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MCSG Story ~ SuperxAndrew


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
I thought I would take the time to describe not only my MCSG journey but also my gaming journey from start to finish. Get ready for two years crammed into a story. Here we go:

Way back in Christmas 2003 (I was in 1st grade) I got my first video game ever. I held in my hands a game that would basically sum up the next 7 years of my life: Pokémon Leaf Green. When I received this game I was hooked on Pokémon. I quickly acquired all of the games and every console needed to play them. Over the next couple of years I would go on and beat each game several times. I would also play every once in a while with the kids in the neighborhood. However, around 5th grade it became “uncool” to play Pokémon, but I continued in secret. Unable to play with friends and in fear of bullying and teasing, I began to search for new ways to entertain myself with the games. It wasn’t until the beginning of 8th grade (2010) that I found this “new” way to entertain myself. I began watching YouTube. I found all sorts of Let’s Plays and Walkthroughs and knew I wanted to be a YouTuber. There was only one problem: I didn’t have a computer. So I waited until Christmas that year and asked for a laptop. I received a very nice Mac Book Pro for Christmas. When I got this I wasn’t aware of the possible ways to record my screen so I began recording my self playing GameCube with a crappy camera and uploading it. Let’s just say I somehow ended up getting more dislikes on my videos than views. I looked further into everything and soon enough master graphic design (I was really good for a while but lost my touch because I stopped practicing) and video recording and editing. Soon I was recording myself playing on emulators and uploading it. I became popular within the Pokémon community on YouTube with a subscriber base of about 800. At the time this was good for the Pokémon YouTubers. However, during the summer between my 8th and 9th grade year my YouTube channel was hacked into and deleted. This quickly discouraged me to stop YouTube and I was already getting bored with Pokémon, so I took a 2 month break. During this break I didn’t do much. Once day, in the midst of my boredom, I decided to get back on my computer. I went to my best friend within the Pokémon community and he told me about Minecraft (it was about January 2012). So I started playing Minecraft in about 1.2.5 and never looked back. I didn’t know that you had to hold down your mouse to break blocks then, and didn’t figure it out for a while. So I spent most of my time on creative since blocks could be broken with one click. Anyway, like with Pokémon I was quickly obsessed. I was doing YouTube with Minecraft and most importantly watching AntVenom. He was the only YouTuber I watched, I still watch him to this day. I have seen every one of his videos. In April 2012 Machinima hosted a Survival Games event with popular Youtubers. (Survival Games was brand new at the time.) In this event, as most people know AntVenom won. I was instantly hooked and this is where my MCSG story begins.

So I was trying to find servers and I came across a small website that had about 15 servers at the time (they were quickly expanding). I logged in with the IP and waited for the game to start. Back then there was no hub or lobby; we just waited for like 5 minutes running around the map we were about to play. When the game started we were transported to our pedestals and we began the game. When my first game began I remember quickly running away, taking 8 hearts of fall damage and dying to a skeleton (there were MOBS then). To sum it up, throughout the whole summer of MCSG beta I was horrible at the game. This didn’t stop my obsession. MCSG Beta is honestly a blur to me; the only things I remember are mastering the art of running and hiding, the various lobby shenanigans, SKELETONS, going about 0wins/1500games, the adventurous spirits of SG1,2 and 3, and my wood axe never being enough in deathmatch.

At the end of Beta the leaderboards were reset. I went winless in August but that September I finally won that first game. It was on Breeze Island. I really did just get lucky but it changed the way I played instantly. It is like in that game something in my head clicked and I was finally able to start doing a decent job. Later on in October my MCSG career was highlighted. I joined the clan superpower that was known as The Romans. Second best to Rebels through out MCSG v1 we had a blast. This was the highlight of my career and I often wish I could experience this time over and over and over and over (you get the point…) The Romans ended their dominance in March and I was quickly out of a clan.

Not soon after Romans ended did I meet two of my closest and most enjoyable friends to date. Matt and Anthony (otherwise known as UMATTBRO and ZoppoCinema) managed to entertain me, help me, and relate to me everyday. I would argue that these two have outmatched several of my IRL friends and will always have a special place with me. Anyway, we played hours a day for about 5 months and then I left for a while. When I came back they had both moved on to LoL and had no interest in playing Minecraft anymore. The friendship was still there the same as it was, we just had lost our connection: MCSG. So I moved on and so did they. Later that summer I met another very close friend of mine on these servers: LoudNinja2xx123 (Evan). We quickly hit it off and decided to build a map together. (I had built two other maps before this; they were horrible though.) Anyway, Evan and I built a map and posted it to these forums (Obsitus City). However he took a break and I moved on once again. This time I applied for another clan. I hadn’t been in a clan since Romans and wasn’t sure if I was ready to move on, but I did. I applied for Titans. After forgoing 5 weeks of trial and 3 different interviews I was finally accepted as member. This was a blast. Not much went on, but this clan was a lot of fun. I left it in October 2013 due to some internal conflicts.

After I left Titans I continued to play (LoudNinja came back) and I continued to remain friends with several of the Titans members. MCSG life remained pretty quiet until December when I started a new map. This map revolutionized me as a builder. I had my new build team and was ready to build something spectacular. We created Zone 85 in a month and a half and it quickly became one of the most popular maps on the forums. (We are still awaiting to see what is going to happen with this map.) Anyway, after the work died down with the map I was ready to join a clan again. I joined Rivals but not a week after I joined I left for an old friend’s clan: Cyan Volts. This clan was short-lived and it turned into Impalers of which I became Officer. This was fun, but much like Titans there were several internal issues that caused it to disband. However, good came out of it. I met a good friend of mine: cadbane4321. He and I quickly hit it off over our shared obsession of building. It only made sense for us to build a map, so we did. He and I built Shady Hollow (another popular map on the forums) in 2 months. Soon after we finished I joined back Rivals and here I am today.

This is my MCSG story in a nutshell. I skipped over a lot but think this is a very good portion of it based on the 1502 words at this point. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, etc.
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Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
ANDREW NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO! Get on Rivals TS sometimes so we can have dem rap battles


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ahh, sad to see you go buddy </3
I'll always remember Hell Games c:


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
All things aside, Andrew, you are one of the nicest people that I've met on MCSG. I hope you'll come on one day to see Shady Hollow accepted to MCSG. You were always so nice to me. <3 mayne. I will always be on Skype, and I will forever be your doge. (,: SuperxAndrew

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