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How do you play the survival game?

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May 25, 2012
Reaction score
hey every one im new here and im just asking how do you play a game on here??


May 24, 2012
Reaction score
(Please someone, correct me if I'm wrong.. I'm new to these servers, only ones I played before them were just a couple random servers with the SG map)

There's not much in the way of rules as far as I know. Aside from the obvious, no cheating/hacks/etc. And you're only allowed to break leaves and mushrooms.

First, obviously. Find a server that's not full, and join it. Most likely you'll end up as a spectator that can fly around and watch. That'll be all you can do as a spectator. Once the game's over, everyone will be taken to a lobby building where they'll wait till the next round starts. When the round starts, the only thing you really have to do, is survive. Be the last one alive to win the round. There's chests in the center, you can choose to rush to them and try to get things out and not die, or run off into the world. There's hidden chests throughout the maps you can find to get items.

Seeing as you can't break blocks to make a crafting table or anything, there's some crafting tables and furnaces around the map you can use if you have the items needed to craft or cook something.

Whenever someone dies, you'll hear thunder. A nice way to know when someone dies obviously. You can also type in "/info" without the quotes and it'll tell you how many people are left as well as how many people are spectating, and how much time is left.(I believe all the servers have a 1 hour time limit).

If you die, you go into spectator mode where, as said, you can fly around and watch. You'll be invisible and not be able to interact with anyone or anything. All you can do is fly, and chat to other spectators. You can also left click to teliport to the other surviving players to help keep track of who's left and where everyone is.

Also worth noting, is if someone is willing, you can team up with someone during each round. Teams are allowed. But remember, you'll end up having to kill them in the end anyway. Only one person can win.

I have no idea if I missed anything or not. I'm sure other people will reply. There might also be some sort of FAQ or Wiki for this site/servers also that I didn't know about. (And if there isn't.. might I suggest someone make one with the kind of info I pointed out, plus more that I missed.)

Then again I could have completely misunderstood the question, and you simply wanted to know how to join a server. lol.
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