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LeTsGo's Goodbye.


Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
I've been thinking about this for awhile, and its time. Honestly I've decided to focus more on my life priorities than this lego game. I've missed straight weeks of Football conditioning to pure laziness. This game takes me into a whole other dimension. Makes me zone out on irl stuff. So I've decided to just end it. I'm only 13 and I've had enough of this crap. Before I officially say goodbye I wanna mention some people.

P3num6ra - I will never forget the Synergy and Beyond days, you inspired me so much dude.

Snap - cya homie. thanks for the good times in Synergy and Beyond. Good luck on your new job bro

regularshow421 - you influenced me so so much, even tho you lied about many things....

ImDeadbox - csgo is hella fun when we queue bro. I havent known you for that long but you've became such a great friend.

byRick - we havent known eachother that long but we've became good friends and are the backpack brothers :p

Kronsity - Lucian/Biscuit whatever you wanna be called, imma miss you man you have a great humor has always been a great person.

Colton' - xbrezzy "spooookyyy" lmao you're so damn funny. cya man <3

odakota - BeyondBrother

Silently - uptown new york accent always cracks me up man. luv ya

ABasketball - oh I remember when I first met you. It was on Chernobyl and I somehow got into a team with you Topbandit, David and I forget who else. You and Aaron were the only nice ones to me in that skype call well David was too but he like high on crack at the time. Me and David met about 4 months later and we skype called and started talking again. And then I met up with you again Max in Dexterity. Cya man <3

demon - Dont know your forums account ;( you were never down dude, you were always laughing and stuff. Synergy was such a great time and Beyond was fun too. NEver will forget you dude.

ZMaster777 - omg you were the biggest joethepro fanboy ever.. You tried to trick us in synergy that you were joe and we never believed you. But you're like bipolar or some sht dude. You go from Chill to insanely mad.

Swifftyy - oh what a pvp legend. we became good friends and then you went to rivals and started to hate me or something.

It been a fun ride...

It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I
see you again
We've come a long way from where we began​
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again ;)


Mar 8, 2014
Reaction score
i'll miss ya buddy ;( although i'll be seeing you erryday on csgo. got it??

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