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KabaniaBum/JustHyperion's final goodbye.

Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
As stated by the title I'm offical gone, whatever you want to call me- KabaniaBum, Zenso, JustHyperion.
After playing MCSG for nearly 1 year, I've seemed now nothing other then boredom. And now leaving all you guys.
In this thread I'll be writing my MCSG story, and lastly tagging the people who made me who I am today.

About 1.5 years ago my family friend went over to my house, we were incredibly bored whilst our moms were talking for around about 3 hours. We had nothing to do besides one 6 year old laptop. He asked me if I had this game called 'Minecraft' I said no, so he downloaded the cracked version for me.
The day after this I got so addicted to this game, that I begged my parents to be me it. They did but they said I had to share it with my sister ;-; This was also the first ever MC account I ever got, and named it deeps01 (don't tease, I was only 10).
After about 2 months of playing I introduced this game to my Yr. 4 class, we a hung out every day and played for hours and hours.
One day I was watching BajanCanadian and saw what server he played on (MCSG). So me and my lad played this server and got so god damn addicted. I got my first win on my 3rd go, but after playing around 100 games I just gave that account to my sister and bought another called KabaniaBum. After playing for about a month I started becoming seemingly good. And this was also the point where all my IRL friends quit and went back to COD.
I was the only person who still played a block game, and tbh didn't care what others thought. I never do and never will.
Last year in about August a person called Reziduu hacked KabaniaBum, threatend to Doss me but for no reason? I was added to Resurrection the day before and now Reziduu was doing this? I thought he'd give me back my account but he never did- or so I thought. After 2 months he gave me it back, no sorry no nothing...
Before this at January 2014 the I started my own Clan, #Dhromex.
I didn't really know how to run one, and no one joined. Except this person called starstrong applied and I accepted him. Now remember, this was the first time I was ever going to talk to someone who I've never sawn. I was scared af.
But really this starstrong was a really sik lad and ended up being one of my best friends throughout the year.
Now this year, alot of people consider me God at PvP 1.7 (haha). This is just because of either my ratio or the kill streaks I get on Orchestra.
And now I'm here today, leaving you guys...
I'll only be playing if there's a Clan war for my clan, or of the Leader me to practise.

starstrong My first ever friend (not IRL) and first person whom me to talk to.

TheAdrenalineAU *Corey* Bro, I'll miss you alot. Never forgot me and stay on Skype bra c:

WATUP One of the most sickest lads I know! Sad to leave you man =((

Tuatara You are one of the most nicest person I've ever met. Ive only just meet you and already your a top bloke!

_Gordon_ I've had some tense 1v1's with you and hope to continue c:

knowledgeguy My favourite role model, <3
dankrai101 I've only just met you when I got accepted into Monastery. Your a sikk lad and hope to be around you for a bit longer c::


Even you Kingyy_ and CoDsNo65 have a spot in my heart <3


This has been it. Peace
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District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
I wish you the best of luck dude. You were a very amazing individual who has a lot of potential.
I hope you find what you are looking for. :(
Also, thanks for the beautiful words. It means a lot to me.​


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry to see that your account got hacked, it's sad that people go about doing such extreme things to be considered cool on a block game. Oh well.

Best of luck in life, catch ya around!


Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
I gotta admit, I really never liked you, but..
Good luck for the future dude. Enjoy IRL.
(cough whats the sun again cough)

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