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How to catch a hacker


May 25, 2013
Reaction score
So are you ever playing MCSG and get in a fight with a hacker, but have no way to get him/her banned? Well I'm going to tell you how to catch a hacker.

Step 1: You are going to need a simple recording device, you can get one at http://www.bandicam.com/. If your computer isn't fit for recording, make sure you have minecraft in it's windowed form, and set to a very low render distance. Having it in windowed form really helps a lot.

Step 2: You are going to need something to edit and share these videos that you take, and I'll get to how you take them and what to look for in just a bit. The program I use to edit and share my videos is Camtasia Studio, you can get it here: Camtasia Studio. If you don't know how to use this, you could ask me how, or google it. Sorry, this is how to catch a hacker not how to use Camtasia. (But I will tell you that you can upload the video to youtube straight from Camtasia Studio, but Windows Movie Maker also works.;))

Step 3: Knowing what hacks look like.
Forcefield: Forcefield is also known by the name Kill Aura, what it does is basically hits anything that is around the player using it. In some cases, it also increases peoples reach distance. If someone is fighting two people at once and hits both at the same time while only facing the one, it's forcefield. If they are in a chest and hit someone, it's forcefield. If they are standing still and someone comes up behind them and they hit the person behind them while facing forwars, it's forcefield.
Bowhacks: Bow hacks can range from automatically aiming on people to being able to shoot arrows at a faster speed. If you see someone shooting arrows very quickly and far without pulling back, its bowhacks, if they can shoot someone with extreme accuracy at a quickspeed, they're either awesome at pvp or using bowhacks, that one isn't always good evidence.
Sprint Hacks: Sprint hacks allow a person to sprint without tapping the movement button twice. It can also allow them to sprint faster. If someone is climbing a hill and always has particles at their feet even though they hit the blocks in front of them, it's sprint hacks. If someone easily catches up to another person while they are both sprinting multiple times, it's sprint hacks.
Step Hacks: With step hacks someone can climb a block without having to jump. Short and sweet.

Step 4: When to record.
If you have a good enough computer that can handle playing and recording at the same time, by all means, record all the time. But if you don't have such a great computer, and someone kills you with hacks, then put your minecraft in windowed mode and start recording, you can do /spec (playername) to get to the player who killed you and watch him. Look for the things in step 3.

Step 5: I was just joking about not teaching you how to use Camtasia bro, don't worry.
So I guess I'll make a quick tutorial about how to use Camtasia. (I recorded this with Camtasia's recording device because I only use Bandicam for games.) ((This is such a basic tutorial on camtasia it's not even funny, there is a lot more you can do with it than this.))

Step 6: How to report someone on the forums.
So you will obviously want to be logged in on the forums, and then go here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/forums/report-abuse/ you will then click post new thread. Just follow the form they give you, ingame name, reason, proof. Your proof will be your video, to put this on the thread, have your insertion point where you want your video to be, and press the media button in your font box thing. You know what I mean.. And then make this your video's url or embed link.

This was my first tutorial don't yell at me too much, but some feedback is okay.:)

I literally had a mini heart attack because I just got done typing the line above and a new chrome window opened on my computer and I thought it was this page changing -.-


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
This helped in the last 2 days ice been encountering alot of hackers .. In breeze sum guy was running across water also he didnt take damage and when he shifted he wouldnt move


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I've seen a lot of threads like this, but good regardless...


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Yes, thank you for those examples of hacks. I know can tell people that I legit am not hacking without a recording device.

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