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MCSG, it's been a great year. Farewell... STORY AND ABOUT ME

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Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
This is probably going to be one of the longest things I've ever written, and one of the longest posts you've ever read on the MCSG forums. I have so many things and people to mention, and I'm just overwhelmed on how awesome this past year has been. I know I have many things people might want to know about me or want me to explain, so without further ado, my 1 year on MCSG farewell letter. I never thought I'd be writing this, but alas, I feel it is time.

How it all began:

About a year and +a few days ago, I watched the official Hunger Games movie with my family after reading the book. It was amazing, and I was really excited after watching it. I wished that there was actually a way to play it, so I searched up 'hunger games video game'. I didn't really find anything that interesting, and I kind of was a bit sad. Then I was filled with hope! I remembered the game I had recently gotten: Minecraft. I was mainly just playing survival mode and adventure maps at that time, but I knew there were multiplayer servers with cool gamemodes. I then searched up 'minecraft hunger games'. BINGO! I found MCSG, and signed up for an account. That night, I started watching MCSG videos, and found BajanCanadian which I watched a ton. I also found survival games videos on SkitScape's server, and thought that looked interesting as well. Finally, the thing that really encouraged me to play was CaptainSparklez and his original SG1 video. So the next day, Sunday, I started playing MCSG. I was really excited, and even though I would die within the first few minutes, I would always find a new server and keep playing. At times it was frustrating getting kicked because there were only 30 US servers. However, I kept on playing. I came to hate SG4 because I probably died more than 50 times 0n that map the first day. Unfortunately, late at night when I was playing, I got banned! D: I quickly got on the forums, and made this post:

I got more responses, talked to a few mods, and finally got unbanned with the help of Antster360 and Aeruner. Without them, I might have just given up.

The first few months:

These months were a blast. I played A TON. I also died A TON. Since I hardly new anything about chest locations and tiers and PvP in general since I was new to Minecraft, things didn't go very well. Plus, I was playing on my laptop and only got about 30 FPS. SG5 came out, and for a while it was my favorite map. I continued stalking Canadian as well. :p One day in late January while playing on Ancient Japan, I was doing really well. I had gotten full leather and was scavenging the area for loot when I came across two full iron players fighting. One killed the other, I set the still living guy on fire, and killed him! :D I then ran around killing people and made my first diamond sword ever. It went to deathmatch, and I was up against similarly stacked people. thebeardydragon started fighting the other guy right away, and right as he killed him, I came up and went ham! I had finally won my first game!!!! :D Yes, after that I would still rage after I died, but I would have hope because I knew I was capable of winning. I also became very active on the forums. I still remember getting my 7th win on Breeze Island! I kept checking the stats of all the people left in the game seeing how much competition I had. In the end, I got the win! Wins at that time for me were very special because I hardly got any at the time.

Over time, I accumulated routes on all the different maps. I upgraded the routes when my PvP skills got better: I was able to fight for the good chests. Hungry Hills became my favorite map because I could actually survive on it for a while! My skills still weren't the best though because I was on a bad laptop. I got up to 10 wins in that time. Unfortunately, I didn't actually get that first win for 1000 games. .-. However, I was getting to deathmatch almost every game.

April- The month of amazing things:

Early April, I decided to try playing MCSG on my dad's pc. He had a gaming mouse and keyboard, so I thought I'd give it a try. The results were unbelievable! I got over 400 fps while playing, and could actually strafe and hit people well! On April 11th, my MCSG life changed forever. While playing an afternoon of SG, I kept running into Virtual and ulthar. I asked them to team in a game, and because I had really good stuff, they accepted my request. I helped them kill everyone, and we all made it to deathmatch! I almost won, but Virtual killed me for the win. Ulthar told me to rejoin the server, so I did. Next thing I knew, Virtual asked me to join the call and added me on skype!

I had never talked to anyone on skype before, and was a bit scared. However, I played with them for a while and we became great friends! I also started talking with HalfSquirrel after seeing him ingame and on the forums numerous times. He added me to the Benjamin Religion chat, and to this day I'm not officially in the Benjamin Religion! xD I also started talking to RC_4777 duckluv321 TheRandomMan1000 and CaptButterToast.

I joined Hurricanes after teaming with Jcamotts ingame a ton, and had a fun experience there! BurningFire213 was a great leader. <3 Thanks to my new friends and clanmates, I racked up 100 wins towards the end of April! :D I was getting much better at every aspect of PvP, and was starting to get well known. Towards early May, I added more and more skype contacts, got even better at MCSG, and had an amazing time!

May- The unfortunate moderator experiences:

Late April I submitted my moderator application. I thought I did a great job on it, and so did others. During May, I was racking up the wins! On May 21st, my application was accepted, I had my interview, and passed! I was a moderator of MCSG! :D Unfortunately, this did not last long. The next day, I was demoted after saying something in the moderator skype chat. I was crushed, especially because I thought I didn't do anything wrong. After a week of being depressed, I eventually got over it and continued playing as usual. If you would like to see why I was demoted and my appeal, click this. Eventually, ColStar said I would be allowed to apply again in the future. However, I decided I didn't really want to later on.
June- The dark ages?:

During June, I was getting a few wins every day. My PvP skills had improved dramatically, and were almost at the peak. However, this was the month where a lot of people were being banned unfairly, and there was also a rebellion called 'The Peace Summit'. A lot of people thought MCSG was nearing its end. However, it rebounded and continued as strong as ever. I talked to a lot of people during this month, and was on TS a lot.

