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How Much is Enough McGamer

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Apr 5, 2015
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Okay, so I'm not one to usually be making these kinds of threads; or threads at all for that fact, but there is a very urgent matter that this community has to adress.
The amount of closet cheaters in this community and especially in the leaderboard is waaaay out of control. It's gotten to a point where a new no cheat isn't "bothering the devs with useless work" anymore. If these devs are so high and mighty coding a no cheat that could stop autoclickers and simple kill aura should be pretty simple, should it not? An interesting statistic about 2/5's of the top 200 use/have used an illegal modification to enhance gameplay.
This community, in all honesty, is dying out. Mcgamer's "well seasoned" staff team is supposedly working on ways to revitalize the community; but why are they not working. I'm not one to call specific people out so I won't go there. But imo McGamer staff team need to set up some priorities, there are countless cases of moderators who have been in this community for an amount of time that can be counted on your fingers as weeks. Now that's not right, just because someone is "mature" and can write a decent application doesn't make them fit to moderate this community. These mods are usually the people that end up falsely banning people, abusing powers, etc. Even if Mcgamer is in need of staff this shouldn't be acceptable. As well, I was looking at who got promotions and I came to a realization there are some moderators in this community that heavily deserve a promotion but are pushed aside for 13 year olds that are good at dropping bans quickly. For instance Ceroria has made many great contributions to this community and I'm sure could make many, many more. He is in any way you see much deserving of some sort of promotion; but yet he gets brushed aside.
Back to closet cheating after seeing countless numbers of these threads with the same response "The admins have a lot of things to work on right now, I'm sure they will get to it in the future"
The first version of anticheat took 1 hour to code; it blocked semi advanced kill aura trigger and autoclicker. MasterGBerry and Archy are amazing devs, but if mcgamer dedicates one day to a decent no cheat the servers would become much more user friendly. Don't get me wrong though the sg plugin is amazing, the best out there. What kills the server is its third rate ncp, like an entity on a chest? Really? You realize even huzuni and flare bypass that. Not to mention half the mods do not understand the concept a ghost client; StrawberryJam(or whatever his ign is) for example was using a timer hack, blatantly in his vid. When exposed by Tene the staff said "There's no gui on his screen AND he froze in the other guy's recording". There a clients that are completely undetectable on even badlion and kohi that 90% of high elo players use; the least mcsg could do is code a no cheat that stops huzuni...
A quote from 4non "It's not the server that's the problem; the actual SG is amazing. It's the whole infrastructure; the staff, and the priorities of the dev team"
Don't give me that "They're very busy" bull crap either, if 2 devs can code a anticheat 100x better than the one we're using right now then out dev team can put aside a fancy sidebar for a day and code a decent anti cheat.

There's honestly something wrong if thenexusmc can stop an autoclicker but we can't.


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Okay, so I'm not one to usually be making these kinds of threads; or threads at all for that fact, but there is a very urgent matter that this community has to adress.
The amount of closet cheaters in this community and especially in the leaderboard is waaaay out of control. It's gotten to a point where a new no cheat isn't "bothering the devs with useless work" anymore. If these devs are so high and mighty coding a no cheat that could stop autoclickers and simple kill aura should be pretty simple, should it not? An interesting statistic about 2/5's of the top 200 use/have used an illegal modification to enhance gameplay.
This community, in all honesty, is dying out. Mcgamer's "well seasoned" staff team is supposedly working on ways to revitalize the community; but why are they not working. I'm not one to call specific people out so I won't go there. But imo McGamer staff team need to set up some priorities, there are countless cases of moderators who have been in this community for an amount of time that can be counted on your fingers as weeks. Now that's not right, just because someone is "mature" and can write a decent application doesn't make them fit to moderate this community. These mods are usually the people that end up falsely banning people, abusing powers, etc. Even if Mcgamer is in need of staff this shouldn't be acceptable. As well, I was looking at who got promotions and I came to a realization there are some moderators in this community that heavily deserve a promotion but are pushed aside for 13 year olds that are good at dropping bans quickly. For instance Ceroria has made many great contributions to this community and I'm sure could make many, many more. He is in any way you see much deserving of some sort of promotion; but yet he gets brushed aside.
Back to closet cheating after seeing countless numbers of these threads with the same response "The admins have a lot of things to work on right now, I'm sure they will get to it in the future"
The first version of anticheat took 1 hour to code; it blocked semi advanced kill aura trigger and autoclicker. MasterGBerry and Archy are amazing devs, but if mcgamer dedicates one day to a decent no cheat the servers would become much more user friendly. Don't get me wrong though the sg plugin is amazing, the best out there. What kills the server is its third rate ncp, like an entity on a chest? Really? You realize even huzuni and flare bypass that. Not to mention half the mods do not understand the concept a ghost client; StrawberryJam(or whatever his ign is) for example was using a timer hack, blatantly in his vid. When exposed by Tene the staff said "There's no gui on his screen AND he froze in the other guy's recording". There a clients that are completely undetectable on even badlion and kohi that 90% of high elo players use; the least mcsg could do is code a no cheat that stops huzuni...
A quote from 4non "It's not the server that's the problem; the actual SG is amazing. It's the whole infrastructure; the staff, and the priorities of the dev team"
Don't give me that "They're very busy" bull crap either, if 2 devs can code a anticheat 100x better than the one we're using right now then out dev team can put aside a fancy sidebar for a day and code a decent anti cheat.

