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Is it all a waste of time?


District 13
Jan 9, 2013
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I have a question for all of you. Do you feel like you have wasted your life by playing video games? I mean, we are probably spending hours and hours in front of the computer instead of going outside and socializing. Do you feel like MCSG may have changed your life, both in a good and bad way? We have all met many great friends, but at the same time we may have wasted out teenage years. I guarantee that when we grow up we will all look back to playing video games as being a waste of time. I have had a lot of fun and met a lot of friends, but I feel like I could have spent my time a lot better than playing video games. Maybe I will quit once I go to high school next year, who knows. What do you think?
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Oct 21, 2013
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It changed MY life alot, I got addicted, and got bad grades, now, I play much less.


Jul 16, 2012
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I can talk so much on this subject... For this is something that's been on my mind lately, in a way. Personally, it has done both good and bad. If it wasn't for these servers, I've wouldn't of met all the fantastic people that I know to this day. (Would tag some, but that's for another time.) Out were I live, nobody has the interest of minecraft like me, and the few that do just play cracked versions. It's kind of my getaway to be able to talk and play with people that share the same hobby as me.

For bad, I a tad socially akward in person... I can talk to my friends and whatnot perfectly fine, but when it comes to just other people in general, I just kind of don't want to talk to them... Also, it makes it somewhat harder to start a conversation with people, since I don't have much to talk about outside of video games. Sure, I could talk for hours about the stuff if they were into it, but I got little to nothing when it comes to other things...

So, in a way, these servers have caused a few bad things to me socially, but it has defined me as a person aswell, since I can play the game I love and talk to people that share that passion. If I had the option to go back and change it, so I never went onto here and develop those things, I wouldn't. For I don't know how I would of turned out to be without them, and I am quite happy with how I am, even with the flaws. c:


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Playing online changed who I am for the better. If I hadn't thrown myself off the deep end, and gotten so involved with video game communities that I'd end up leading them, I'd definitely be a different man. For better or for worse is another argument, but I will say that running communities has given me a lot of perspective, wisdom, knowledge, and experience I otherwise never would have been able to find elsewhere. If it weren't for this "waste of time", I wouldn't be here.

Here's two ways you can differentiate videogames from being a waste of time versus being a worthwhile pursuit.

1. Moderation is key. No, not moderation like, "____, please don't spam or else I'll report you for rule breaking." Moderation as in keeping everything in equal parts. Balance your videogame life with your real life, and never let one get neglected in favor of the other. You can have both, but it requires strict discipline which you must learn, or else you'll fall off the deep end.

2. Don't just play: get involved. Videogames are a consumable good, but they can be so much more than merely an entertaining diversion for a few hours. There are communities out there to interact with, and people to meet with similar interests as you. There are mods to be made to enhance players' experience, allowing you to build on a skills you otherwise may never have had a chance to use, all while existing within a medium you and others enjoy. And lastly, there are games to be made! Every game developer is/should be an avid gamer, and these people who bring joy and art to a large, willing audience must first find their beginnings inside of the world of videogames. But the point is that if you enjoy videogames, you should do more than just play them; you should be a content creator, not just a content consumer.

I've had a lot of time to think this topic over, and every now and then I start to doubt myself. But every time, I always come to the same conclusion: videogames are not a waste of time, so long as you don't treat them like one.


Oct 21, 2013
Reaction score
Playing online changed who I am for the better. If I hadn't thrown myself off the deep end, and gotten so involved with video game communities that I'd end up leading them, I'd definitely be a different man. For better or for worse is another argument, but I will say that running communities has given me a lot of perspective, wisdom, knowledge, and experience I otherwise never would have been able to find elsewhere. If it weren't for this "waste of time", I wouldn't be here.

Here's two ways you can differentiate videogames from being a waste of time versus being a worthwhile pursuit.

1. Moderation is key. No, not moderation like, "____, please don't spam or else I'll report you for rule breaking." Moderation as in keeping everything in equal parts. Balance your videogame life with your real life, and never let one get neglected in favor of the other. You can have both, but it requires strict discipline which you must learn, or else you'll fall off the deep end.

2. Don't just play: get involved. Videogames are a consumable good, but they can be so much more than merely an entertaining diversion for a few hours. There are communities out there to interact with, and people to meet with similar interests as you. There are mods to be made to enhance players' experience, allowing you to build on a skills you otherwise may never have had a chance to use, all while existing within a medium you and others enjoy. And lastly, there are games to be made! Every game developer is/should be an avid gamer, and these people who bring joy and art to a large, willing audience must first find their beginnings inside of the world of videogames. But the point is that if you enjoy videogames, you should do more than just play them; you should be a content creator, not just a content consumer.

I've had a lot of time to think this topic over, and every now and then I start to doubt myself. But every time, I always come to the same conclusion: videogames are not a waste of time, so long as you don't treat them like one.
Even my dad liked this text.


Dec 20, 2012
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The thing is, before I played MCSG, I had so many things to do. Now, it feels like my life revolves around gaming and the computer. School has always been the most important to me, it still is. But it kind of scares me that it's being pushed to the side more and more as I continue this. Sure, I've met people... but people come and go... so what AM I here for? I don't know. I guess it's one of those thoughts that you want to push away but keeps coming back.


Oct 14, 2013
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I've completely wasted my life on video games and MCSG, but I don't care. Of course, I spend time playing video games instead of studying, my grades have dropped significantly since I got my new PC, and I never go outside anymore...

But the friendships and memories I have made are priceless, and I'd rather be this no-life nerd that I've shaped myself to be over anything else. I love this, and I hope it never changes.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
I waste so much time on the internet; not just mcsg and minecraft, but just about everything else too.. youtube mainly, instagram, twitter, facebook, skype, etc etc

Others would say: "Yes, you really are wasting your time."
I disagree because it fun and I put off my homework...:D:rolleyes:

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