July/August/September/October- Clans, clans, clans:

At the beginning of July, I was selected to play for the Hurricanes in CW2! Unfortunately, we were up against Forgotten, although we thought we had a pretty good chance. I recall spending most of the day of July 8th practicing for our match with my clanmates. We ended up getting 8-0d after they suprise attacked us as a group! xD After that, virtually everyone quit the clan to go join new clans. Below is the list of people I wish to thank for having a great time:

Smerbo / ThatCoolCucumber

and anyone else that I missed. PS: A little birdie told me that Hurricanesv2 might be forming. :p

Right after Hurricanes disbanded, I knew I still wanted to be in clans, and I had that undeniable urge to make one. With the help of resistantcorn12 and Cupcake and ThatCoolCucumber / Smerbo
I created United!

So much has happened recently. My previous clan I was in is in shambles. I am now beginning to understand why: We weren't unified. Our members weren't that active, and has a whole, we really didn't know eachother that well.

This brings me to #United:

United is a clan for those who truly want to grow strong together. Those who will put their heart and soul into this clan. Those who will participate actively and proudly in their clan. Those who will never give up, not matter how hard it is. Those who try their hardest, and have fun.

We started off very, very successful. A ton of previous Hurricanes members joined, and we slowly started moving up the clan rankings. Unfortunately, we lost a ton of clan battles:
Clan Battles:
#United vs #Royals- W 2-0
United vs Soverign- L 2-0
United vs Primeval- L 5-1 xD
United vs Arestle- L
United vs Titans- L 2-1
People started leaving for better clans, and we slowly started to die out. The final blow was in early August when we played against Organizationv2 in a clan battle. They caught one of our members hacking, and I didn't want to go on. We officially disbanded. In the end, though, we had a good run! ;)
Below is the list of people I wish to thank for having a great time:

resistantcorn12 <33
Cupcake <33
ThatCoolCucumber / Smerbo
Blazerboy123 <33

Again, I'm sorry if I forgot you!

Organization Saga-
On August 4th, I applied for the clan that was the cause of my previous clan's disbandment: Organizationv2. Organizationv2 was an amazing clan- so much fun, and we were really good as well! In fact, we only lost 2 clan battles and both of them were to Forgotten. We did beat Rebels twice, thou! This clan was the best I was ever in, and it was a TON of fun! Unfortunately in late August it disbanded, rebanded under a few different names, and then disbanded again. Then, v3 was created and that went on for a short while. Eventually it disbanded for good. :/ Below is the list of people I wish to thank for having a great time:


Again, I am sorry if I forgot you!

This was my attempt at reuniting both Organization and United into one clan! We started out as a pretty good clan- we had good teamwork, and we did pretty well during clan battles. We ran into some problems when Nova created another clan, however. A lot of our members left for it, and I decided to disband. Somehow his clan thread got locked, and people assumed it disbanded as well. I then came back as Reunited leader and merged with Omega, led by xDefrasa a previous Reunited Elite. Needless to say our merge epically failed, and I quit clans after that. Reunited was the most successful clan that I led in my time at MCSG. Allow me to thank those who took part:


Again, if I forgot you, I'm sorry! <3

During these months of clans, my PvP, skill, teamwork, and friendship was at its peak. Luv you all! <333

Late October/November- The end as we know it:

Looking back on my time during this time has been quite interesting. I created the Captain's_Community_Panel but that has slowly faded off. I really haven't been that active on the forums or on skype/TS. As of now, I am currently involved heavily as Sr. Mod in a Minecraft server owned by CandyCranium - TheSlideMC.

I applied for Empire but then shortly after decided to resign my application. I am currently in The Volts led by landowicked ALL1D1SW1N1329 and The_Great_Tito. This has been a cool clan so far, but I really haven't been that active as of late. That brings us to where I am now...


Looking back through my skype and forum history of my time at MCSG has truly been an inspiring as well. In fact, I don't think I'll ever have as a life-changing experience as this. However, times and also my life are changing. I'm getting back to playing Xbox with some IRL friends. I'm not playing Minecraft as much and have played literally 3 MCSG games in the past week. Sure, I'll continue playing with my clan once in a while and I'll still talk to you all every so often, but my time at MCSG is over- the final chapter has been completed. This has taken me 4-5 hours to write so far (I accidentally closed out of the tab xD but luckily I had copied most of it just in case) and I still have a little bit more to say:

I have never hacked or used illegal mods once during an MCSG game. I am being 100% honest. Also, I am truly sorry if I have ever done anything to hurt anyone in this fantastic community- I did not intend to. Although it's been a good run, it's over now for me. :( If you want to talk to me or play with me for the rest of the month before I stop almost entirely, I will be releasing my skype:

Skype: captainjsfx

There's not much more for me to say, other than some last thank-you's:

Honorable Mentions (general friends of mine/people I knew well)- If I didn't already mention you:
Captain Dak
Matt_The Dreamer

Special Thanks to...

