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Kindness can go a long way


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
Recently I've see a bullying in my school and it makes me wonder what makes people do such a thing. I am one of those kids who isn't popular but isn't the kid being bullied. I try to go out of my way to take to sit with the kid alone at a table or talk to the kid that gets picked on. I share food with the kids who forgot their lunch or doesn't have enough money to buy lunch. I don't worry about popularity at my school or being worried what other kids think. The little things you do for people could go a long way and really make a difference in people lives. Think twice before saying something mean or hurtful. This applies to this community and at school.

If you can do something nice for someone and post what you did below.
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Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Kindness does go a long way, and I'm surprised some people still haven't learned that yet....
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
People are stupid they bully them cause they are shy or nerds I don't get bullied long story bullies suck
Kindness does go a long way, and I'm surprised some people still haven't learned that yet....


May 30, 2013
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Yep, being kind also gets you a good reputation, on the internet and in real life, and people will be more comfortable to come talk to you!

I'm nice to hackers even :3


Nov 24, 2013
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Everywhere you go, you see bad things happen. There are people who have done nothing wrong. Yet they still suffer some of the worst. Doing kind acts for people, really, truly is amazing. Like, even the smallest things, can make someone happy. If only all of humanity were to accept each other as humans and equals, then we would get somewhere. But sadly that isn't the case. So, even if it's the tiniest thing. If you see a chance to do something for someone, do it. You don't know how happy it will make them feel.
So here's one I can remember.

Me and some guy were fighting in game, and during our fight he dropped his sword. I let him pick it up. He thanked me, and we split paths.


Jul 11, 2013
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Everyone told me that this person was a real jerk, so I got to know them and I gave them a chance. And they were a REAL jerk ;-;


Apr 6, 2014
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I have seen discussions like this before, and they indeed did get me thinking, why do people believe it is alright to do bad things ot others? To hurt them?
I have had to endure plenty of experiences towards human psychological suffering, and it feels as if it the worst ordeal to go through as well. Although I was fortunate to have rare encounters with physical bullying, I had seen awful things that occurred within the school grounds, as well as outside, I have seen plenty of bullying and harassment videos that gave me the realization that no one is safe from awful people who wish to make the world a worse place, especially when they do not realize the destruction they are responsible for people's lives.

I have had experiences with bullying towards an extend to where I have considered unspeakable actions, and including self-harm. But what truly got me thinking is why would some people go for doing things that can can lead to absolute devastation and corruption towards one self-esteem and confidence? The experiences that I had to go through were all proven when I was merely in the seventh grade.

I had serious, and personal family issues undergoing and hence meaning that I wouldn't have been able to see two of my family members for half a year. I had felt completely alone and miserable with two of my family members absent from the picture for a temporary, yet vast amount of time. Unfortunately people have not realized what kinds of pain I had to go through from that, and instead they had the disgusting intent to make my life feel like a living pit of evil and misery. They had lacked the consideration and went ahead and continued.

Despite having to acknowledge this to my teachers, they would pretentiously apologize and the next thing happens is that they continue making you feel downer before you even know it. They have had the audacity to make awful rumors about me, as well as making whispers like "Don't be his friend" "He's a weirdo" "Why are you even hanging out with him?", it felt as if it were some realistic nightmare to which the only way out is by living in it anyways. And the worst part is, that instead of people standing up for me and saying "You can't say who I will or will not be friends with.", they just go for listening to them and go ahead and join their sadistic and disgusting humor known as their "fun"...

I was so perplexed, to why people would go ahead and doing such sort of things, as well as being so inconsiderate, and ignorant about what damages that go to effect can cause to the victim. They do not realize how badly they damage the individual's self esteem and confidence just by their poor, trash-filled choice of words.

Kindness does indeed go such a long way, and despite how optimistic, and how kind I have tried to go for some people, it was simply not enough for them, I have been influenced that some people do not deserve other's kindness, for the actions they have caused. I have learnt that despite how far you would go ahead for making acts of kindness, they will never be that grateful as they should be, they have not realized what they have done, and what they have lost. And that is my trust.

Yet again, the world's population is filled with over seven-billion people. And I have indeed met some very kind, considerate, and truly caring individuals who were indeed there for me when I had my issues, unfortunately we have usually parted ways, or are in a long distance kind of friendship, but I am indeed grateful for having to have met them.

Yet again, I am absolutely grateful to be within this community, in a way it has felt to me as a personal sanctuary, no lifer. Lol. I am grateful to know that there are indeed great, and wonderful people within this community who do care, who do consider the things you have gone through, or even understand any issues. I'm grateful to be within a diverse, and caring community, I truly am. :)


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
This is the mindset I keep day in and day out, or at least the basis. I came up with this quote that I just follow. (I haven't seen it anywhere else, so I think it's original. Forgive me if I'm wrong.)
"There is no reason to put any person down, for the time you spend putting them down, could be spent lifting them up."

I find this completely true, and I follow it. I have no reason to be mean/rude to anyone. It's pointless. There's absolutely no reason to make someone's life worse.

As bullying is a big portion of what contributes to the negative of this feeling, I personally haven't been bullied myself, but I experience it often. I know that doesn't make much sense, but I got 2 brothers that are diagnosed with autism (One of which plays on these servers if anyone cares). As that isn't the "normal" in schools, they get discriminated, bullied, put down, etc. and I hear it all the time at home. I feel horrible for them, that they have to deal with it all the time, and I've told myself for as long as I can remember to not be the person that would make them go through the troubles my brothers go through.

I apply this everywhere, real life and on the internet. For those that I have personally talked to (they know who they are), they can second that. I listen to whatever they need to say, help them through whatever they're going through, just be the friend that is always there for them. I think, at this current time, I have helped ~5 people out of depression, and stopped 2 from committing suicide. (Those are stories I will share a different day. When I feel ready). I could go on about myself, but that's not the point of this post.

Just, before you even start thinking about doing something negative towards someone, think about what effects of your words will have on that person. You don't know the mental state of that person, and one sentence can mean something completely different to them than you intended. Just be kind to people, that will benefit them MUCH more than you think.


At my school, if someone is bullied, talk with police xD.

But, if someone forgets their lunch/doesn't have enough money I also give them like, 1/2 my sandwhich, and some of my chips and stuff. (At our school there are like, water disepensers that disperse water colder than Huahwi's hands sooo)

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