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MeaganRoses' Resignation Letter


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Dear Friends,

It's hard to step out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you do it willingly, other times you are forced into something new. Either way, you end that experience with nothing short of a memory. For me, I leave my moderating experience on an amazing, yet sad note. I am comfortable being a mod. I have played on these servers as a mod more than I have as a regular player. This resignation is hard for me because I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I don't want to do this, however I feel that I must. In a few short weeks I will be stepping into the realm of college, and with that comes a new wave of stress I'm not prepared for. While I love helping this server by moderating, I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to maintain consistency with it as the semester starts.

I leave my rank on a positive note. I have absolutely loved my time as a Mod on this amazing server, and I only wish it the best from here on out.

There are too many people I need to thank to list. To all of the mods, Sr mods, admins, and devs, thank you so much for everything.You all are so undeserving of hate yet receive so much of it. The friends I made during my time as a staff member are some of the greatest friends I have met while playing Minecraft. I really do love you all.

I'm not saying goodbye. I want to support this server in every way possible. If I could, I would still continue being a mod. I know it’s not possible, but please know that I want to be of use. I would be more than willing to record a hacker for someone or answer questions.

It’s a whirlwind of emotions for me right now- I really truly do not want to resign. I love supporting this server in the way that I do, and if there was a way for me to continue I would in a heartbeat. However, I know I have to.

I’m sorry.



Staffing Team Lead
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Meagan, I don't know you well, however, I do believe you were a great mod.

I wish you luck with your venture forth into college (Freshman year when you are doing core classes isn't bad, trust me!) A few weeks away, and you'll be setting forth on a great adventure.

There is no need to apologize, as I am thankful for what you have done for this server and the community. I want to say thank you, and good luck in college (gurl I want to see you with that masters and you better like order me some pizza or something)! Thank you Meagan!



Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Meagan, I don't know you well, however, I do believe you were a great mod.

I wish you luck with your venture forth into college (Freshman year when you are doing core classes isn't bad, trust me!) A few weeks away, and you'll be setting forth on a great adventure.
Thanks, I'm not too concerned about the workload necessarily. I'm just really bad at time management haha. I'll definitely be sure to come to you in the future if I need a mod <3


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Meagan we we're part of the big three! Meagan,Jeremy&Erin. These were the three friends who decided, "Hey! I'm gunna apply for mod" and actually got it together. I'll still talk to you, but just over different things, like college and life decisions haha.

Keep it real, #MeaganLikesCameras #SellingChocolate


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Not another one!

Sucks to see you go, you will be missed.

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