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Meet The Community - Astreph

Alana Blanchard

Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Isaac
Nickname: Don't go by one :p
IGN: Astreph
Age: 15
Which region do you play on?: I used to play Au, but now play Us...
What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: Clans
One embarrassing moment in your life?: When my girlfriend had to carry me up a beach to paramedics because I split my head open on reef :mad:
One cool fact about yourself?: I'm a sponsored surfer?
Which are your best friends in the Community?: Too many
When did you join MCGamer?: Started playing MCGamer late 2013, joined Forums early 2014
How did you find out about MCGamer?: ThatOneTomohawk (Embarrsing asf)
PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: Bow spam, choke points, clan battles <:
What is your favorite Gamemode?: Survival Games ofc
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 3 years :eek:
Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: Getix
What is your favorite SG map? Wyverns Wake
What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: Be known, be active, meet cool people
Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: I don't really watch Mc on YouTube, I just watch surf edits/movies.
What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: Don't participate in events on Ts...
What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: Joining my first SG Clan!

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