There's honestly something wrong if thenexusmc can stop an autoclicker but we can't.
Your not wrong man! The devs are lazy and pathetic! Ye fine they have the best SG code no doubt but they can't even bother to make a decent Anti-Cheat and that ruins SG because the chances of beating a hacker is 1/100 and that is dam low! Devs/Admins/Owners/Mods need to step there game up, I'm sick and tired of complaining on teamspeak to mods and they say "Don't Poke Me" like your a mod do your fing job! You are useless and all of them saying! JUST STEP UP!


Aug 10, 2015
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I see your point, Here is my point.

You Code a server that lasts for 3 years.
That Has community.
That has a well build staff team.
That has a custom anti-cheat. (not the crappy one ya can download form bukkit.)
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Mar 2, 2015
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Lets get something straight, you say we don't have a no cheat type thing, but in reality we do, it may not be the best but including what our staff team has done, today we've made close to 750 punishments, I don't know how many were hacker bans, but I can bet there was a lot! Yes, we do need a lot more hacker bans, but you know how hard it is to catch a hacker, its insanely hard, we have a long process before we can actually ban them. Please do not go out there criticizing our staff team we do work hard, some work harder then other but, we do work hard! It is hard to fulfill a staff position but we do our best a use a up a lot of our time helping people out.


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
I see your point, Here is my point.

You Code a server that lasts for 3 years.
That Has community.
That has a well build staff team.
That has a custom anti-cheat. (not the shitty one ya can download form bukkit.)
I don't think you see mine, the staff team has issues that I steered away from so this thread wouldn't get locked. But have you recently visited other big networks? McGamer has the worst anti cheat in the big 4 (I'll list these below) higher pvp communities. You can't say it's a good anti cheat just because it's custom coded. It's literally an entity that spawns over you when you're in a chest. You understand the only client that you get with that is flare and some clients with multi aura? When almost half of the top 200 and 60% of the top 50 have history of using illegal modifications we obviously need a decent anticheat. We have no autoclicker detection, we have no higher client detection (smooth aim, etc) we have a faulty ncp that triggers regular players more than it does actual hackers. It's not hard to code an ncp that roots out the obvious clients. The problem is this community needs a anti cheat like kohi and badlion because of all the closet cheaters


Sep 29, 2014
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Lets get something straight, you say we don't have a no cheat type thing, but in reality we do, it may not be the best but including what our staff team has done, today we've made close to 750 punishments, I don't know how many were hacker bans, but I can bet there was a lot! Yes, we do need a lot more hacker bans, but you know how hard it is to catch a hacker, its insanely hard, we have a long process before we can actually ban them. Please do not go out there criticizing our staff team we do work hard, some work harder then other but, we do work hard!
He was giving the developers some constructive criticism to help them make this server a better place. 60% of the "NoCheat Bans" were from people intentionally hitting the entity which spawns when ever you open a chest. The developers can do a lot more then they are currently doing, and giving constructive criticism is what can help the developers know what to work on. They say that they're busy most of the time and they have other priorities. What the bloody hell are they coding all the time they're "busy"? All Atu was saying (from what I can comprehend) is that the server needs a better nocheat and developers that work on features the community want (I know, the Solo SG Gamemode was one of the first times they've listened like this in ages).


Jul 7, 2015
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Lets get something straight, you say we don't have a no cheat type thing, but in reality we do, it may not be the best but including what our staff team has done, today we've made close to 750 punishments, I don't know how many were hacker bans, but I can bet there was a lot! Yes, we do need a lot more hacker bans, but you know how hard it is to catch a hacker, its insanely hard, we have a long process before we can actually ban them. Please do not go out there criticizing our staff team we do work hard, some work harder then other but, we do work hard! It is hard to fulfill a staff position but we do our best a use a up a lot of our time helping people out.
You might but most don't! 75% of the Au staff do jack when asked to by people!


Apr 5, 2015
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Lets get something straight, you say we don't have a no cheat type thing, but in reality we do, it may not be the best but including what our staff team has done, today we've made close to 750 punishments, I don't know how many were hacker bans, but I can bet there was a lot! Yes, we do need a lot more hacker bans, but you know how hard it is to catch a hacker, its insanely hard, we have a long process before we can actually ban them. Please do not go out there criticizing our staff team we do work hard, some work harder then other but, we do work hard! It is hard to fulfill a staff position but we do our best a use a up a lot of our time helping people out.
Sorry for double post, but please read the whole post before replying. The problem is not that there is no no cheat; it's that the no cheat given is something you can code with command prompt and a lunch break. Badlion banned over 2000 players a day with gcheatv1 which was again CODED BY 2 PEOPLE IN AN HOUR. It's not like our dev team is incapable. As for the staff team I will not get into an argument with you because of the amount of bias that will occur.


Apr 5, 2015
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My friend was muted for saying "That was an easy fight" and the moderator "couldn't reveal" why he was muted. The moderator refused to state how saying "That was an easy fight" is bypassing filter. My point? The moderators aren't helping us as much as they should. It's their job to help the community and when someone doesn't know how they are breaking a rule, the moderator should respond.
I understand your point and heavily agree with you, however, the staff bias towards statements regarding the performance of staff members in a negative manner will result in them locking the thread for "flame" please try to refrain as so they might actually do something about this.


Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
I understand your point and heavily agree with you, however, the staff bias towards statements regarding the performance of staff members in a negative manner will result in them locking the thread for "flame" please try to refrain as so they might actually do something about this.
alright, i'll edit that.
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