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Lag , Kit PvP , Servers [Lag reports , general recommendations]

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Sep 7, 2013
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Kit PvP
[Problem] I have been playing in Kit PvP in the US servers a lot , because the EU ones have no sign , and I have noticed that a lot of lag is occuring the last days is so much , due to the amount of people. Let's say , when it was first developed , the first two days or so , the maximum of players the Kit PvP could get was 15. Now that it has 69+ players , the lag is ridiculously awful. Most of the players don't even play , they just afk or just shot arrows for no reason.
[Examples of the problem] Sometimes , when I hit people with my sword , the hits don't even register to my enemy , or THEIR hits don't register to me. Fishing rods , have a weird effect on me or anyone else sometimes: The hit registers twice. The only thing that isn't lagged , is the bow.
These lag problems , sometimes give an unfair advantage to me or my enemies , which makes PvP annoying.
[Ideas and recommendations] My idea , is splitting the one Kit PvP server , in 3 or so and/or putting an "Idle Buster" that kicks all the players that are more than 5 or 10 minutes in the hub of Kit PvP , kicking them out of the server completely (Not like temporary ban , just kick them , and then they can re-join again).

MCSG Servers
I would like to say something about the servers too. I think , as MCGamer is getting more popular , they/you (Depending on who is reading , they , if I am talking to forumers , you , if I am talking to Developers :p) should add more servers to the regions , especially to the US and the European MCGamer servers.

The best way to get rid most of the lag is to remove 1.6.2 from the MCGamer servers. I think it is better to wait till Optifine is out for 1.7.2 , or even Shaders , because the majority of the people uses Optifine and Shaders.
I know this will be hard , but when it's done , MCGamer will be almost lag-free.
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