ChadTheDJ - Thanks for creating such an amazing server that I have been so dedicated to! <3

Antster360 - Thanks for helping me when I needed it the most. <4

Forairan and subv3rsion - Thanks for breaking fixing the MCSG servers and site and developing amazing plugins and features! :)

MrKorrenian - Thanks for being a great friend when I needed it the most. <333

Blazerboy123 - You were one of my best friends on MCSG and always helped me out. Thanks! <345

Theoretical - Even though we really haven't talked that much, you were the person who has inspired me throughout my whole time at MCSG. You were a great friend when we talked, amazing at SG, and an active and good moderator. Thank you! :D

True Friends I will NEVER forget:

Virtual - Where can I start? You were my (tied) first friend on MCSG. You supported me in my moderator dreams, helped me get better at PvP, and were just a great friend all along. Whenever I had a rough day, you always cheered me up. You were one of those people that would let me win a game in deathmatch because I had not that many wins at the time. You are a great moderator for MCGamer: continue to do your job well! :D I won't forget you ever, and I will look forward to hanging out with you in the future! :3

ulthar - You were my other first friend on MCSG. When nobody else was around, I'd call you and you'd answer. We had some tough times, but they never lasted long. :p I have a TON of messages on skype between us, and it was fun to go back through them to see the history. ;) You were also a great friend (at sometimes a hooligan, but very funny xD) and helped me through many situations. I still remember when we first met in that first game. We were great friends, still are, and I hope we can continue to be friends for a long time! :D

Sorry if I forgot anyone. I luv you all!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Now that you've read my MCSG story, why don't I tell you a little bit about me? :3

50 Facts About Me:

  1. I am turning 15 in 1 week, and am in 9th grade.
  2. My name is Jon.
  3. I live in south-eastern Pennsylvania.
  4. I was born on Thanksgiving. :D
  5. I have 4 cats: fuzzy, furry, fluffy, and fun! :3
  6. I have never gotten anything lower than an A on my report card, and am currently ranked #3 in my class.
  7. Favorite animal is the felis domesticus, favorite foods are pierogies, favorite drink is water, favorite color is Kelly Green.
  8. I am only 5'3". >.<
  9. I have brown eyes and brown hair.
  10. I am very mature for my age.
  11. I am Roman Catholic.
  12. I fear only fear itself! :p
  13. I love books and book series. :3
  14. I am a very mature person, both at home and at school.
  15. I am known for spoiling fun and been called 'too mature'. :/
  16. I am a movie crier. xD
  17. I am a very optimistic person.
  18. I live with both of my parents and a sister who is the age of 12.
  19. I LOVE the NFL!
  20. I LOVE the Philadelphia Eagles!
  21. I am a Philadelphia sports fan.
  22. I can name almost every player on the Eagles, and a lot of players on all of the NFL teams.
  23. I have 4 Fantasy Football teams, and am very into it.
  24. I don't play any sports, but watch them.
  25. I am in my High School Jazz Band and Concert Band, playing trumpet.
  26. I am on the Science Olympiad team.
  27. I am very intelligent, and school for me is easy and fun.
  28. I have never gotten a detention. >:3
  29. I play Xbox: My favorite game is Madden 25 and my gamertag is C4pt4inJ.
  30. When I grow up, I wish to be a meteorologist, a writer, and possibly a politician or an NFL football analyst.
  31. My favorite TV show currently is Amazing Race.
  32. My favorite TV show of all time is Merlin.
  33. My favorite movie series is Star Wars.
  34. I HATE ice cream sandwhiches. :p
  35. I rarely miss school for illness, or get sick at all.
  36. My favorite season is Autumn.
  37. I hate when people call Independence Day 'The 4th of July' because it takes away the meaning.
  38. I used to play football, and was running back.
  39. My jersey number was 49.
  40. Why 49? 13, my favorite number, wasn't available, and 4 + 9 = 13. :p
  41. I am part hispanic.
  42. I tend to capitalize the second letter of the first word in a sentence accidentally while typing fast. :3
  43. I enjoy to ski.
  44. My favorite subject is Geography.
  45. My dream in life is to play in the NFL (like that will ever happen). :p
  46. I'm not into overly violent or warfare video games.
  47. I am a VERY dedicated person.
  48. My favorite Youtuber is Nickskibike
  49. MCSG was an amazing experience for me. <3
  50. I've done run myself out of facts about me! :p
If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to post below. If not...
Last edited:


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I was in your panel and talked to you on the slide ts, I thought we were tighter then tight dawg (Jk <3 have fun with whatever you do)


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
I'll miss you :( And who was the one who reminded you of how you got your first win :3 (I know I was tagged)

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