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MCGamer: A Home For Many, The Downfall.

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Jun 29, 2015
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Hey guys,

I decided it’s time to put my 2 cents in to a server, a place, a community I used to be proud to call home.

AU Crisis

In defence of MCGamer, I do understand the great cost of hosting a large scale network in the Oceania region and also the great drawbacks of the region (High Cost Internet, Low Speed Internet, General High Cost for equipment and Lag caused by untimed main database ticks.), and I do understand that previously MCGamer moved their Servers with ‘Servers Australia’ from Sydney CBD to Wollongong (2ms - 3ms difference).

However, I do believe this could have been handled differently. Firstly, look for a new datacentre, preferably in Sydney (Sydney Servers are usually about 60-100 dollars cheaper, and offer more monthly bandwidth - good for any Minecraft server), or maybe in melbourne, which has a more guaranteed service and uptime.

Secondly, the AU community was increasingly getting smaller and smaller by the month, however there were the same amount of XIME Dynamic Servers, thus the same cost of the servers. This is my opinion is a prime example of the amount of low level community interaction and knowledge of the community within the AU region.

Thirdly, Where is the communication? Why did you just think that the community wouldn’t have an uproar of emotions because you shut down the server without even consulting the players. Please enlighten me, because the excuse “Most AU players play on US anyways” just took away any thought of professionalism that I believed the network had.

Server Anti-Cheat

I have only thing to say about this topic. Why are you using NCP (NoCheatPlus) and then making the equivalent of watchdog, which learns off the player and can’t even detect low to mid-range hacks.

Are you afraid of making something as great as Anti-Skid or anticheat because you’re afraid there might be false positives? Please enlighten me on this.

Leadership & Staff

In this department I currently support Chad. It’s hard working IRL and maintaining a hobby. Even though his forum status says he hasn’t been on the forums for a month, he probably checks the forums, every day on a different account which would be a good idea to be able to get to know the community in which he created, from a regular player’s view.

I do believe however, there does need to be some more leadership in the Sr. Mod team, because at the moment that rank is a useful as moderator.


Also, with all the admins and developers resigning, I believe this was a good change, to allow the network to overcome the growing pains from MCSG to MCG, and to thrive in the long run.


In the old days of MCSG the main thing that kept bringing in players was that competion on the leaderboards and everyone striving for that number 1 spot. We need to bring money prize into the equation to respark the fearce compition that everyone used to have. Maybe, idk.

Thanks for reading
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Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
I agree with most things you said, but we've said a lot of these things constantly in the past. Chad just won't listen to us. heck, he hasn't even come online since AU was abruptly taken down, which is just sad. I highly doubt he's doing it on an alt, that would make no sense


Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
I agree with most things you said, but we've said a lot of these things constantly in the past. Chad just won't listen to us. heck, he hasn't even come online since AU was abruptly taken down, which is just sad. I highly doubt he's doing it on an alt, that would make no sense
True, I do believe Chad does need to make his presence within the servers a little more obvious, however I do also believe that Chad is finding a solution to AU because of the mid-sized player base it provides.

I agree with most of the stuff here


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
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Our anti-cheat is most definitely not default NoCheatPlus. If you look through our recent dev logs, you'll see there is an immense amount of work going into it. I'm sure CAmadeusA could tell you all about it.

I personally think we have an exceptional leadership team in our current senior moderator group. With 4-5 pages of ban disputes done daily and a huge amount of work put into the hiring of staff I can assure you the senior moderator rank is very different to the moderator rank.
In the old days of MCSG the main thing that kept bringing in players was that competion on the leaderboards and everyone striving for that number 1 spot.
The leaderboard reset's aim was to set this off again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In regards to sparking off more competition, Techaton and I have lots of stuff coming for people who are into clans. Every summer there is a huge amount of events set up to ensure that the community has stuff to do. Don't worry!!

I'll be locking this thread now. If you have any issues feel free to DM me
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