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Its Time Guys


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Well guys, I have been having a great time with all things, I mean Iv'e gotten 17 wins in the past day, and things have just been all around good. Minecraft is really ruining my life, I spend so much time playing this game, it just has to stop, my grades are falling because of this. It just needs to stop. So let me say my thank yous and goodbyes to who were most special to me in my MCSG career
, The newely incorporated reason I'm quitting, is the simple fact, MC doesn't work anymore and even if I got it fixed MCSG just wouldn't be my thing.First off, Lets get into my fun times of MCSG :)

So, on December 25th 2012 (CHRISTMAS <3) I got an Iron Donorship for MCSG, well there was only the fact I didn't know how to get it! xD. So I registered Christmas night and have been regularly active on the MCSG forums ever since! My journey didn't start here though. I has been playing the Survival Games since around April or May 2012. This is where I was a complete nub, so much, that I had thought that the "numbers" (points) beside my name would keep me from being able to play if I ran out. The first game I ever won on had to have been Yellowstone. Such a good experience that was :)! Then I started really getting into it. I started skype teaming with random people and then I started to win some games! It really was a great experience. But I have to say, all good things have to come to an end at some point! Thanks MCSG you made my life a whole hell of a lot better! Here are my most memorable people!

, @Flipzyy I mean this guy taught me so much, he was the first guy that I was ever in a real clan with. He taught me so much pvp this has turned me into the pvper/person I am now

Secondly, @Cat_On_A_Poptart and @TylerthePandaHD, you guys really showed me what its like to be in a clan being lead by someone who knows what theyre doing, Element1.0 that was the best thing ever that clan chat, I'd wake up to 500000 messeges each and everyday that was the best, Tyler I really looked up to you as a pvper and a clan leader, you had inspired me to make all those clans, and I just couldn't go to any other clan once I got to know you more

Next we have @CaptainJS Captain your like one of the coolest guys I know, It was so much fun being able to play and hang out with you, thanks for that

@Mwinkl3sMinecraft, Dude your totally one of my top 5 MCSG friends, we did so much together and it was just an overall blast getting to do all the things we did together

@barcalona_999 Cookie what is there to say about you, Your hilarious, and that time we realized we live like 15 minutes away from eachother was awesome and funny!

@MNGLOGANp, You really taught me well, You trained me how to water fight I learned a lot from you so thanks!

@MrAmazing66 Back in the day when you know the guy you were ;) You were so cool and #Hurricanes was amazing man, thanks for being a good friend

@RathaYatra What do I need to say Brazilian Tree Fights were the bomb diggady

@DairyQueen_ First mod friend eva Thanks for that awesome texture pack I rate 10/10

joshbillyjoe Thanks for giving me accounts to use in times of need because of targeting :p

JLFlame My IRL friend that plays MC, what can I say you ball so hard, B***** wanna find ya!

SpidersFTW I played with you and crazykapy for only like a day, but man that sure was a wonderful time

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, @ChadTheDJ For being an absolutely amazing owner and creator of these servers you made my life better for when I was sad and bored MCSG made me happy again, I love you! I wish you good luck in your future endeavors with the server

Well guys If I missed you leave a comment and Ill try to add you, (If I knew you any well)

Guys this just about raps out my road to being a great MCSG player, which in my opionin I never really filled but thanks for giving me a great time, and I guess for one last spin -Legend out


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Jesus Christ the Element chat was bad.

Oh my God.

No, don't bring back the memories.


Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Bye, you don't have to go so soon! Good luck with irl stuff!

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