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It was a great run


Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hello mcsg community
This thread isn't really silly or sarcastic.
This is about mcsg and my journey through it.
2012 In 2012 me and my friends started playing minecraft. We used to play on the old servers with factions and creative. Around June, my cousin introduced me to mcsg. At first I was a massive noob and I was new to pvp. All the people I played with were really good and I got bullied around too. I wasn't really having fun playing . I took a month practicing on FFA servers. When I came back. I started to win 1/5 of my games. It started to entertain me. Right as I got home from anywhere I would play 50 games. Addicted . In 2013 I started meeting new people and communities. I used to team with them and communicate with them. It was a blast. In march, I hit 50 wins and I got really into it. Around a month later 90 wins and then I was starting to get accused of hacks which I was confused about. The only hack I knew about minecraft was xray. Around May it was my 10th birthday and I got a headset and gaming PC. It was hard to get used to.My PC was really fast for minecraft and it helped me a lot! I started great relationships and I had people to back me up when being bullied of my age. Around December I hit 400 wins and it was hard to even belive how far I came. I was introduced into a clan called Paradox. This clan was really fun to be a part of and I've met new people and created great friendships. We might've gotten in fight once in a while but it all turned out great.
It was a new year and I wanted to start bigger relationships around the mcsg community. I started making videos which got no where. To be honest they sucked.
May 2014
My 11th birthday was a blast and I loved sharing it with community
I got a new mouse and keyboard.
I hit 600! Wins . I was still addicted.
June 2014
This month wasn't so great for me and lots of my friends started branching of mcsg. I heard of the teamspeak and you don't even know.
My god I got bullied to hell since of my squeaker voice ^_^. I talked to moderators about it and I was called a *snitch*. Back then moderators were my only teamspeak friends .
2014 December
This month was when I started losing the urge to play mcsg. It wasn't as fun as it used to be and lots of the people I was close to turned back on me. I tried to egnore it but I couldn't.
2015 brand new year .
After 2014 I started losing my interest to mcsg. I started using skype. Skype was fun to use because I could add the people I trusted. But the next month a person started to harass me. A day later I was sent gross stuff and I didn't like the fact that I trusted him. So I gave up Skype and got pissed and what people did to me.
March 2015
Around here was when I gave up mcsg
I had 864 wins most of my friends left mcsg and I got harassed in chat and on teamspeak. This

Mcsg has taught me life skills and other stuff I'll need to know in life.
Even though it's a game it can mean a lot

There's and endless list of people I need to thank

Thanks to
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Those are only some of the people I've met in my journey


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see you go. I feel as if we've crossed paths before, good luck in the future

P.S. Moved to the community corner.

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