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Just Why?

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Jul 18, 2012
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Some of you here may know me as a friend, others here might know me as that guy that makes those memes, others here may not know me at all, but I need to say something. Basically I want to ask one question, and that question is why we aren't allowed freedom of speech? Why if that somebody disagrees with a mod and they are being respectful about it, can they be kicked from a game? It's unfair. Honestly I'm sick of the Staff at mcsg "Playing God". A few members of the Sr. Staff are corrupt. If you deny this I respectfully ask you to open your eyes. These certain members allow their biased opinions to rule their judgement and it sickens me.

There are pletty of examples of corrupt decsions, like this whole "JustHello" situation that popped up. I honestly don't know where to start. So I'll take the easy way out. A few weeks back I was asked to make a list with all of my concerns of the Sr. Staff. Here is that list:
I'm not sure how to start this but I guess I'll start by saying that no management team is perfect, and mcsg is no exception. It has flaws and sadly even corruption (to a certain level). As a normal player and an active member on the forums I'll list some of the thing I noticed about the Sr. Staff.

-Hypocrisy: This is more an annoyance to me. I've been on Ts before with Sr mods and a person in the channel will say something "God Dammit, I just lost to some asshole" the sr mod will tell them not to swear then go into a different channel and say "Oh, I f***ed up the redstone trap badly this time". Another example is how they "treat everyone fairly" but they treat ordinary players like they're less than them. They talk down to them, and it's very apparent. Personally it disgusts me that they've let their position to get to them that much. I really think that they need to practice what you preach.

-New, Younger Mods: This is speculation but a lot of new mods have been hired recently, most of them being 14-16. Most of these mods are inexperienced and for lack of a better term a little timid. I feel that the reason a lot of these younger mods are being hired is because their young age and inexperience makes them easier to manipulate and question the decisions of the higher ups less.

Playing God: This is probably the worst one. Sr Mods are given a great deal of power and responsibility. Though sadly some seem to abuse this. It seems that the power they are given goes to their heads and they seem to think they are untouchable. Theyve removed a number of posts on the forums that criticize them, simply because they don't agree with it. An example I'll give is the one that relates to me. I'll keep it as truthful as possible and I hope you'll believe it.

So back in March I was accepted for a mod interview. My interview went pretty terribly. It was Slasherxtreme, Life855, Antster360, and me in the channel. I did pretty terribly and I was upset by the fact that the mods were saying NOTHING. The only one to say more than a sentence was slasher, because he was asking me the questions. You may think this is an odd complaint but imagine having a job interview with your wall, it's not enjoyable. I even asked a few questions in my interview, that instead of an answer, i got total silence for 30 seconds and they moved onto the next question. I ended up being denied and was upset. I has heard for a few people that in the TE channel life had said he'd fallen asleep during my interview, I wasn't to happy about that. Later on that night I was in a channel with some friends and a person joined and asked me how my interview went. I told them the truth. I said it went terribly and that I was mad at the staff for the terrible interview. It turns out it was life855 in disguise mode. He asked me if I had anything o say for myself. I said something a long the lines of "Why would I? I told the truth." He wasn't too happy with that answer. Ever since then life has held a grudge against me and has even told me that he has clouded judgement of me. So when I applied for mod and was denied for "causing issues after interview" I was a little annoyed/upset. I got on ts and poked slasher about it. He said that "I was being disrespectful to sr staff". We ended up arguing and it wasn't so pretty, but the point is that the some sr staff members don't seem to like it when people criticize them or say bad things about them. To be honest I'm happy I wasn't hired, why would I want to listen to people like that? But that my being opinionated and that's unfair. But, I'm digressing. I guess the story falls into the section in "Hypocrisy" about how they treat others like they are less than them and that they can hold grudges over small matters for long periods of time simply because they don't like someone. In my opinion, a mod should be hired because they'd be good at their job, not because the Sr Staff likes them. Trust me, this does happen and it's really almost saddening.

I hope you'll take my observations and experiences into account when making decisions about the staff at MCSG. I was a truthful and honest as I could be in this message, and I hope it shows. Good luck to you.

-Hawk62 (Remember I wrote this as a letter, so it may seem a little odd)

Some people might ask why I'm doing this. My answer is that a while back I applied for mod because I wanted to help the community. I now realize that this won't help. I will only become a puppet, a toy only useful to it's master. I decided to speak out and hope to show people that we need change. I'm not saying we should start a rebellion. I'm saying we should resist the corruption, just as so many great men did in the past. We need to show the corrupt Staff members that we are no longer afraid of them. We need to show them that we deserve respect. The staff can ban me if they want, but aren't they just proving my point? I'm asking for freedom of speech so we can speak out against corruption. Give me a good reason why we can't have that. I'm sorry if I seem disrespectful but why should I respect a Sr. Staff member that is biased and unfair? I don't know about anyone else but I feel that at this point speaking out against the corruption is a better way to help the community then becoming a mod is. It's the way I see it and it disgusts me.

If you wish to speak to me in private pm me for my skype.

-Sincerely, Hawk62

(P.S Don't start a flame war!)
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