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MCKing_Sam/ KingGamerHD's Story and Goodbye.


Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Guys Im Sam or you may know me as KingGamerHD or MCKing_Sam. Today I will tell you why I am quitting and my story on Minecraft.

September 2011- I got minecraft, because I thought it was fun playing on my iPad. Once I got it I didn't play for about 6 months to a year. When I finally got into Minecraft I actually played on a really old MacBook. I played on a survival server with my friends in real life such as MCKing_Tyler, SuperSub52, B_P_Gamers and M5Almich. I played for 2-5 hours everyday on that server till it closed.

August 2012- I moved to this New server called MiningInParadise it was a server that averaged 200 people at all times. I played survival games there and climbed to #1 on the leaderboards there. Pretty soon after that I became moderator and then Sr. Moderator, but then the server closed, because of not enough donations.

September 2012- I joined the MCSG Community. I started on my first account Samglasgow23. I was really bad when I started on that account like I was 100/2000. I met a lot of people on MCSG. It was some of the most fun I had the last few years. It started out with Tyler and I only on MCSG we played a lot and my ratio still sucked. I met people like Huahwi SportsFan2565 crazycarla152 Keemiko FuzzyC00kieSG . Those were my first friends on MCSG I played all the time with all of them I have gone through some things on MCSG like this, but I think this might be my last goodbye.

So here is the thing I wanted to save for last. The Thing that I thought was the most of everything was owning my clan Relentless . I disbanded it today. I want to give a thanks too. Cogu10MC @itshazooo ChrisNylund MCKingTyler . The Reason I disbanded is because all of my members left and created a new clan if your all wondering.

Thank You's

ChrisNylund - ChrisDoesDerps I loved playing with you in my clan.

MrPolarbearYT - You are One of my bestfriends that I think I will ever have.

SmileAtTheSour - You are such a good friend going to miss talking to you.

THE_BROKEN_DOOR2 - You are one of my bestfriends ever. I have been friends with you since I had 100 wins on Samglasgow23. You are hilarious and a great friend.

MCKingTyler - I dont know why I am doing a thank you to you, because your my bestfriend in real life. You have been playing with me since I started minecraft. Actually you and I were barely friends before minecraft. I am just saying thank you so much for being such a good friend.

Relentless- All members of Relentless thank you so much for all the fun we had.

So I guess this is it guys. Thank you so much for being with me since the beginning or If I don't know you and saw you in games, but thanks everyone it was so much fun playing with all of you. I love you all. Peace <3


ok, im gonna be the one asshat here, and ask you. OMG WHERES HUAHWI!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!


Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score
Im sorry that you're leaving ;-; Please come on skype sometimes or play with me <3 <3 <3


Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
Peace dooder bac <3 loved relentless fot the time i was there baiii.

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