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Is an Overhaul Needed for MCSG's Rules?

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Damien // Teepwn

Hey there friends,

I've been meaning to make this thread for a while now, but have only gotten around to doing so now. I feel this is something MCGamer needs to address as lots of the rules are outdated/give incorrect info and people been banned against unclear poorly-explained rules (myself included, no biggie. I can get it resolved.).

I'm pretty much just gonna cover most of the rules and give my standpoint on them as I know for a fact that there's a few that have to be changed/elaborated on.

If you, yourself has any suggestions that you want me to change/add, feel free to reply and tell me!

Also, forgive me if I didn't put this in the right place. I was thinking feature suggestions but I felt it was more of my opinion and a discussion than a feature suggestion at this point. Also, I feel that more covers in-game "features" rather than stuff to do with the forums. If the thread's in the wrong location, a mod may feel free to move it.

Let's begin, shall we?

NOTE: All of these are from what I know personally and are in MY opinion, so forgive me if any information is incorrect.

This part seems to be fine for the most part.

Now, this section is extremely iffy and desperately needs revising.

The examples need to be changed and made more... realistic, I suppose? Currently, they really don't say all that much and are extremely vague. Also, would saying "gg10 rekt eZ" not be the same as saying "You suck at Minecraft"? I know, this has been talked about by many members of the community before, but if the staff is just going to reply with "just because people take offense to it, doesn't mean it's offensive", let me raise this point:

Have I raised my point? Good.

As for this:

And the rest of the bullet points, I feel that (in compliance with the definition of harassment) saying something once shouldn't be breaking any rules. (Usually) When something that could be classified as offensive is said just once, it is a joke or a question. For example, asking someone, "are you homosexual?" shouldn't be classified as abuse. It is merely asking a serious question about their sexuality and they have the choice of whether or not to answer it. If they ask you to stop, or if you repeat it multiple times, it's a different story.

What exactly is meant by PG? It's general and everyone has different ideas of what it this (also applies for "do not say/post anything inappropriate.) Being specific here would be helpful.

A list of inappropriate words (perhaps on a separate page in a link at viewers discretion?) would be helpful, too.

This is pretty much good, but just following on from the last part, saying something as a question, shouldn't be considered discrimination as discrimination is the unjust treatment of a category. Asking a question is not doing that.

This is completely fine.

This could be cleaned up and elaborated on somewhat more. For example, it's hard to know if you're allowed to give links if someone asks for it. Like, I've heard you're allowed to, but nothing is stated about it within the rules.

Now, what's to differentiate an argument from a discussion? Sometimes the line can be blurred (I know you want it, (I know you want it). No? Sorry... :() If something swings between argumentative and discussive (is that a word?) what's the jurisdiction for that?

As for some of the rules, they either need to be enforced or removed, as currently they seem to be allowed (troll threads and controversial topic. i.e. politics.).

Now what defines a glitch as the line can once again not be all that clear? I know in the past the fence glitch was allowed (until it was patched) because it was a Minecraft glitch. However, it was exploiting it to your advantage. Which is stated to be against the rules. Does this mean that any other Minecraft glitches are allowed (until patched)? It's all a bit broad.

A definition of what block glitching is would also be helpful to those who do not know what it is.

All seems to be fine for now.

However, sometimes drama is unavoidable. It seems this isn't enforced heaving anyways, though so it the rules is removed or changed it would make more sense.

For the selling items for money, adding with the exception of the art section is nice for clarification. :)

Fine but could possibly contain more examples.

How outdated is that? I suggest removing it. The chances of having an Admin in your game is pretty unlikely and it doesn't happen.

All forum and teamspeak rules are fine.

Remove the Survival rules, that server doesn't exist anymore. Creative rules are fine.

I believe the information about the 5 minute cooldown is outdated as I have never experienced anything like that. Either remove it from the text or implement it.

Also, add something in here (or the webstore terms and conditions) stating that you cannot get donator transfers anymore. It states nothing of it currently so it would be good to add it so people don't go emailing support just to find out you can't do it (myself included :p).

Is this still enforced? It seems a little harsh to permanently ban someone for deleting evidence. Maybe they forgot they had it when they closed a youtube channel. Perhaps it's ok to delete evidence after a month of said user being banned. But, I still feel a perm is too severe, especially when you only get a 7 day ban for hacking (first offence).

Okay, there needs to be more specified qualification as what counts as threatening to DDoS. Saying "I know people who can DDoS", whilst it isn't the smartest thing to say, it's also a threat.

I've also had an experience where a guy took me offline , was blatantly admitting to it and he did not get banned (though I believe he's banned now) for not enough "proof". It happened a while ago, though and the rules could have been different, but I'm just trying to say that this needs to be further explained.

Possibly just adding something in that rank transfers are not allowed?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Phew, I bet you're glad that's over, aren't you?

