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How to Spot Hackers!?!

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Dec 21, 2013
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As of late, there has been a recent rise in the call of "hax" Whether they're hacking or not, I aim to assist you in spotting them and successfully reporting these fiends.
This Thread is here to inform you and help you understand when someone is hacking, not to promote you into hacking yourself.
What are Hacks?
Hacks on minecraft are downloadable clients, giving advantages that a normal MineCrafter, using Vanilla, wouldn't be able to peform. On some servers, they are allowed, but here, on MCGAMER, all forms of hacks that provide advantages towards players are: BANNED.
Common Hacks within Clients
Kill Aura - Automatically hitting enemies, at a faster rate, or from a further distance, Kill Aura also give's it's user to hit from strange angles, etc. being able to hit people from contact on the sides, or even behind.
Nuke -
A griefing hack, it is what the title says, this hack peforms a "bomb" within a specified radius, breaking the blocks within.
Dolphin - Keeps players floating on water, or on some clients, allows them to travel in water.
Anti-Knockback - Disables the player from being moved when hit.
Criticals - Allows the user to perform criticals without jumping.
Aimbot - Automatically aims the user's cross-hairs towards the enemy, although it is quite useless at shooting enemies actively moving at long distances.
Flight - Allows the player to fly freely, although, it is bypassed on one certain map (I will speak no further on this one, as I do not want to bring ideas to hackers who are already unaware of this.)
Detecting these Hacks
Kill Aura :-
- Head's pivoting, when fighting a team, their head will face their most reason hostile opponent. - Hitting from strange angles.
- The Player trying to hit you from a strange amount of blocks away ( If a player was 6 blocks away (eg.) The hacker would attempt to hit them, cause of the reach hack, within the kill aura).
-The player being able to hit you, even if you try surprising them ( etc ) turning around and hitting them all of a sudden. (note, this is no proof of them hacking, they could just have God-Ping).
Your best chance of killing a player with Kill Aura, is by bowing them.
Dolphin :-
Travelling under water at a strange pace. ( Normally, it is just players flying in the water.) Criticals
If you have particles on, they will be peforming star hits on you (criticals). Be aware, criticals can only be performed when hitting on the way down from a jump, meaning if a person is hitting you and achieving stars without even jumping, they are then most likely using critical hacks.
The Rest seem Quite obvious.
If a member of staff feels this thread is too revealing, they have the right to close it down immediately.

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