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MaxTheKokiri's MCSG Story as of 5/25/14


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hello People of MCSG.
Today I will be writing my MCSG story.

June 2012
It all started in June, when two of my friends from my school, peter (patsrule123) and james (mrfederal0) introduced me to minecraft. After a while of playing minecraft I got bored and quit for the summer.
September 2012 - February 2013
My friends and I started playing again and my friend Peter had reached 100 wins. We played daily for 3 months learning more about the servers and how to play. Peter was the best out of all of us and had like 150/400 wins. James and I both had awful ratios and just played for fun while Peter would always tryhard.
March 2013
My friend Peter got bored and quit. Soon after, James did too. That month, I got around 20 wins on U.S. and then got sick of it and quit for like 2 weeks.
April 2013
After, our break, Peter and I came back to MCSG and started playing AU because we were sick of getting kicked from servers because we didn't have donor. Peter got to 50 wins in about 2 weeks and was teaching me how to play. While we were playing on AU, we found many good players like YoungWolfyy_, Elisha_Mutang, DoodLeelDood, DayBreak_27, and best of all, at the time, Cobrastyles. Cobra was amazing and taught many early AU nubs how to play with his videos. I learned from him. My friend, Peter, hated him because he was so good.
May 2013
In May, I met one of my biggest friends/enemies, zmaster777 or Zack. I was in one of Cobra's videos, "teaming with fans" and Zack wanted to team with me when he saw me in a game after one of those videos. Well, Peter and I teamed with him and then he backstabbed us sure enough at the end.
However, later that month we started skyping and became good friends.
June 2013
This is where I met one of my most important friends in MCSG, Swag_Block77. We were tryhard buddies and boosted each other on CA after my friend Peter got bored of minecraft for a while. We tryharded each other to 100 wins and even 200 in around one month. At the end of the month, right before I joined my first clan, we got into a fight because he was playing with some of his old friends that were really bad and I betrayed them because I didn't want to play with them. Well, he kicked me from the skype call, deleted me off skype, and cursed me out in the chat. I got him banned for this and then I that was one of the last times I heard of him.
July 2013 - August 2013
During July, I started to really get into the community of MCSG, I stopped talking to randies that had no wins and started to want to become better known. Then I saw this thing on the MCSG forums called, "Clans and Teams" Then I saw a ton of US clans that I knew I couldn't join due to my awful connection to US. Then, there was one clan called, Team Celsius, led by one of my early friends in MCSG, killyourbutt. He led this clan with someone I kinda don't like named ProfessorRetro. My friends Zack and Peter joined and then we got a lot of other people that were great at the time like TommySonic10 (not many people knew him but he was great), HackIFanPlease, EvermoreHD, Flabbypenguin731, 101thecreator, MNGLOGANp, and a few others. However it did disband due to Zack causing way too much flame and then we started a new clan called The Return, not the jspwn Return that got Elysium to disband, I'm talking about the first Return. We had all the same people except TommySonic10 (he quit sadly), Logan, and 101 had left to play Solo. We did have jspwn though, who was amazing at the time. We had a 9-0 clan battle record until we lost to I believe EU Vikings but I'm not sure. We disbanded because of that and everyone from The Return left for Rivals except a few people that went to Element. Well, I applied for Element and got denied by I_Suck_002 because he thought I had BSM but I guess he was just bad at the time. We started playing alone with two other friends, ZeRoyalWolfMC and CreeperSlayer999. We didn't hear much from Zack after that because he would always just be a jerk. Nothing much happened in August other than my friend CreeperSlayer999, or Jake, quit, and so did Peter. I kinda just hung out with ZeRoyalWolf, or Julia who is now know as ItsLythronax. And that pretty much raps up my life before clans.
September 2013
I joined The Return which disbanded after like 2 days and then met a friend named xPokemasterx. We had really fun times and stuff and then he told me to apply for Reunited. I applied and got in and that was the first legit clan I was in. I met many people here like Defresa, fatmanmak, (two of my best friends), CaptainJS, Xx_SToRmZZ_xX, FatalModzz, and a few others.
October 2013
Reunited disbanded then I went to Forsaken but didn't really like it and left after 3 days. I didn't really do much until the end of the month when I joined OmegaV2, Defresa and fatmanmak's clan. That disbanded and then nothing much happened for the rest of the month.
November 2013
I joined Nebulous, my old friend Swag_Block77's clan and we had fatmanmak and a lot of other good players. We were about to play in Clan Wars against Bbller's clan and then we disbanded. I made my own clan, Gaea, but it disbanded after about 2 days because my co owner, xPokemasterx, had gotten banned and quit.
December 2013
I met two good friends, bruins194 and Timtommytom and they introduced me to UHC and a ton of other fun minigames. They stopped playing for a while and then I applied for another clan, Prodigious. I met a two good friends here, Flipzyy (God), superslayer421 and Dantelius. I got kicked by yoyofrotto because I raged at gavinawesome for something I don't remember about and then I quit for a bit.
January 2014 - February 2014
I applied for Supremacy, basically ProdV2 and got accepted but left because I didn't like how so many people just played Minez and we didn't scrim that much. I left for a clan that Flipzyy made with Synd87 and I met some good friends like xxxTrolMasterxxx and McOrangeBurger45. It sadly disbanded and then I applied for Divine right before it disbanded and hung out with the people on there like TehSteelFlexer. Then I joined Saints led by my old friend ThePompeiian (Binct), from Omega. I met my friend Flqwless there and realized how long I had actually know him. In reality I had probably known him since I played AU a long time ago. It soon disbanded and I had almost no where left to go with people that didn't dislike me.
March 2014
I applied for Vanguard even though I thought a lot of people in there didn't like me because I was in Reunited which was rivals with Sovereign. I got into Vanguard and made many friends like rcazilla23rocks, I_sUcK_002 who I met again from back in Element, I met killyourbutt again from about a year ago, and I met other like Esanity, ProHulk, Salamancer101, richie5777, Chaoskyurem, NineHarted, and some other people.
April 2014
During this month, I couldn't play minecraft because of how bad my internet was so nothing much happened in that month.
May 2014
I didn't play much at the beginning of the month but I did start playing at the end of the month right now because of my new internet. I am actually playing really well surprisingly for having not played for a while.

