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I am Back


Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, In the past I said That I will not play on MCSG again, because of a moderator incident. A few months back I applied for moderator because I wanted to improve and help the community. I got to the interview stage, and found out that I made it far. I got to the interview room and they said, that I can not apply again, because I plagiarized a map. Well, I got really upset. When I plagiarized about a year ago, I did it because, I thought I would get far. But, if you read the moderator guidelines, you have to be 15 because of maturity. I was not mature when I turned 14. I thought I was cool, but really, I was not. I came back to MCSG, because I think I can improve myself and my actions. I am 15 years old, and I feel like that I can do better, and help out still. I want to show MCSG, that I can do right. I want to help a lot, so that I can have the ability to reapply again. If I have the ability to reapply again then that would mean the whole world too me. It wont be that easy, because remember I have to improve, and be active. I hope MCSG, will consider me having another shot at this. I believe I should have another chance is because, of a moderator who inspired me, which was @Soadamnix. I remember when we were both in the waiting room together, happy as could be. But we were nervous, and we would make up techniques to become less nervous. I had a great time with him. Right now were like BFFFFFFFS. But really, he is a great guy. I want to say thank you for inspiring me to get back for MCSG, and hopefully I can get my back to business, and maybe be able to apply for moderator again. I will really work hard for the servers, I will try hard for everything for MCSG. This is the only community that I am happy with, and the only one that will ever make me happier than a moose. Please MCSG, please except me for who I am, and the changes I have made. I do believe that I actually made big changes. While I was gone, I did nothing, and sat there and thought about, How I should not give up. I again thought how I might have the opportunity to apply again. So right now, I will make a commitment that I will stick with MCSG, and create a change. Thank you. And I also thank the following people who inspired me.


If I didn't get to al, I'm sorry. But thank you guys. I appreciate it.

Thank you!


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Pinnu and xray are pretty cool. :p

OT: I'm happy that you've matured and wish you the best. :)

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