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Staff Jazza - Meet The Staff [v2.0]


Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
First name: Tom. Just plain old Tom.
IGN(s): Jazza
Nickname(s): "Mmmmm",

One Cool Fact: I'm Swedish, Canadian and a tiny bit of Japanese and coming from several staff members, I sound American?
One Embarrassing Fact: My voice can supposedly put my mother to sleep. Someone prepare me a bed-time story to read her.
One Fact that makes you proud: I say this, and I quote "Apparently, I have a soothing voice"
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I was born on a couch. Yeah. Good thing my mother was a nurse! I'm not going to say I was diagnosed because I don't like big medical words, but I was also found to have had traces of ADHD when I was a child but i'm starting to grow out of it each and every day.
Most Common question you get asked: "Are you 20?"
Favorite Animal: Something called a "Dog." Quite the creature.
Favorite Plant: Grass?
Favorite Color: B L U E
Favorite Food: Dominos pizza, woo.
Biggest Pet Peeve: When you're having a deep conversation and -
User joined your channel.
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Personal Catchphrase: "Mmmmm"
Heard about MCG by: One of my friends attempting to find any HG servers (When MCGamer was not a hub server) on PlanetMinecraft and boop. This appeared.
Ever Bring someone to MCG: Two, actually. Somehow forgot their names though.
First friend in the community: It's still, and always will be KiraBerry.
MCG role-model: In all honesty, I look up to LilBub, not only because of her ability to assist anyone in need, but simply the fact that she fitted into this community quite a long time ago and became one with it at ease. I'm happy to have been close friends with her for a couple of months now. I respect her alot and I wish her all my luck in her future endeavors. ;)
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Basically being apart of this community because if it weren't for you (past, present & future) guys, i'd probably be doing CS-GO full-time.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: I believe that violence is the wrong answer. Instead we shall settle this in a more, professional manor if you will. Preferably a nice picnic in the sun. Fancy black, herbal, chai or (LeafyGreen) tea, Chad? With a side of scones of course.
Call me maybe?: That requires effort.
Do you team in game: Naaaaah. That's too mainstream.
Have you been backstabbed: The exact reason why I play on Solo-SG.
Ever Broken a bone: Alot. Both legs, one arm, ankle. Not really a lucky guy.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: A flying fish.
Personal Skill: I have the ability to stay in bed all day.
Computer specs: Far too lazy to find them.
Computer operating system: Again, far too lazy to attempt to find them.
Program I use to record: F r a p s
Favorite movie : Taken 3. Liam Neeson sounds like my dad.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: By a wide margin, Ed Sheeran.
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): The GTA series.
Favorite character from fiction: Borat?
What does a fox say? "Mmmmmmmmmm."
Terrified of: Try-harders.
Personal website: Boop. Not really a personal website but close enough.
Favorite website (Other than these forums): Putlocker?
Dream job : Voice-acting a film.
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I'm proud to be doing voice-acting for a small, local company. Tis' fun.
Favorite thing about the community: The fact that it has changed alot, looking back to 2012 - present. I'm honestly still astonished about that.

When I am online: I attempt to hop on any region, just to see if everything is kept appropriate and I occasionally hop into rounds of SG and other gamemodes just to spectate any reported hackers like I was born to do.
Been a member of staff since: April 8th (10 days have passed since my 4 months, I know. I'm a little nooblet.)
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): The hub? Other than that, SG.
Personal goals(s) as a staff member: To generally give a warm welcome to newer staff members coming by, day by day to join the staff team and personally make them feel at home. <3


Dec 1, 2014
Reaction score
Never heard of you to now, but I must say, I think your one of the better staff members. Nice to know about you :)


District 13
Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
Nice to know more about you! :) Keep up the good work.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ughhhh I hate it when staff makes a v2 within 9 or so months of getting staff. Hopefully this is a sign you'll get involved with the forums now.

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