I'd like to thank a lot of people for being a part of my MCSG story that I will now tag:​
killerkonsv2 patsrule123 ZMaster777 Cobrastyles KillyourbuttMC Swag_Block77 ProfessorRetro tommysonic10 EvermoreHD i_sUcK_002 ItsLythronax FrenchFried xDefrasa SupaHotFire Binct bruins194 Timtommytom Flipzyy Slayeer Dantelius Synd87 Flqw xxxTrolMasterxxx McOrange rcazilla23rocks Esanity123 ProHulk Nineharted PHOTONLIGHT
Last edited:


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hello People of MCSG.
Today I will be writing my MCSG story.

June 2012
It all started in June, when two of my friends from my school, peter (patsrule123) and james (mrfederal0) introduced me to minecraft. After a while of playing minecraft I got bored and quit for the summer.
September 2012 - February 2013
My friends and I started playing again and my friend Peter had reached 100 wins. I had like 10 wins at the time and my friend James had like 30. This was all before the leaderboards reset. We played daily for 3 months learning more about the servers and how to play. Peter was the best out of all of us and had like 150/400 wins. James and I both had awful ratios and just played for fun while Peter would always tryhard. Right before the leaderboards reset I remember hitting 25 wins and I was really happy because I got those 2 wins in a row.
March 2013
After the leaderboards reset, my friend Peter got upset about it and quit. Soon after, James did too. That month, I got around 20 wins on U.S. and then got sick of it and quit for like 2 weeks.
April 2013
After, our break, Peter and I came back to MCSG and started playing AU because we were sick of getting kicked from servers because we didn't have donor. Peter got to 50 wins in about 2 weeks and was teaching me how to play. While we were playing on AU, we found many good players like YoungWolfyy_, Elisha_Mutang, DoodLeelDood, DayBreak_27, and best of all, at the time, Cobrastyles. Cobra was amazing and taught many early AU nubs how to play with his videos. I learned from him. My friend, Peter, hated him because he was so good.
May 2013
In May, I met one of my biggest friends/enemies, zmaster777 or Zack. I was in one of Cobra's videos, "teaming with fans" and Zack wanted to team with me when he saw me in a game after one of those videos. Well, Peter and I teamed with him and then he backstabbed us sure enough at the end.
However, later that month we started skyping and became good friends.
June 2013
This is where I met one of my most important friends in MCSG, Swag_Block77. We were tryhard buddies and boosted each other on CA after my friend Peter got bored of minecraft for a while. We tryharded each other to 100 wins and even 200 in around one month. At the end of the month, right before I joined my first clan, we got into a fight because he was playing with some of his old friends that were really bad and I betrayed them because I didn't want to play with them. Well, he kicked me from the skype call, deleted me off skype, and cursed me out in the chat. I got him banned for this and then I that was one of the last times I heard of him.
July 2013 - August 2013
During July, I started to really get into the community of MCSG, I stopped talking to randies that had no wins and started to want to become better known. Then I saw this thing on the MCSG forums called, "Clans and Teams" Then I saw a ton of US clans that I knew I couldn't join due to my awful connection to US. Then, there was one clan called, Team Celsius, led by one of my early friends in MCSG, killyourbutt. He led this clan with someone I kinda don't like named ProfessorRetro. My friends Zack and Peter joined and then we got a lot of other people that were great at the time like TommySonic10 (not many people knew him but he was great), HackIFanPlease, EvermoreHD, Flabbypenguin731, 101thecreator, MNGLOGANp, and a few others. However it did disband due to Zack causing way too much flame and then we started a new clan called The Return, not the jspwn Return that got Elysium to disband, I'm talking about the first Return. We had all the same people except TommySonic10 (he quit sadly), Logan, and 101 had left to play Solo. We did have jspwn though, who was amazing at the time. We had a 9-0 clan battle record until we lost to I believe EU Vikings but I'm not sure. We disbanded because of that and everyone from The Return left for Rivals except a few people that went to Element. Well, I applied for Element and got denied by I_Suck_002 because he thought I had BSM but I guess he was just bad at the time. We started playing alone with two other friends, ZeRoyalWolfMC and CreeperSlayer999. We didn't hear much from Zack after that because he would always just be a jerk. Nothing much happened in August other than my friend CreeperSlayer999, or Jake, quit, and so did Peter. I kinda just hung out with ZeRoyalWolf, or Julia who is now know as ItsLythronax. And that pretty much raps up my life before clans.
