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K2's MCSG/Minecraft Story


Nov 29, 2012
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As you can tell from the title, this is my (k259864’s) Minecraft and MCSG story. It all started about 3 years ago when my brother got an Xbox for Christmas. At first I thought video games were bad and I hated them so much until this game called Minecraft came out on the Xbox. I had no clue what this game was and I thought it was only an Xbox game. Once my brother taught me how to play Minecraft I made the best mine, best house (of course a very large stone house) with tunnels interlocking all the sections of my house. My brother and I used to play Minecraft all day until my parents made us go to sleep.

I didn't know that there was a computer version of Minecraft until one fateful day one year ago. I visited my friend Kieran’s (kpw28) house and I saw his brother Corey (halfpoint9) playing Minecraft on their computer. I started to play Minecraft with them on some ctf server and then he asked me if I wanted to play some hunger games server that they know about. I of course said sure. We played for a long time on these servers and of course we were complete noobs, I didn’t even know how to move and we had no clue how to craft so we died every game. I remember in my first game, it was on SG1 and I ran some random way, got a wooden axe and camped in the water until dm.

That night I went home and I had no clue how to get on the hunger game servers. I searched online for so long and then finally in the morning Kieran told me how. I was such a NOOB back then. I didn’t win a game until I played 726 games. My first win was on Breeze Island, on eu1 early in the morning before school. For 4 months I only played MCSG on my dad’s computer, waiting at home every night until he came home from work and then I would play MCSG from 6pm-10pm every night. I didn’t know about Skype back then or the forums so I would call Kieran on my phone and talk to him and team. In late November last year I found the forums and immediately made an account.

At Christmas last year I got what I have been wanting for a long long time... my own computer! I got a skype first thing. I went in a lot of lobbies asking for skype team with random people and then I met Diploge. We first text-teamed in a server and then I convinced him to get a skype account. I used to play MCSG with him for 5 hours a day every day for about two months. About a month in I asked a pretty popular player at the time, xxxLinkinParkxxx to team. I later joined his clan, the Cobras and met ThePikachuPro. I convinced Diploge to join the clan so he did. ThePikachuPro and I became really good friends and him and Diploge used to always play MCSG with me. Soon after that I came on the TS. I met so many people, I can’t even begin to name them all.

Soon after that in about mid February I decided to apply for moderator. I spent 3 hours writing the best application one night and I was all excited so I sent in my application. About 3 days later I checked my app to see if there were any views on it and I saw that the template changed for the application. I had to totally rewrite my application and I made it better then ever. A few days later My application was accepted by slasher at about 9pm. I had my interview that night at 9:30pm, along with JoeDelgrippo. I had all the sr staff at the time in my interview and I was accepted that night.

That night I talked to Diploge for the last time ever. The only person that was happy that I got mod was ThePikachuPro. As a moderator, I was very lucky to have Jstame as a teacher. He taught me everything that I know and he is the reason that I am the person that I am today. That is the end of my short story, ending about six months ago. I will maybe do a story of my mod career sometime in the future. ;)
Last edited:


District 13
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
Change the text color pl0x :p

EDIT: Nice story K2, you should totally do your mod story.


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
I can't read it ;-;

EDIT: I requested a desktop site (Thanks Google Chrome) I really enjoyed the story. If Paul you and I were to meet up somewhere, 16 come sooner, it would make my year. Meeting a fellow minecrafter who I trust entierly who isn't completely nubby! :3


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
K2 was the first moderator I talked to on TeamSpeak.. Nice story BTW.


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
I still remember that, you didn't know how to unmute your mic. xD But it's ok.
I was also talking to a friend on a different team speak so I could get him banned...

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