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Meet the Community - Michael/Optic


May 11, 2014
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1. Name: Michael
2. Nickname: Guinea Pig
3. IGN: OpticFusionz_ (Now MoltenGuava
4. Age: 12
5. Which region do you play on?: US
6. What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Forums
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?: The most embarrassing moment is either when I couldn't find my dad in the store and i thought i found him so i hugged him and said "DADDY!" But it wasnt him so i cried and found my actual dad, or it was when I was with my friend at a ice cream shop and they had these butterscotch chocolate chips and i thought my friends sister was next to me so i said to her "oh those chocolate chips are the BOMB" but it wasnt her it was this random lady and she was like "oh, i might try those" and walked away, the whole time we were there her and her boyfriend were laughing and whispering to eachother at me. :p
8. One cool fact about yourself?: I can do a backflip without a trampoline or anything
9. Which are your best friends in the Community?: @ImFriendsWitErrybody
10. When did you join MCGamer?: Some time in late 2012
11. How did you find out about MCGamer?: An old friend by the name of MrZurcon but he doesnt play anymore
12. PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: Everything
13. What is your favorite Gamemode?: Solo SG
14. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Mid 2012
15. Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: All staff and VIP I like, but if I had to pick it would be MoLoToV Jokoy KiDD
16. What is your favorite SG map?: SG4
17. What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: 500 Wins (CHECK) VIP or Staff (NOPE) Be recognized by ppl a lot (CHECK)
18. Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: Lovelights Craeton, or ThatOneTomahawk
19. What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: I dont really have one :p
20. What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: My cool-ass first win : Okay, here's the story. So I was on SG2 I think, and I had nothing, then I fell into this trap thing and got full leather and a wood axe from like 2 chests, so then it was DMatch with 3 other people. I just sat back and watched, so did one other guy, so 2 people fought, One got sniped running towards me, and then the 2 others fought, so i just picked up some stuff from the guy that died, and I got good stuff, And then the guy that sniped the first guy killed the OTHER guy, and then he picked up the excess items from the guy he just killed, and i guess he was too far away and got struck by lightning and died, I thought I did and I got super pissed but I read the chat : (OLD IGN I DONT WANT TO GIVE OUT) HAS WON THE SURVIVAL GAMES!!
And I was like OOOOHHHHH MY GOOOOOODDDD and I was walking down the hall saying "I am the best player in the world" even though my records after that were like 1/400+ (Ye I sucked.)



May 2, 2013
Reaction score
7. One embarrassing moment in your life?: The most embarrassing moment is either when I couldn't find my dad in the store and i thought i found him so i hugged him and said "DADDY!" But it wasnt him so i cried and found my actual dad,
omg i did this before too xd (I was 5 ;-; )

nice to meet youuu c:


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Kermit. Nice to meet you (that's right my memory is incredible)

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