September 2013
I joined The Return which disbanded after like 2 days and then met a friend named xPokemasterx. We had really fun times and stuff and then he told me to apply for Reunited. I applied and got in and that was the first legit clan I was in. I met many people here like Defresa, fatmanmak, (two of my best friends), CaptainJS, Xx_SToRmZZ_xX, FatalModzz, and a few others.
October 2013
Reunited disbanded then I went to Forsaken but didn't really like it and left after 3 days. I didn't really do much until the end of the month when I joined OmegaV2, Defresa and fatmanmak's clan. That disbanded and then nothing much happened for the rest of the month.
November 2013
I joined Nebulous, my old friend Swag_Block77's clan and we had fatmanmak and a lot of other good players. We were about to play in Clan Wars against Bbller's clan and then we disbanded. I made my own clan, Gaea, but it disbanded after about 2 days because my co owner, xPokemasterx, had gotten banned and quit.
December 2013
I met two good friends, bruins194 and Timtommytom and they introduced me to UHC and a ton of other fun minigames. They stopped playing for a while and then I applied for another clan, Prodigious. I met a two good friends here, Flipzyy (God), superslayer421 and Dantelius. I got kicked by yoyofrotto because I raged at gavinawesome for something I don't remember about and then I quit for a bit.
January 2014 - February 2014
I applied for Supremacy, basically ProdV2 and got accepted but left because I didn't like how so many people just played Minez and we didn't scrim that much. I left for a clan that Flipzyy made with Synd87 and I met some good friends like xxxTrolMasterxxx and McOrangeBurger45. It sadly disbanded and then I applied for Divine right before it disbanded and hung out with the people on there like TehSteelFlexer. Then I joined Saints led by my old friend ThePompeiian (Binct), from Omega. I met my friend Flqwless there and realized how long I had actually know him. In reality I had probably known him since I played AU a long time ago. It soon disbanded and I had almost no where left to go with people that didn't dislike me.
March 2014
I applied for Vanguard even though I thought a lot of people in there didn't like me because I was in Reunited which was rivals with Sovereign. I got into Vanguard and made many friends like rcazilla23rocks, I_sUcK_002 who I met again from back in Element, I met killyourbutt again from about a year ago, and I met other like Esanity, ProHulk, Salamancer101, richie5777, Chaoskyurem, NineHarted, and some other people.
April 2014
During this month, I couldn't play minecraft because of how bad my internet was so nothing much happened in that month.
May 2014
I didn't play much at the beginning of the month but I did start playing at the end of the month right now because of my new internet. I am actually playing really well surprisingly for having not played for a while.

I'd like to thank a lot of people for being a part of my MCSG story that I will now tag:​
patsrule123 ZMaster777 Cobrastyles KillyourbuttMC Swag_Block77 ProfessorRetro tommysonic10 EvermoreHD i_sUcK_002 ItsLythronax FrenchFried xDefrasa SupaHotFire Binct bruins194 Timtommytom Flipzyy Slayeer Dantelius Synd87 Flqw xxxTrolMasterxxx McOrange rcazilla23rocks Esanity123 ProHulk Nineharted
Noice story.
Last edited:


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
The leaderboards didn't reset in 2013 though... The only reset was after beta in the summer of 2012 :eek:

Otherwise. Gud storya and kricken pls


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
The leaderboards didn't reset in 2013 though... The only reset was after beta in the summer of 2012 :eek:

Otherwise. Gud storya and kricken pls
whatever i dont remember the times but i remember them resetting before my friend got to 200 wins

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