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K3nnyrulez's MCSG Story


May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hi, this is my story of my life at MCGamer so far, sorry if i forget to mention you on here if i did know you will try to remember as many as I can and this will be fairly long. You have been warned! :D

Ok so I started playing Minecraft in when it was fairly new and I was only 11, I'm not to sure what update it was at but i seem to remember i started with a cracked account in beta. I was just playing some game (not sure what one) with one of my friends when i saw on of my other friends had posted a link to his stream on these weird sounding servers. These servers were the MCSG servers. So i joined played some rounds and was really enjoying it as I had read the hunger games books. I much preferred these to the other Survival Games servers I had played on.

At the time the MCSG servers were only one server which was saplings.mcsg.in. If i am correct these were inthelittlewoods servers. I would spend an hour plus a day playing on the only map that was on there which was Survival Games 2.

The MCSG servers eventually started evolving, i remember they went down for about a month and when i saw they had gone back up i got the new ip which was about 20 servers with the same IP's as they do currently. It went from 20 too 50 and i started playing more and getting some wins rather than losing every game :p

I took a break from the servers for a bit due to them getting boring as i wasn't really winning any games but when i came back i wanted a better experience so i found these forums and joined a clan. This clan was Titanium lead by a mod (a member at the time) Apachi Sky. I was allowed in to the clan with my 14 wins or something and was told by the leader that i was accepted because he was impressed with my points (2k or something :p)

I went on with all the clan members that night and met, Haydn (Not sure what his IGN was), aag2000 (Meliah!), Sky obviously :p and then a guy my age who i could recognise by his accent which was Copa (The Poneh!)

So after playing some rounds with my new friends some of them went off and it ended up being me and copa playing a couple more games. I thought he was quite cool and added him on Skype. Over the month i got better and better at PvP learning from my new clan. We did some funny Skype video calls ;D and played some fun rounds on the MCSG servers.

This clan did disband but reformed about a week later as Titanium Elite, it gained some new members who i will talk about later but did eventually disband after lasting about half the time as Titanium.

The reason the clan disbanded was due to the owner Apachi Sky becoming a mod, none of us minded that it was disbanded as we ended up just making a new one, this was owned by aag2000 with me and Copa as Co-Owners. Friends that followed from Titanium were people such as Zanaboss and Zedek_VibeZ. This clan had some good Clan Battles and some bad but like the other two clans I'd been in it did eventually disband.

Me and my friend Copa who i mentioned earlier had become greater friends and were now duo'ing and just playing with each other on these servers occasionally joining a game with Zana, Zedek, aag2000 and Apachi Sky. But i then again took a break from these servers as it got extremely boring. I did occasionally message Copa on Skype but not for long as i didn't play on MCSG servers anymore. He eventually went crazy with his wins and got way better than me. This forced me to come back to these servers after my one or two month break.

Sky didn't talk to us anymore due to always doing mod duty's or hiding in the mod channels on Teamspeak and i had learned that Zedek_VibeZ had got extremely good and had joined The Legends (later becoming their clan battle organiser) Zanaboss was somewhere that i don't know and aag2000 was with one my later friends EdtheG.

I had come back to the servers better than ever wrecking teams on my own and occasionally beating my friend Copa. We started playing with aag2000 and this new guy EdtheG and his friend JoshBrennen but ended up not talking to them that often. My wins went up to about 70 something at this time and me and Copa decided to both apply for this clan called Nitride, he got instantly accepted due to his good wins but i had trial against BetaPuffle beating him 2/3 times, this luckily got me accepted! :D

We played with Nitride for a little while getting spammed by their clan chat until it disbanded... I tried joining Netherians getting smashed by Zex and getting declined twice.

(Im going to speed this up and not go into as much detail now)

So my friend Copa had told me to play this weird sounding game League of Legends, I was currently playing on my dads Mac so i didn't want to download another giant game as i already had WoW and Minecraft and all my Steam Games on it so i waited until my 14th birthday when i got my own computer! I downloaded this game Leauge and my minecraft and all my steam games.

I played all these games with my school friends and Copa. We didn't play as much MCSG at this time but did start playing more regularly (I blame LoL on us not playing much)

I am just going to skip further as this is already getting too long XD

I played and started getting more wins more often and got better. Me and Copa regularly Skype'd and played MCSG when one game we came across another team of two. It was Voei and Mykul_. I knew Mykul from the forums so we asked them for a fair two vs two. They agreed to fight us fairly so I ran for Voei and Copa went against Mykul. I got the upper hand on Voei and Copa needed help with Mykul so we 2v1'd Mykul then Voei sniped copa, i got a good bow combo on her then ran in getting lit up and killing her and winning the game with 1.5 hearts. I did not know that they were this good until i saw Voei was one of the best on the Eu servers. This made me realise how good of a team me and Copa were.

I tried applying for mod getting declined 3 times because of age then i recently applied getting denied for not enough detail in one section and age again... ._.

We played more until one night i saw Chad was streaming some MCSG. I joined the stream and noticed he was going to do some giveaways. I kept getting killed fairly early (Thanks SixZoSeven! XD) and ended up just watching the stream for quite a while. Chad made a announcement that he was going to giveaway 3 diamond donator codes. I was lucky enough to win one of these. I finally had a rank above member in my long time at MCSG!

I tried winning Copa a rank but was unsuccessful so since this stream about 1-3 months ago i have been playing with my diamond donor, improving and pvp and getting more wins.

Me and Copa decided to join another clan deciding on Allegiance, we enjoyed it there but it didn't feel like it would last much longer due to the owners inactivity. So we left and applied for TeamSypher, we both did our trials and have both been accepted. I was very proud and happy to play in the clan war against Nitride. I have no clue what the outcome is as we had some problems but it was fun! :D

About the same time I was accepted to Sypher I donated to join TeamElite. I joined their server helped build some things and made some new friends and am fighting for my rank of official flower placer! (;D Kellie!)

I hope to get mod when i am 15 or when its possible for me to get an age exception and can see that Sypher has lots of potential to be the next clan at the top.

To this minute I am still enjoying the MCSG servers and I'm proud to say i was one of the first members that is still here.

Thanks to these players as i feel they do need a special mentioning:
ApachiSky: For introducing me to all the awesome players and accepting me to his clan.
Zedek_VibeZ: Although you aren't playing MCSG anymore and won't see this I had to include you as you're Olevah!
ballparkscarab: I don't talk to you anymore and you have quit minecraft but you were extremely funny and i cannot leave the Golden Mother out!
aag2000: Awesome friend and helped me get better at MCSG and now becoming better than me! I know you only play Hive now but you are another i have to include.
EdtheG: You is mah brotha!
Allegiance: Thank you to Sean and Jam/Ben for making me feel welcome in the clan. I wish you both luck on MCSG as Allegiance is now disbanded.
TeamSypher: Happy to be part of your clan and enjoy playing with you guys! (Zniz, Chris, Slasher, DareDevil and Kristoffer)
Copa: You're the person on MCSG who i basically started with and i still play it with you today so thanks for that. We are both gona end up higher on the leaderboards eventually and am planning on keeping you as my MCSG buddeh.
Please let me know if i forgot to mention you and you feel i kind of need to, sorry if i did forget you :p

Sorry this was abit long hope you enjoyed reading the part/parts you did read and i can't wait to hit my 2nd year anniversary on MCSG and play even more!


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
First. Now to read :3

Edit: Nice story. I'm jelly of your prize winning skills doe :(
Last edited:

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