MCGamer?: Prior to December 2013
11. How did you find out about MCGamer? Me and a couple fridge / nexus bacs wanted a new sg server. We found MCSG!
12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: I'm a rod spammer, my left strafe will crash your minecraft, and I click fast. My weakness is hackers.
13. What is your favorite Gamemode?: Def Survival Games
14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I used to play like twice a month, but when 1.7 came out I played a lot since then.
15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: Luflexed Excluude Jokoy
16. What is your favorite SG map?: Valleyside or SG4
17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: I wanted to try to get mod but I quit. So now I don't have goals. I might comeback though later on.
18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: GBlades
19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: OMN
20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: When I first got into invincible last summer, best time I have ever had on this server.​


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Not really a cool fact but its funny. Me and my friend went to ISS because we kept laughing at a troll doll when our teacher told us to stop. Then I said it had a "weave".
gg, what a great teacher.

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