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kollybot101 - Meet the Community


Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Matthew
Nickname: I'm not entirely sure but Matt or kolly are fine. Or really anything that lets me know you mean to talk to me.
IGN: kollybot101
kollybot was taken. But kollybot was taken by myself I just forgot I had taken it.
Age: 16
Which region do you play on?: AU - (US if no one is on AU and I still want to play)
What is your favorite aspect of the MCGamer Network?: I would say the community is the best. The people I've met on the teamspeak have been respectful and it's cool.
One embarrassing moment in your life?: One time, at school someone came up behind me and pulled my pants down with a load of people around me. It was pretty embarrassing but I believe it may of even been more embarrassing for him once he thought about what he did.
One cool fact about yourself?: I have memorised Pi to 35 digits and e to 17 digits
I like twisty puzzles (otherwise known as Rubik's Cubes)
Which are your best friends in the Community?: The amazing GoldenGaming (Previously known as goldfreddy)
I also met quite a few people that GoldenGaming introduced me to, but I never really got to know them that well.
When did you join MCGamer?: A long time ago - When you had separate servers for every game 2012 maybe 2013
How did you find out about MCGamer?: My friend GoldenGaming introduced me to MCSG
PvP Strengths & Weaknesses?: My biggest strength would be my sword while my biggest weakness is most definitely FnS
What is your favorite Gamemode?: Survival Games with friends closely followed by parkour in the hub with friends
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I downloaded Minecraft during Beta 1.7.3 and bought the game just after Beta 1.8 came out. I'm not sure when that was.
Who's your favorite Staff member & VIP?: GoldenGaming
What is your favorite SG map?: Valleyside University and SG4
What are your top three goals in the MCGamer Network?: Get to know the community better, make memories that make me smile in the future, beat the hub parkour without stopping (from the start no jump pad)
Who is your favorite MCGamer YouTuber?: I liked Huahwi and TOXICWASTEII but now I don't watch anyone to be honest. I've basically quit MCGamer YouTube.
What is your favorite MCGamer TeamSpeak Event?: I haven't attended any events yet but I would like to.
What is your favorite MCGamer memory?: When I had a YouTuber call me out for hacks. I forgot who it was though
Favourite Number: 1

I'm actually pretty proud of just typing this up. Normally I would just sit back and lurk. (I am a quiet person who likes to watch everyone else. Or in this case read)
I hope I didn't make any grammar mistakes. I really dislike bad grammar

If you somehow got through all my text... What do you think I should do next?


Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Aha I remember ToxicWasteII....you sir, have been here for quite some time! :p

I think you should play more!


Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Haha it's about time you joined the forums! I remember back in the day when we didn't even know how to play. We just walked around the maps and got confused when people started killing us. Oh how far we have come.


Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score
Nice to meet you i am AU too we should talk and play sometime! :p
Nice to meet you too :)
Thanks, we should play.

Haha it's about time you joined the forums! I remember back in the day when we didn't even know how to play. We just walked around the maps and got confused when people started killing us. Oh how far we have come.
It is about time... I have played MCGamer for too long not to. I wish I remembered more about our early games. I struggle to remember much.
How far we have come indeed.

Not sure if I should reply all in one reply or in many different replies.

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