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MCSG Mad Libs Contest [PRIZE]


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score

Well, I’ve noticed the forums have been a bit down and dire lately, so myself and a few other moderators thought it would be a good idea to liven the place up a little bit. We decided to make a fun activity that anyone can participate in.

Now, I’m sure some of you are familiar with this little activity, but for those of you who aren’t, here is a short explanation. We decided to make an MCG or Minecraft version of the popular party game, “Mad Libs. One person will ask for various types of words or phrases, (I.E. “Name a body part…” or “Someone give me a verb and someone else give me an adjective…”). That person then writes the words into the various blanks in a story. Once all the blanks have been filled, they read the story from the beginning, and the result is almost always funny, if not hilarious. The fun in this game is the fact that the people who are supplying the words have no idea what the story is, so it’s a SURPRISE how the story turns out.

Now, this little activity will happen in two stages. The first stage is where members of the community can submit their own MCSG Mad Libs templates. A few others and I will judge all the submissions over a period of time, and choose the top three templates. We will rank them 1st through 3rd.

The second stage is where you, as the community, get to submit random words that can go into the templates. Again, after short time, we will release all the stories, with the words that you guys added. We’ll choose some of the best ones to show on the second thread, but we’ll also let you guys post your favorites.

Now for some ground rules for the template portion of the game.

  • All MCGamer rules apply.

  • You may not submit more than 3 templates.

  • While you may submit up to 3 templates, only one of them may be chosen for the top 3.

  • All entries must be about Minecraft or MCGamer.

  • All entries must have somewhere between 10-30 blanks, where words or phrases can be inputed.
    • Be creative here, you can have almost any kind of tag for the blanks. From the simple (Noun, Verb, Girl’s Name…) to something a bit more wild (Minecraft server, Bodypart, Something you want for Christmas…). Just remember to leave each blank open enough to allow lots of choices for words. (I.E. Don’t do this: Name a body part that is attached to the bottom of your leg and has toes on it.)
  • All blanks must be tagged, to describe what kind of word should go there.

Names for your templates/stories are optional. There is an example of a real Mad Lib on the submission sheet

Submit your templates here:

Judging for the templates will be based on humor, creativity, relevance, and all around quality.

Now, as a small incentive, the person who submits the best template, the one that will be ranked #1, will receive a free iron rank or stat reset at the end of the judging period. This prize may be changed, but at least someone is going to get an Iron rank out of this.

Y'all have fun with this!

- TeamOblivion: Lively_, KendraNichole, HolidayResort, kjh567, heyyoitsjayo, kingbutcess, DarkNiightz, PickedBroken, SmoothPixels, TinyTiger_, and XxSolarBearzxX.

here's a laughing hyena.​
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District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I don't get it, do you have to submit a body part etc, and then combine them to equal a funny story?

I just don't get it. :(

Possibly because I have never heard of the activity nor played the game. :(


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
I don't get it, do you have to submit a body part etc, and then combine them to equal a funny story?

I just don't get it. :(

Possibly because I have never heard of the activity nor played the game. :(
If you look at the example from the form, it might make more sense.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Best of luck, Lively! Loving the idea :)

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