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How to get better with a bow & arrow + Team fighting tactics


Dec 24, 2012
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When I first played MCSG, I was more involved in the "building" part of Minecraft, not so much fighting. I learned pretty quick.

Instead of constantly getting whooped on MCSG servers when I was first starting out, I decided to hone my skills on PvP servers (I recommend us.oc.tc hope it's OK that I posted an IP here?). Instead of focusing so much on my sword skills (Though I did spend a fair amount of time with that), I spent a lot of time using weapons that I call "equalizers" in a fight; the main ones for me are bow/arrows or flint and steels. These are weapons that can give you an advantage in a situation where at first glance you may appear to be outgunned.

And it's paid off! I'm almost at 150 wins, and I have won countless battles (Not to mention quite a number of deathmatch's) with my archery skills. For example: if a team of two charges you (With let's say the same type of sword, but slightly worse armor) here's what I do:

1. Try to find a good position first. I advise high ground/steep inclines, that way if you can hit them as they climb up, they will fall and take a bit of fall damage. Half a heart may not seem like much at the start of a battle, but man oh man, do you notice it when it's all you have left at the end of a fight.

2. Focus your attack on one of the two teammates. Like I said, if they're overall gear (One of them) is slightly/much worse than yours, try and shoot one of them as much as possible, thus creating a 1 vs 1 opportunity: you can fight (And hopefully finish) their teammate before they can re-generate too much health. This tactic of shooting one opponent works especially well if their armor isn't great. This strategy can avoid the typical 2 vs 1, where it's like a 2 on 1 handicap match; every time you think you have one guy finished, the other quickly "tags" in to take his place. When he gets low on health, the first guy gets back in the fight. In the long run, the team will win, if you even find yourself in this situation, running may be the best option, luring them to a trap may not be a bad idea.

3. If you do manage to kill one of the two, if you're low on health, run! If you're confident that you won't trip, try to regenerate enough health to kill the other teammate. If you cannot regenerate, but still have a decent amount of health (3-5 hearts) try and find another player. It may seem like a stupid idea, but chances are that the newly found player and the teammate may end up fighting each other, giving you a chance to run away, or for the more ambitious of us, try and kill the victor of the fight.

4. Burn any spare armor/weapons that you don't need. A pretty general rule, that I'm sure lots of people have mentioned before, but it could be the difference between you getting that diamond sword/iron chestplate, if you free up some slots in your inventory!

Thanks for reading everyone, be sure to leave a comment below if you have any feedback/other ideas. I will be posting a new thread on team battles soon, so stay tuned for that! Hope this helps!


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