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SURVIVAL GAMES Infinitely horrifying EU problems

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Dec 23, 2012
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Firstly, there are 2 enormous problems which have been around for over a month each. The first of these is the random lag-back which none of the other servers have... And the second of these problems is the amount of ghosting.

I will start off with the lag-back. Now, I DO NOT know why it hasn't been fixed yet, after so many people so rightfully complained... But I think that this issue is REALLY annoying. I don't know what it is, although it might be MCSG's NCP still trying to stop BSM, but when you hit someone, if you continue sprinting, it will teleport you back after you run for just a few blocks. This has cost many people their lives on numerous occasions, and should really be fixed ASAP.

The second problem, ghosting, is even more severe and annoying than the first. I, personally, ghost at least every 3-5 minutes with no exceptions. I don't know why, but most of these occur when I go into a fight. Now, I have absolutely no idea how this issue is still here if it is so severe and has been around for so long. I can only presume that seeing as most of the Admins live in the US, or AU, they don't care enough about EU servers. But seriously, this issue is even worse than the hackers...!

I hope that both of these are fixed some time in the near future, because they are making gameplay intolerable, and a lot of people are quitting to the Hive, and probably a lot more will do if the issue is not fixed very soon.​


Apr 15, 2012
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We have just recently moved our EU datacenter again because of the unsolvable issues we were having. We do know right now that the servers are still laggy and ghosting during peak and are working to resolve this issue.


Apr 4, 2014
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This issue has been getting more and more annoying over the course of today. The past 5 games that I've played were unplayable, just like the ones before.

I walk for a minute, and get teleported to the spawn point. I can't open spawn chests due to connection issues, and I somehow die or catch on fire (out of nowhere) all the time due to all the lag.

Get off your crappy Xeon E5 machines from OVH and get a decent network for once.

EDIT: Did I mentioned that this cost me +/- 3000 points already?


Mar 19, 2013
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Get off your crappy Xeon E5 machines from OVH and get a decent network for once.

EDIT: Did I mentioned that this cost me +/- 3000 points already?
That is not needed. I do agree though that the ghosting is awful, sometimes disconnecting and ghosting for 20+ seconds. Do you have any more updates on the state of EU kpwn243 ?


Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
That is not needed. I do agree though that the ghosting is awful, sometimes disconnecting and ghosting for 20+ seconds. Do you have any more updates on the state of EU kpwn243 ?
EU has been a fickle region for us for some interesting reasons. To reply to astroskillz the E5 systems we have are not crappy but great systems that can handle more than our last servers in Amsterdam. Also, what you don't understand is that all of Europe has great capability to have amazing internet but it seems that the ISP's in Europe do not like bandwidth hogging services. This is precisely why we had issues in Amsterdam. The servers were just fine but the ISP's which are completely out of our control throttled our services because of the amount of data that Minecraft uses per minute. We moved to OVH because they are hosting other game services already and the ISP's that provide bandwidth to OVH understand what they are hosting.

Edit: Also, just complaining about losing points and saying you ghost "all the time" is not going to help us diagnose what is going on with the system. If you want to help provide us with traceroutes when you are ghosting the most. If you don't know how to do a traceroute just google it as there are plenty of guides.

To reply to Chobski we are getting ready to load balance the systems in EU but we are a little short handed because Subv3rsion and Justin are in Phoenix working at the datacenter. I will keep you updated as we get more information.
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