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In Need Of A Decent Computer With Good FPS


Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
My budget is $1000 and I want to get a good computer with good FPS (200-300). Yet i don't know which specs i should get. Does anyone know a good build?I also want to run shaders with it.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Erisyuka pls halp. I tried looking at your recent posts but your profile won't load for me. :'c


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
I'll try to help, I have two other people I haven't gotten back to about building a machine. Ill comment with more info in a bit.
Answer these questions
Few questions:
  • What country are you in?
    • This can affect where you buy the parts, there are trusted places besides Amazon that have really good prices on parts
  • What is your budget?
    • (Give as close to exact price as possible)
    • Does this price include the mouse, keyboard, speakers, and monitor?
  • Are you going to edit videos, if so what program?
    • (this affects which graphics card will be more beneficial.)
    • (Sony Vegas = Nvidia, Adobe Premier = AMD, else = not sure)
  • Do you need wifi on this machine or are you able to use ethernet?
  • Preference between Windows 7 or 8.1?


Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
I'll try to help, I have two other people I haven't gotten back to about building a machine. Ill comment with more info in a bit.
Answer these questions
Few questions:
  • What country are you in?
    • This can affect where you buy the parts, there are trusted places besides Amazon that have really good prices on parts
  • What is your budget?
    • (Give as close to exact price as possible)
    • Does this price include the mouse, keyboard, speakers, and monitor?
  • Are you going to edit videos, if so what program?
    • (this affects which graphics card will be more beneficial.)
    • (Sony Vegas = Nvidia, Adobe Premier = AMD, else = not sure)
  • Do you need wifi on this machine or are you able to use ethernet?
  • Preference between Windows 7 or 8.1?
I Live in the USA~ Florida. My budget is $1000, including mouse, speakers, keyboard, and monitor. I am not going to do a whole lot of editing. I will only edit videos and such. I do need WiFi for this machine. I prefer Windows 7.

  • What country are you in? USA~ Florida
    • This can affect where you buy the parts, there are trusted places besides Amazon that have really good prices on parts
  • What is your budget? $1000
    • (Give as close to exact price as possible)
    • Does this price include the mouse, keyboard, speakers, and monitor? Yes
  • Are you going to edit videos, if so what program? I am not going to be editing a whole lot but just a little for videos and such.
    • (this affects which graphics card will be more beneficial.)
    • (Sony Vegas = Nvidia, Adobe Premier = AMD, else = not sure)
  • Do you need wifi on this machine or are you able to use ethernet? I need wifi.
  • Preference between Windows 7 or 8.1? Windows 7
    • (8 is faster and overall just better in this scenario, you can just get a really good start button add on for $5, I have one)
Thanks For Your Help :)


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Best Buy stopped selling Windows 7 in Washington state in favor of Windows 8. Yet that FPS chart someone posted on the forums shows that nearly every Win7 performs better than Win8 where Minecraft is concerned. Buying a computer over the Internet really is sketchy. Yes I know how to build a computer (I'm a web design major for God's sake - they had to teach us the basics). I just would rather, call me lazy, buy a fully formed Win7 desktop that I seriously just have to pop together in about 5 minutes.

The Windows 8 and Windows Vista laptops ain't cuttin' it. Plus, one of them had a mercury lamp break (the Vista) and the other one's picked itself up something nasty that Malwarebytes File Assassin can't remove since it burrowed into my hard drive and created several new alias files.


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
What's wrong with your other computer? I can understand that you want a new one if you used to get like 30 fps but one with 150 fps is pretty good. My advice if that you pay 200$ on a graphics card (my 100$ graphics card runs 125 fps) and install at least 4 gigs of ram (I don't know how much that would cost) but make sure you get a good bargain ;)


Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
What's wrong with your other computer? I can understand that you want a new one if you used to get like 30 fps but one with 150 fps is pretty good. My advice if that you pay 200$ on a graphics card (my 100$ graphics card runs 125 fps) and install at least 4 gigs of ram (I don't know how much that would cost) but make sure you get a good bargain ;)
Well that is exactly why. I get unstable fps and my average is around 40-60:confused:


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Yet that FPS chart someone posted on the forums shows that nearly every Win7 performs better than Win8 where Minecraft is concerned.
Is this Windows 8 and 7 comparisons on the same machines? because if it's just grabbing numbers from a bunch of people based on OS than that chart would be inaccurate.
I have no idea whether this is true for Minecraft specifically or not, but overall Windows 8 does have proven performance enhancements, this is a fact.
Yes I know how to build a computer (I'm a web design major for God's sake - they had to teach us the basics).
I don't think being a web design major has anything to do with building computers, not sure why they'd teach you that.
The Windows 8 and Windows Vista laptops ain't cuttin' it. Plus, one of them had a mercury lamp break (the Vista)
Yes, it's the OS' fault the lamp broke.

Plus, if you get the service packs for Vista, a lot of the issues go away and it's close to Windows 7, same with 8, just update to 8.1
the other one's picked itself up something nasty that Malwarebytes File Assassin can't remove since it burrowed into my hard drive and created several new alias files.
As long as you aren't careless you won't get a virus, I run all my machines with no anti-virus, and windows defender disabled, and don't install any Windows security updates. On top of that I'm not scared to install random stuff off the internet. No viruses, ever.

Sorry if this post comes off sounding bad, I just had to address it.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Can someone else help picking the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers? I don't know anything about that stuff.

I will say this though, hold off on getting fancy/expensive keyboard and mouse until later, you can get those in the future, more important to get better parts, so that way you won't have to go upgrading them sooner.


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Is this Windows 8 and 7 comparisons on the same machines? because if it's just grabbing numbers from a bunch of people based on OS than that chart would be inaccurate.
I have no idea whether this is true for Minecraft specifically or not, but overall Windows 8 does have proven performance enhancements, this is a fact.

I don't think being a web design major has anything to do with building computers, not sure why they'd teach you that.

Yes, it's the OS' fault the lamp broke.

Plus, if you get the service packs for Vista, a lot of the issues go away and it's close to Windows 7, same with 8, just update to 8.1

As long as you aren't careless you won't get a virus, I run all my machines with no anti-virus, and windows defender disabled, and don't install any Windows security updates. On top of that I'm not scared to install random stuff off the internet. No viruses, ever.

Sorry if this post comes off sounding bad, I just had to address it.
I majored in CS first because my university has a web development program in CS and a web & database management major in the IT department. CS was the one that had me take apart and put together computers (desktop- I learned how to take apart my laptops from Youtube as a high school sophomore). CS 112 was a general CS class where it was your generic "now this is a CPU, this is your GPU, etc." class. The 200 level CS classes were more for writing code for web-based projects. I switched to an IT major this past fall when I realized it was less math heavy, more into business and public relations, and still had a web design choice.

No, this chart had all the average FPS stats for different OS. It wasn't just a comparison between Win7 and Win8. That's all I was interested in.

No, I wasn't blaming my OS for the lamp breaking. I was home on a weekend and my mother tried to grab the laptop and it fell. Yes, I'm twenty years old and still don't have an apartment. It's college still hmph. :/

Anyways, on to the next thing, there's a gaming review site that I believe was what I got in trouble from. I tend to get careless with my computer's internal health since I have Malwarebytes and MBAM is god. If I found anything out of the ordinary, I'd usually just use MBAM's File Assassin feature or go to the root directory and delete the offensive file(s). It's the files that magically reappear five seconds after you delete them (NO I AM *NOT* DELETING SYSTEM FILES OR PROCESSES IN TASK MANAGER) that are most likely the problem.

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