• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

If you are generally a fail at MCSG, and want a team, come here!


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
The name generally explains it, but I'm going to put a little more detail into it.
If you are usually a fail like me (I blame the lag), and you feel like a team would help make you a better winner, come here and submit an application!
I don't really have any requirements, but I'd like to know a bit about you if you want to join this team.

Co-leaders: me (TheMinecraftPerson) and ~Nayla~
Members: Rashirim
Chosen One

We are no longer accepting any applications as of today. Thanks to all who showed interest in joining.

Here's the application:

Minecraft name:
Skype name: (I generally prefer other communication programs, but everyone seems to use skype)
Do you have a mic or headset:
Age: (not required, but it'd be nice to know)
Why do you want to join:
Reigon you live in (us, au, or eu; us is preferred, that's where I am):
Suggestion for a good team name: (optional)

Thanks to anyone considering, hope I can see you on my team some day!

And please, trollers, refrain from spamming things about how much better you are than I am. NO ONE GIVES A S***

Thanks again, bye now!


Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Skype required= Bad
Swear in the thread= Bad
Title says FAIL at MCSG= Bad

I'm absolutely NOT a fail.

So sorry. Don't wanna join. :D
Skype actually helps with the communication of the team, it helps us if we end up lagging rlly badly in game and we dont see whats going on like in chat or anything. Swearing in the thread has become a part of the communication for teens in america.. its like a now commonly used language for us, its hard to control :p At least some people arent afraid to admit that they do fail.. not everyone is as amazing as they think they are.. sometimes dont come anywhere near close. Nobody asked you if u were fail or not, and she only wanted people who wanted to apply, not people who wanted to critisize on her post. Thanks for letting us know how u feel about the team, but it was never necessary to begin with. Thank You:)


Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
I wouldnt be completely sure, since im not in charge of the team, this app doesnt say its REQUIRED but its extremely useful, if not i could probably let the others know whatevers going on if they have problems with talking ok skype


Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft name:Hi_Guy68
Skype name:higuy68
Do you have a mic or headset:I'm gonna use my phone for Skype
Age:uuuu I'm not sure if I should
Why do you want to join:Bcuz I lov PVP I'm pritty good at it and I wanna help u guys win
Reigon you live in: I live in the us
Suggestion for a good team name:

Thanks to anyone considering, hope I can see you on my team some day!

And please, trollers, refrain from spamming things about how much better you are than I am. NO ONE GIVES A S***

Thanks again, bye now![/quote]


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft name:Hi_Guy68
Skype name:higuy68
Do you have a mic or headset:I'm gonna use my phone for Skype
Age:uuuu I'm not sure if I should
Why do you want to join:Bcuz I lov PVP I'm pritty good at it and I wanna help u guys win
Reigon you live in: I live in the us
Suggestion for a good team name:

Thanks to anyone considering, hope I can see you on my team some day!

And please, trollers, refrain from spamming things about how much better you are than I am. NO ONE GIVES A S***

Thanks again, bye now!
Thanks for wanting to help us out. Please understand that this is a fail team for a reason, so we will probably suck A LOT at first...
I understand you not wanting to give your age out... I'm pretty picky about that myself...
You do sound pretty good, so you're in I guess!

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