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Mattziboy - Moderator Application

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Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
  • Hello MCSG, my name is Matt Leupold and I am fourteen years of age. My Minecrfat username is Mattziboy. I have been playing Minecrfat since beta and I have never received a ban or kick in a server. This is because I read the rules, obey the rules, and I’m aware of what I say and do while I am on that server. Very quickly I would like to point out my age (14). Even though I am young, I am very mature and I don’t abuse the power of a moderator. This is because I was once a mod on my own server. The server ip was / 2620:9b::19db:f1. I was admin and mod on my own server. After about 5 months of my server, with 5 active players (not a lot I know) I shut down the server. This is because too many people tried to ruin the server and also the server itself wasn’t going anywhere. Although one good pro I got out of my server was learning how to be a mod. I learned how long to kick or ban people for that specific action. For instance I would see some hackers with Notus appear every once in awhile. I would ban them for about seven to eight days. If they came back again, I would ban them permanently. Also if a player were using harsh language against the server like “Your server is Sh@#.” even after I gave them a warning, I would kick them from the server and ban them for about 3 three days. I have been playing on MCSG for about four months and the most points I have had was 1550. My average is about 1000. I say this because I know how the servers work. Also I have read the rules many times when I was boarded in the lobby. I know that with the power of a mod I must treat all players, donors or non-donors, the same. Also I have to be on the lookout for bad or inappropriate skins. If I see a bad skin I would kick that player out of the lobby along with banning for about a day or two depending on the skin. For example, a player had a full detailed naked skin and there was no mod, if I was in the lobby and I was a moderator I would ban that player for about 3 days because of the skin. Another rule I saw was spamming. I see this a lot when people ask for “team” or saying, “/v 4”. An appropriate action to take in this moment is to ask the player to stop, if they keep carrying on or talk back I would ban that specific player for a couple of hours or maybe even a day. This applies with caps also. Although, caps I would ban for 45 minutes at the most. I believe that I should become a moderator because I love playing the MCSG servers, not only that but I want to make sure that the server stays clean and fun for all the players. To add to that I am very conservative with the power that comes with becoming a mod. This means I will not abuse the power I have against the lobby. I would benefit the staff in many ways. One way I would benefit the staff is because I share the same passion for servers as they do. I want to keep improving these servers and try to find new ways to make people’s experience on MCSG much more enjoyable. Also I may be young, but I can hang with some of the bigger guys because of my maturity. This is because I know the game of PVP and MInecraft. I am very respectful too when it comes to higher level staff and can’t wait to be apart of the staff of MCSG.
Next, I love to make YouTube videos such as FinsGames. I use ScreenFlow to record my Minecraft gameplay and edit the footage with Final Cut Pro. I have not posted a video yet because I have been working on a very cool introduction for all my videos. I will be sure to let you staff know when my first video is up on the forums. My username for the forum is Mattzikid77. Along with making YouTube videos I have a great microphone. I use the Blue Yeti Silver Edition Microphone for my commentaries. When I ran my own server I had to put in a lot of my own time in for making sure the server is clean and fun. With the MCSG servers I can play all weekdays form 4p.m.-7p.m. This is about the time range for my playing time. Sometimes I start playing about 6p.m and go to 10p.m or even 11p.m. It all depends on my homework and what my sport schedule is. On weekends I can usually play all day or whenever is needed. Currently I am not in a PVP group and don’t plan to be in a group for a very long time because I understand that all moderators can’t be in a PVP group. As you can see, I play your servers a lot throughout the week allowing me to be a great moderator for your server because I can join many games and making sure all the lobbies are clean and everybody is following the rules. Finally I live in Southern California and my time zone is central. I hop to join the wonderful staff ay MSCG as moderator and can’t wait to get to work.

My Oath: I, Matt Leupold, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCSG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the admiration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.
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