Let me know your opinion on this! Also, feel free to point out any mistakes I've made/things I need to change.

- Damien // Teepwn


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Can you just type out what you want to change?

Damien // Teepwn

Can you just type out what you want to change?
I suppose I COULD have, but it's hard as I'm often directly quoting things within the rules. I found it made more sense to do it like this, despite the fact it makes it a lot longer.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
No it is never okay to delete the evidence, even after a month, what if the user who was banned opens a ban dispute? if there is no evidence they get pardoned.
I'd like to bring up an instance in which I recently, and accidentally, deleted my YouTube channel. It's a long story, but basically I was deleting two Google+ pages that I didn't want to have, as I had three, and I accidentally deleted the one that I wanted to keep in addition to one of the useless ones. That, in turn, deleted my entire channel, with a few dozen videos, both public and private, including hacker reports. Now, almost all of them were from several months ago, but if even ONE of those people that I reported were to decide to post a ban appeal now, I would get Perm-Banned, despite it being 100% accidental and unintentional.


Edit: also, I absolutely love this thread. c: I really agree that the rules need some clarifying, particularly with things such as the disrespecting rule. How is "You suck at Minecraft" disrespectful, but not being told that you're "eZ" to kill, and that you got "R3kt"? :/


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
No it is never okay to delete the evidence, even after a month, what if the user who was banned opens a ban dispute? if there is no evidence they get pardoned.
It's not so much the deleting proof that needs to be changed, it's the perm ban. It's just ridiculous to get perm banned, as in most scenarios it's deleted unintentionally.

Simple, someone doesn't want to use their YT channel because they get harrassed (just using this as an example). So they delete their channel. People just delete their videos for the sake of it, and may accidentaly delete evidence. It's a stupid rule, and I doubt it's being enforced. I may be wrong however, don't hesitate to correct me.

Also, there should be a rule that states all proof uploaded via YouTube must be unlisted. I had to get informed by a mod to change report evidence to unlisted. It may seem obvious, but if you have evidence of a hacker and you want to report them ASAP, you don't really pay attention to minor details like that.

Great thread. I love the ideas! :)


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
It's not so much the deleting proof that needs to be changed, it's the perm ban. It's just ridiculous to get perm banned, as in most scenarios it's deleted unintentionally.

Simple, someone doesn't want to use their YT channel because they get harrassed (just using this as an example). So they delete their channel. People just delete their videos for the sake of it, and may accidentaly delete evidence. It's a stupid rule, and I doubt it's being enforced. I may be wrong however, don't hesitate to correct me.

Also, there should be a rule that states all proof uploaded via YouTube must be unlisted. I had to get informed by a mod to change report evidence to unlisted. It may seem obvious, but if you have evidence of a hacker and you want to report them ASAP, you don't really pay attention to minor details like that.

Great thread. I love the ideas! :)
It says that YouTube evidence must be unlisted in the report abuse template/guide

Damien // Teepwn

No it is never okay to delete the evidence, even after a month, what if the user who was banned opens a ban dispute? if there is no evidence they get pardoned.
I do understand where you're coming from, but as Mooclan and myself said, what happens if you accidentally/forget you have evidence of someone breaking rules on your channel and you delete it? It's crazily off balanced if you get permed for something like that but only 7 days for hacking.

Also, what about tempbans? If said user gets banned from your evidence for say, 3 days and then a month later you unknowingly delete the evidence for their ban. Does that qualify for a permban even though the user is now unbanned?

Even if the rule stays, I feel it has to be changed and explained in further detail. Especially, because you're dealing with permanent bans here.


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
I do understand where you're coming from, but as Mooclan and myself said, what happens if you accidentally/forget you have evidence of someone breaking rules on your channel and you delete it? It's crazily off balanced if you get permed for something like that but only 7 days for hacking.

Also, what about tempbans? If said user gets banned from your evidence for say, 3 days and then a month later you unknowingly delete the evidence for their ban. Does that qualify for a permban even though the user is now unbanned?

Even if the rule stays, I feel it has to be changed and explained in further detail. Especially, because you're dealing with permanent bans here.
Yeah you are right that could definitely use a bit of tweaking.

Damien // Teepwn

Okay, reviving this thread slightly as it needs to be brought to more attention. The rule of deleting evidence really needs to be changed now. Cscoop has been recently perm-banned for this (watch his video here). I'n not trying to make a ban dispute for him, but its an example that the rule is ridiculous.

This rule needs to be brought to serious attention and seriously needs to be rethought. Does taking helpful members of the community who go out of the norm to try cleanse MCSG of hackers and toxic person help the community in any way, shape or form? No, didn't think so.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
Since this has basically become a thread about permabans for deleting evidence, I'll give my opinion. That rule would be better off changed. One big reason is how risky it is to send in evidence. With this added to the risk of getting wrongly banned for gamma (which has happened to me before) it almost doesn't feel worth it sending it in.

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