It would depend on what happened after I died.
First of all, would anything happen to my loved ones for things that I did before dying?
Would I go to heaven/hell for what I did? Would I go to heaven/hell at all?
Assuming there is no form of afterlife such as Nirvana, reincarnation, heaven/hell, etc., I'd do a whole bunch of crazy stuff. The main reason that people don't do crazy stuff all of the time is because they either don't have the money, or are afraid of how they'd be viewed, or just the repercussions, such as going to jail.
First of all, I'd rob something for money to do whatever else I wanted to do. Gotta have dat cash.
I'd buy my family a nice house, cars, pay off their bills, college, etc. and then use the rest of the money for myself.
Honestly, if this weren't a hypothetical situation, I would probably end up doing some really immoral stuff that I shouldn't go into because this is supposed to be a PG/PG-13 forum.